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-   -   What are YOU looking forward to??? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2384)

Softquietfemme 10-20-2013 07:15 AM

I am looking forward to being moved in and settled again...

Today I am looking forward to the end of being a handy femme dinner a bubble bath and a quiet evening ...

mountainbikedyke 10-20-2013 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Soon (Post 855597)
...let's make that a hotel trip...and looking forward to it too! :)

Well, I still plan on pitching a tent! :boxers:

JustLovelyJenn 10-20-2013 11:09 AM

Halloween... and getting all the costumes I have been asked to alter finished.

Sweet Bliss 10-21-2013 08:58 AM

Clearing out useless crap to make room for important useless crap. :goodluck:

Scots_On_The_Rocks 10-21-2013 11:51 AM

The steampunk convention I am going to this weekend. Woo hoo!!

Cronopia 10-21-2013 03:45 PM

Having all my ex's stuff out of my house and her drunk texts to end. I am aiming for the end of the month.

ONLY 10-21-2013 05:27 PM

The day I can see my girl (f) again........

Soon 10-21-2013 05:30 PM

This weekend! :byebye:

Jar 10-21-2013 05:42 PM

My future... becoming who I can be ... for her

CA_BabyCakes 10-21-2013 06:44 PM

Looking forward to getting this psych midterm over tonight and having a short class so I can go home and rest with my kiddos :)

batennisboy 10-22-2013 08:57 PM

My week and a half off from work! 2.5 more days!

PoeticSilence 10-23-2013 01:34 AM

Tomorrow, if the weather holds out. I'm taking the wife out for a drive in the country. Hopefully we'll hit a small town along the way for lunch, and maybe see some beautiful foliage. If we have to get a motel room somewhere, I'm good with that too.

pajama 10-23-2013 05:49 AM

Seeing dee
Then Thanksgiving with chosen family, fur family, bio family, and My Lady.

*Anya* 10-23-2013 06:28 AM

What am I looking forward to?
Leaving my job.

There is no point in listing all of the reasons that it is a crazy-making place but it is.

Last minute projects that anyone could see should have been done correctly in the first place that have to be done right now and turned in two hours, as I getting ready to leave yesterday after a 9-hour, very intense day; only one example.

I gave 2.5 weeks notice a week ago and had felt guilty about not giving a month.

After yesterday's business: I wish I never had to go back.

I just do not need this shit at this point in my life.

I am so looking forward to leaving.


Kobi 10-23-2013 06:53 AM

The World Series starts tonight. God help anyone who thinks they need me after 8pm.

Smiling 10-23-2013 07:01 AM

I look forward to....
the day when I can walk out a door into my own backyard and proceed to pick a salad from the thriving vegetable garden I have growing there.

I can practically taste the goodness now. There is nothing that tastes so great as garden-fresh fruits and veggies!

Ahhhh....someday soon, I hope! I'm working on it, anyway. :)

Tommi 10-23-2013 08:03 AM

Returning to Disneyland as Annual Pass Holder's..:pirate-steer:

soooon as we can. :firetruck:

Bèsame* 10-23-2013 08:21 AM

oh what a magical place? I miss it the most about so Cali! I appreciate it more now that I'm older . Enjoy my friends!


Originally Posted by Tommi (Post 856622)
Returning to Disneyland as Annual Pass Holder's..:pirate-steer:

soooon as we can. :firetruck:

PinkieLee 10-23-2013 10:07 AM

I am looking forward to....

a trip to Austin with my boo in 2 weeks.

sipping on purple margaritas with friends!

seeing a dear friend that I haven't seen since the Dallas Bash in 2007 and getting a real life hug from her!!

Jar 10-23-2013 11:05 AM

The weekend and a road trip! :cheer:

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