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MysticOceansFL 12-30-2011 06:01 AM

The New Year ....................

JackMcGrath 12-30-2011 07:45 AM

Where shall I start? I guess I will jump on the bandwagon as well. the New Year.. full of promise... that has already begun. A New Year of love, happiness, peace and fulfillment. I want it all, and I am not afraid to do what it takes to get it.

JustLovelyJenn 12-30-2011 11:33 AM

Tomorrow... making party favors and hats and decorations with the kids... When I was younger and I used to babysit on NYE ever year... I always took a mobile party with me... We made everything... the getting ready was more then half the fun... My kids are old enough this year... and we are going to do it as a family that way... I am so excited.

TheDreadPirateRoberts 12-30-2011 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by JustLovelyJenn (Post 495032)
Tomorrow... making party favors and hats and decorations with the kids... When I was younger and I used to babysit on NYE ever year... I always took a mobile party with me... We made everything... the getting ready was more then half the fun... My kids are old enough this year... and we are going to do it as a family that way... I am so excited.

thats awesome!!!!! sounds like so much fun......when i was a kid...we never did any of that really....my best friend would stay the night and we'd watch the countdown and have treats...and maybe the party blowers....thats it...im sooo glad you get to pass on your creative spark :)

TheDreadPirateRoberts 12-30-2011 12:04 PM

im sooo looking forward to tomorrows NYE party with my fam....well different time zones = 2 parties...kinds...lol....either way....couldnt think of a better way to end one yr and kickoff another...perfect!

JustLovelyJenn 12-30-2011 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by TheDreadPirateRoberts (Post 495051)
thats awesome!!!!! sounds like so much fun......when i was a kid...we never did any of that really....my best friend would stay the night and we'd watch the countdown and have treats...and maybe the party blowers....thats it...im sooo glad you get to pass on your creative spark :)

I have sparkling cider too for the New Years Toast...

TheDreadPirateRoberts 12-30-2011 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by JustLovelyJenn (Post 495064)
I have sparkling cider too for the New Years Toast...

new yrs toast huh? *smiles* ...great idea....i should pick up some sparkling cider...and some sparkling grape juice too...

MissItalianDiva 12-30-2011 12:44 PM

2012! 2011 was a blessed year for me full of life lessons both hard and easy as well as a year of growth and self reflections so now I welcome 2012 as the year to apply all the lessons I have learned so I may grow even further as a person.

girl_dee 12-30-2011 12:59 PM

Volunteering and paying it forward in 2012

Soft*Silver 12-30-2011 06:58 PM

well just crap....

I hate being disabled.

Wet, cold, outdoors, standing...long hours...

I had to leave....

crap crap crap

I almost didnt go...thought it might be too much for me. Decided to go anyway. Now i wish I hadnt tried because its one more dashed dream...

oh well..onto the next dream...


Originally Posted by Miss_Tia (Post 494876)
tomorrow, I am going to be at a church in a wedding dress and I am going to have my make up done by a professional make up artist...sorta...

...and my mouth is going to be dislocated and I am going to have blood all over me and my eyes are going to be blackened out...

I am going to be an extra in a Zombie movie!

this is so exciting and I am wound tight! I cant wait to go and do this! How will I get any sleep??? OMG....

the make up artist is a special effects make up artist.

I promise photos!

JustLovelyJenn 12-30-2011 09:43 PM

a REAL massage...

... just not sure when... but I'm lookin forward to one... eventually

sylvie 12-30-2011 09:56 PM

-Ringing in 2012 with Him ♥
-Travelling to Oregon (again) in 61 days!!! (sooo...can't...wait!)
-Seeing my children when they get home tomorrow after a Christmas away with their father & his family... have sooooo missed them!

Kelt 12-31-2011 07:48 AM

Today and all of it's possibilities.

The new year to come and all of the good things that are already in place and starting to happen right now.

This is going to be good.


girl_dee 12-31-2011 09:41 AM

Our second New Year together complete with black eyed peas and cabbage, Cajun dinner for sure.

Celebrating one year of my collaring!

ONLY 12-31-2011 12:36 PM

Looking forward to a New Year.
Closing a "door" and opening up a great "big window" to let all the rays of new/continued beginnings....

Happy New Year Everyone :wine: Be safe and have fun ;)

girl_dee 12-31-2011 01:23 PM

New Year's Eve together!

Movies and snacks!!! Living on the edge we are!

TheDreadPirateRoberts 12-31-2011 04:30 PM

stayin up all night for the countdown with our kids....:)

midwest chick 01-01-2012 09:30 AM

Holding my first grandchild for the first time-----late February, or early March!!

Blade 01-01-2012 10:19 AM

Eating the traditional New Years dinner with my parents and watching football.

clay 01-01-2012 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 496145)
Eating the traditional New Years dinner with my parents and watching football.

hey Blade...Happy New Year, my friend! Me and gorgeous will be scouting out a sports bar to watch some football this afternoon..we both want Ravens to win and I want Giants to win...smiles

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