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-   -   What are you having for dinner tonight? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=197)

RebelDyke 05-28-2020 07:09 AM

I am not sure.

It may be a chinese night

i could be wrong

C0LLETTE 05-28-2020 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by RebelDyke (Post 1268924)
I am not sure.

It may be a chinese night

i could be wrong

Having a Chinese friend over? Don't forget the social distancing thing. Use one of those lazy-susan things.

homoe 05-28-2020 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by C0LLETTE (Post 1268928)
Having a Chinese friend over? Don't forget the social distancing thing. Use one of those lazy-susan things.

A Lazy-Susan, not to be kinky but one of those could serve multiple purposes...:hangloose:

Stone-Butch 05-28-2020 09:32 AM

Trout and asparagus. Iced tea.

RebelDyke 05-28-2020 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by C0LLETTE (Post 1268928)
Having a Chinese friend over? Don't forget the social distancing thing. Use one of those lazy-susan things.

HAHA COLLETTE!!! i love the way you think.. .and yes.. I should used one of those lazy-susan things you kinky beastie!!! lmao... (because yanno...we are eating at the Y) :eatinghersheybar:

Orema 05-28-2020 04:08 PM

Chicken salad with too much chopped onions and crackers.

firegal 05-28-2020 04:16 PM

Left over from lunch burger dip with a lil cottage cheese.

GeorgiaMa'am 05-28-2020 05:44 PM

- baked ranch chicken
- mashed potatoes
- applesauce

Starfish 05-28-2020 08:22 PM

Vegetable soup and cornbread.

FireSignFemme 05-28-2020 09:11 PM

homemade potato salad

Stone-Butch 05-29-2020 01:43 AM

striploin steak and beet salad. Ice tea.

RebelDyke 05-29-2020 12:46 PM

well, i have been waiting for this weather to cool off before making chili again, but it's supposed to be 90 and over for the next week.

But the roomie seems to know what's for dinner... keeping me in the dark...sooo it's SURPRISE CASSEROLE!

GeorgiaMa'am 05-29-2020 05:21 PM

- ham sandwich
- applesauce
- oatmeal cookie

Orema 05-29-2020 06:26 PM

Frozen Lean Cuisine Lasagna but Fillipe’s Pizza is on my mind.

Bèsame* 05-29-2020 08:39 PM

Coconut chicken and shrimp. I made a dipping sauce of apricot preserves, a little mustard and Chinese 5 spice.
Strawberry and spinach salad with poppy seed dressing.

Gewürtztraminer wine..cheers!

RebelDyke 05-30-2020 04:40 PM

I think it will be thai tonight because the roomie has been accosting me with cleaning smells all morning!!!!

so, her apology is thai... lmao and toffifay :cigar2:

Stone-Butch 05-30-2020 04:53 PM

A load of chicken wings and homemade pasta salad. Ice tea.

Bèsame* 05-30-2020 05:45 PM

I've requested BBQ ribs. Corn on the cob and a strawberry banana cream cheese dish.

Cupcake and ice cream to follow :)

GeorgiaMa'am 05-30-2020 06:48 PM

- chicken salad sandwich
- applesauce
- oatmeal cookie

homoe 05-31-2020 05:30 AM

IF all goes as expected, I'm planning to have some re-heated Cloverleaf Pizza and a small salad..:eating:

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