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-   -   What are YOU looking forward to??? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2384)

girl_dee 08-23-2012 06:01 AM

meeting two new clients today.

send more Universe, send more.

FeminineAllure 08-23-2012 06:09 AM

Good Luck Dee!!!
Sending you clients in abundance.

I look forward to having nothing to do for a little while. I am a care taker for a cancer patient who happens to be a really good friend. He goes to chemo today.

I also look forward to people winning my raffle items.

I look forward to sisters some day!

luv2luvgirls 08-23-2012 08:06 AM

Looking forward to back to school night tonight and then Monday morning school starts woooooooooo! I need a break :cheesy:

Teddybear 08-23-2012 08:41 AM

Hmmmm. I have a whole list of stuff.I'm looking forward to and I'm willing.to bet so is baby girl

1....the house being set up like we want it to be
2....camping in the new to us pop up
3....our love to continue to grow

cinnamongrrl 08-23-2012 10:11 AM

Im going to add on to Teddy's list! :P

Looking forward to....

A BED...a real bed with oodles of pillows...

My clothes in the closet....and out of bins/bags etc....

A day to do NOTHING....or to do something fun....a leisure day as it were....

The kitchen being in order....and the oven working so I can bake something....should the spirits move me...lol

CAMPING! definitely...im SO there babe ;)

And as ever...curtains in the living room. A house just isnt a home without curtains.....IMHO :bunchflowers:

Lastly...going back to school...gotta get my butt out there before the semester starts... :|

Teddybear 08-23-2012 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by cinnamongrrl563 (Post 637509)
Im going to add on to Teddy's list! :P

Looking forward to....

A BED...a real bed with oodles of pillows...

My clothes in the closet....and out of bins/bags etc....

A day to do NOTHING....or to do something fun....a leisure day as it were....

The kitchen being in order....and the oven working so I can bake something....should the spirits move me...lol

CAMPING! definitely...im SO there babe ;)

And as ever...curtains in the living room. A house just isnt a home without curtains.....IMHO :bunchflowers:

Lastly...going back to school...gotta get my butt out there before the semester starts... :|


I was trying NOT to overload the thead or ourselves

Sun 08-23-2012 12:57 PM

Looking forward
Just looking forward. To discovering, being enchanted, seeing a new future.

Forward is a great place to look because looking back has not served me well.

Also looking forward to the rest of my day off before a busy long
Weekend in a very hot kitchen at work.

Ginger 08-23-2012 03:03 PM

I'm looking forward to walking out of my lovely office and taking the elevator down to the quiet lobby and hoofing it up the sidewalk and racing down the stairs to the subway.

I'm looking forward to working out tonight and feeling my strong heart do its job well.

InkSlinger 08-23-2012 05:07 PM

Tomorrow, and whatever it brings.

UofMfan 08-23-2012 05:34 PM

My birthday!

Prudence 08-23-2012 05:52 PM

FOOTBALL.....Tennessee vs Arizona (preseason) in 9 minutes and counting down. Ok Arizona lets see what ya got.

spritzerJ 08-23-2012 06:27 PM

Tomorrow... picking up The General and heading to see our gy! There is a folk festival and a short weekend before we start our school year visitation regimen.

I am going to unwind in the car on the drive and try to put work out of my mind and just have a blast.

CA_BabyCakes 08-23-2012 06:41 PM

Looking forward to going to Disneyland tomorrow night with my kiddos!!
Looking forward to going to see Cinderella at the El Capitan on Sunday with my kids and family!!
Looking forward to starting my last year at my current college on Monday and then moving on to a new University!!


SoulShineFemme 08-23-2012 07:12 PM

Sept 22nd. The day I get back home to my Honeybear.

Soon 08-23-2012 08:03 PM

Hopefully, Ven being handed his ass on Project Runway in the next five minutes.

Dyke619 08-23-2012 08:11 PM

Pittsburgh Steelers vs Denver Broncos 09/09 @ 2020 on NBC


*Anya* 08-23-2012 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Soon (Post 637738)
Hopefully, Ven being handed his ass on Project Runway in the next five minutes.

Hey! Spoiler alert please! West coast here.


MissItalianDiva 08-23-2012 08:38 PM

Got the game Just Dance for my Xbox Kinect...this ought to be entertaining.

Soon 08-23-2012 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by *Anya* (Post 637768)
Hey! Spoiler alert please! West coast here.


CIJS, you will DIE! Outrageous!

Enjoy :)

stephfromMIT 08-23-2012 10:11 PM

My TA position starting after Labor Day.

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