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cinnamongrrl 10-20-2017 04:13 AM

My honey is coming back from Rhode island tonight

I'm having lunch (And a beer!) With my mom today after we do a job.

My honey's son, wife and grandson are visiting this weekend and I get to meet them all finally.

The upstairs room will get wired this weekend and hopefully insulated. I'm gonna learn how to do all that too. My honey is just so patient and teaches me everything :)

Kätzchen 10-20-2017 08:37 AM

For clear skies this weekend.....to see of any shooting stars can be seen.

The Orionid meteor showers will peak in the skies by Saturday or Sunday night....... :balloon:

Star light star bright,
First star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have this wish I make tonight.... :stillheart:


girl_dee 10-25-2017 04:41 AM

picking hym up at the airport! 9 days!

cinnamongrrl 10-25-2017 06:54 AM

Never thought I'd say this but...going to the hospital soonish.
Long story short, I hurt my knee wicked bad last night and I want to have it looked at asap. I can barely walk and I'm worried it will affect my new job (which won't start until November sometime)

clay 10-25-2017 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by cinnamongrrl (Post 1177157)
Never thought I'd say this but...going to the hospital soonish.
Long story short, I hurt my knee wicked bad last night and I want to have it looked at asap. I can barely walk and I'm worried it will affect my new job (which won't start until November sometime)

Oh no....let us know. Wishing for speedy recovery!

clay 10-25-2017 08:07 AM

My lunch date today......

clay 10-25-2017 08:15 AM

Spending this Thanksgiving with some incredibly beautiful people...learning their customs. I am excited....and can hardly wait to meet everyone....:|

CherryWine 10-25-2017 07:59 PM

I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight. :beddybye:

Chad 10-25-2017 08:05 PM

Looking forward
Friday I am having lunch with a dear friend of 25 years. :)

Tomorrow I get a free new to me dryer. Yay!

Orema 10-25-2017 08:33 PM

Good luck. I lost my refridgerator and vacuum over the weekend and the cost is killin’ me. I was supposed to have a fridge delivered today but they couldn’t install it because I don’t have a 1/4 inch valve behind the fridge and I’m probably stuck without a fridge for another week.

Time off. I’ve been hustling this year (like everyone else in my department) and some serious time off in November and December is lookin’ good.

The holidays. I get to be with her ... and talk to family for hours and hours. I’m one of the oldest people left in the family and the youngsters indulge me with long phone conversations on birthdays and holidays.

Halloween. I have a love/hate relationship with Halloween, but I’m diggin’ it this year. My work team’s theme is “Fast Food Rejects” and I’m a Zombie Starbucks Barista. I’ve got a cool costume and Annie is doing my makeup. Should be lots of fun.

Life is good.

JDeere 10-25-2017 08:44 PM

A game where the Astros actually hit the ball and win.

girl_dee 10-26-2017 06:50 AM

Hair cut:1femme:

C0LLETTE 10-26-2017 07:03 AM

When the last box is packed and moved.

AmazonDC 10-26-2017 08:14 AM

Getting off work at 4:30 and going home to My beautiful babygrl and getting some rest.. I feel like I am sick

FireSignFemme 10-27-2017 03:19 PM

Celebrate the unseen: Attend a Dark Matter Day event



Katniss 10-27-2017 04:00 PM

Going to see "Sleepy Hollow" tomorrow night. The play is put on by an interpretive theatre company. It's held outdoors and the audience walks from set to set through the woods. One set is the schoolhouse and we all sit on wooden benches as we have a music lesson. They even use a real black horse as he gallops across the bridge towards poor Ichabod. Frightfully well done!

Katniss~~(also hoping to get the winter pansies planted on Sunday...maybe)

girl_dee 10-28-2017 06:30 AM

my Mel’s visit happening very soon !! :bow:

my next massage.....

future plans.....

Gayandgray 10-28-2017 09:17 AM

Going to volunteer orientation this coming Friday at the SPCA

C0LLETTE 10-28-2017 10:06 AM

Going to a dance tonight and hoping i can keep pace with that 20-something DJ.

girl_dee 10-29-2017 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by C0LLETTE (Post 1177801)
Going to a dance tonight and hoping i can keep pace with that 20-something DJ.

let us know how it went!

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