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November 2023....*does the happy dance*
Poshmark orders getting here.
J dropping off meds. Trip to the library. |
I don't know how this happened, but when you least expect it a breakfast date happens!
I have a friend coming to visit from Texas over the Christmas holidays. We just made a date to go to Disney in Orlando. Woohoo..it will be all decorated for Christmas. Super excited!!!
( just calculated..30 days away) |
tomorrow-hawaiian mac salad
Getting back on schedule.Been off for a week. I like structure in my life and getting back on schedule will help give me that.
my glasses broke right before Thanksgiving. I’m blind without my glasses! Somehow I was able to keep them on my face often on until today, when I have an appointment with my optometrist. They’re going to try and fix them for me! I am so looking forward to it!
I'm looking forward to seeing my family tomorrow. I've been planning to visit my mom and sister tomorrow, and I found out this week that my sister has invited the whole family for lunch. She's making some new soup recipe that she and my niece are crazy about (all I know is it involves three different cheeses and Rotel) and I am taking the cornbread. Tomorrow should be the perfect day for that kind of thick and creamy soup - we're expecting cold and clear weather. It will be so great to get to see everyone since I missed them at Christmas, which made me very blue at the time.
New Year New Adventures
2 concerts are on the books so far. I have 2 different friends from So Cali visiting. One is my bestie, she will be on business and she is going to let me crash in her room. We will investigate the gay bars for sure! High School reunion in California And , Nashville, baby! I'm sooo excited to have all these places to look forward to!! |
I'm looking forward to a trip to the mountains next week. We're going to Ellijay, apple capitol of Georgia. We'll be avoiding the tourist places except for one quick stop by the gift shop on the way out of town to buy some of the most delicious apple butter on the planet. We'll make a quick stop at the liquor store on the way into town, which is actually in a town called Ellijay East - I guess somebody didn't want a liquor store inside the city limits of Ellijay. Southern towns are funny that way. But let's face it, there's nothing much else to do in Ellijay besides drink all day, eat apples, and watch the sunrise and sunset from the balcony.
This will be Brittany's first out-of-town trip; it's just a few days, and we'll be staying in a house, so it will be a good first trip experience for her. She has a new travel crate all ready to go. I already know she'll be good in the car - she likes car trips. She'll enjoy running around on the mountain too; at least, as much running as she can do on a Flexi-lead. She'll also enjoy helping us eat snacks - that's the other thing we do while we watch sunsets and drink craft beer in the mountains. |
Camping with my wife at Jekyll Island, Ga in couple weeks or so!!
She hasn't ever been there!!! Enjoying some fresh, coastal seafood (oysters) |
I'm looking forward to going over to my home state to see my mom and siblings, this spring. I'm also looking forward to two awesome days off. There's nothing like having time to yourself to renew your perspective and enjoy life at your own pace (slowly, *lol*). :bow:
Meeting a dear friend who is passing thru Tampa. We are going to meet at a Cuban water side cafe in the History Center. I dont do into Tampa often, but I see an adventure with GPS.
Cigars, anyone??? And no alarm tomorrow. Yay. |
Knee surgery next month and I'm feeling good about it. I canceled the last time I had it scheduled (in 2021) because I just couldn't get my ducks lined up and it didn't feel right. It feels right this time and I got my ducks in a row so I'm going through with it.
My niece will come to stay with me for a few days and a friend will look in, too, but I think I'll manage pretty good pretty on my own. The muscles around my knees are pretty strong from riding for the last couple years so that helps. My other knee is scheduled to be replaced in late spring providing all goes well with this one. Lucky me. :bow: |
Keeping my fingers crossed for you. |
I need right one BUT got too much other stuff going on. I, too, have to lose weight for this heart stuff, going on, and it is NOT easy. Small steps. Doing lots of fish, veggies, legumes, fruit. Glad you have help, that will make all the difference, Orema. |
GARDENING!!!! All the seed catalogs are out!
What are YOU looking forward to?
Spring !!!!!!!!!!
This week..
Lunch with a friend A weekend get away with another friend I am not going to let life pass me by. |
-D.H. Lawrence * * * * * Looking forward to a breakfast date at 7 a.m. with my boi on Saturday. Hys work hours are crazy these days! - but we still find time to be together. |
Pecan waffles
Looking forward to….
…getting the bandages off the left knee tomorrow. I could take off some of the bandages today, but the PT wants me to wait till she’s here tomorrow. …in-home PT for this week. The doctor ordered it after I did so badly on the step. I haven’t tried the steps again. Am relectuant with one really bad knee and one recently replaced knee. I’m glad PT is in the home this week and then I’ll start PT at their facility the following week. …waking without the walker. I do it a bit now, but only about 30%. …getting on my bike again. I lost interest in the bike shortly before the surgery for some reason but I’m ready to put a mile or two on the speedometer again.. … getting the right knee fixed next month. Am anxious to have two knees without arthritis in those joints. |
I'm still looking forward to pecan waffles, because now that I've had them recently, I have a craving for them. I have a doctor's appointment Wednesday (ugh, definitely NOT looking forward to), and I'm going to have a pecan waffle afterwards as a reward. |
Going to visit my Mom and the fam in a couple of weeks. Baby Charlie is going to his first Easter egg hunt in the morning. My sister is making a big pot of soup for lunch, and I'm taking my famous cornbread. I'm also taking my famous dog, who hasn't yet been introduced to the family - or the other dog in the family. I'm anxious to see how Brittany will get along with another female dog, and also the baby. I'm taking her travel crate so she can have some alone time when she needs it. Also, the other dog lives downstairs with my niece and her fiancé, and we always visit upstairs when I go, so there will probably not be a lot of dog contact between the two. Should be an exciting visit! - but hopefully not too exciting.
Looking Forward to.
A visit from the little one and family. Its been far too long but the weather does not help when you are quite a ways away and traffic is super heavy.
River love ❤️❤️❤️
I’m down at the river today and day dreaming about boating on the river with my love. :stillheart:
In the short term: I got accepted into a genealogy class that is a big, big step to certification. We have the first assignment, and the first Zoom meeting in a couple weeks. I want to get off to a great start for this long haul (15 months!)
In the long term: vacationing in Michigan in September, touring Mackinac Island and Sault Ste Marie. In the even longer term: a cruise around England, Ireland and Scotland next summer after I finish the aforementioned class. |
Looking forward to.
Hoping the weather improves. I find it ok now that the snow is gone and the sun is out. I love going to the park and feeding the babies but I would like to see more of the ladies in the park. Seems they cant take the cold so well. I will wait. I want to do lots this summer and prefer not to do it alone. We shall see.
- Having a clean dog after her spa day tomorrow.
- Having a clean car after its spa day tomorrow. |
Dancing again.
A new season of Yellow Jackets!
Have been wondering what I’ll do with my new knees. I am so ready to hit the road and go to some summer festivals, but I’ve decided to stay home and unpack my garage. That’s the only place I still have boxes from the move. I know I have an InstaPot and an AirFryer packed away, lots of books, family photos (!) and who knows what else.
My little city has a city-wide garage sale in August. Hopefully, I’ll have everything unpacked in time for the garage sale and whatever is left over will be given away to the good will and the women’s center. Am also looking forward to getting a smiley face tattoo on each knee. Maybe. :bow: |
5 days off next week and retirement is getting closer. Still a ways off but I can faintly see the light
All times are GMT -6. The time now is 08:27 PM. |
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