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-   -   Do You Have Any Holiday Traditons? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=527)

Inuus 12-14-2009 01:49 PM

Do You Have Any Holiday Traditons?
I thought it would be nice to see what other people have for traditions over the holiday season.

Mine is pretty basic. I only make or buy presents for a very limited amount of people (was 5 this year), $$ being limited etc. So when I would like to do something for a co worker or someone Im not really close with but feel I would like to do something for them, I find out if they have dogs and make their dogs homemade treats/cookies.
I always ask first because I know some dogs are on special diets or their humans dont want them to have any type of treats(My dog would revolt!).
Its fun its easy and it gets me in the Holiday mood when sometimes I just dont want to be :)
I made the dog cookies today. The recipe I use is SO simple (trust me I hate to cook) and its not a huge mess to clean.

So what are your traditons? :)

Dean Thoreau 12-14-2009 03:00 PM

We have a bunch of family traditions but the one my children love the most is....Christmas Breakfast..... Fresh made belgian waffles, strawberries, and home made whipped cream......We all get up in the morning and while I cook the xmas breakfast ( the fire company is used to their annual call to our house) the kids (youngest is now 18 and they still do it) play with the little toys in their stockings....then after breakfast we open our gifts,,,one gift at a time, one person at a time...(takes hours with this big family).

My favorite tradition is before Christmas we go and get a bunch of those Christmas wish tags...that some banks and stores have so you can get presents for little kids whose parents are going thru a difficult financial time. It is so much fun to buy for kids....even with all the kids we have... and now granchild.....
It always makes the holdiay time special, wife and I set aside a day without any of our kids or work and go present shopping for our wish kids....then come home and wrap them all up as fancy as we can, and slip in lots of extra's and then take them to the bank or store and drop them off. We feel like Santa and Mrs Claus...and have been doing it for 28 years now. :santa1:

daisygrrl 12-14-2009 04:05 PM

just a few...
Every year, I send out Christmas cards to my best friends & those I love. I really enjoy doing it--it may sound silly, but I really adore writing person notes in each one of them!

Decorating the Xmas tree with Mom is always one of the highlights; since Christmas is her favorite holiday, I have a blast making her happy.

Oh, and this year, I had the wonderful experience of cooking Thanksgiving dinner for my Honey--I hope this becomes a regular tradition :awww:

apretty 12-14-2009 04:09 PM

festivus: we air our grievances at xmas dinner. :thanksgiving:

Hudson 12-14-2009 05:32 PM


I've enjoyed a good punch or two.

No, not to drink!


MsDemeanor 12-14-2009 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by apretty (Post 21487)
festivus: we air our grievances at xmas dinner. :thanksgiving:

:giggle: :superfunny: :cracked:

I used to have lots of traditions, but I've set most all of them all by the wayside. I do still ship off about 20 lb of home-baked cookies and quick breads to my family.

I mostly just hope that January gets here soon.

Diva 12-14-2009 07:33 PM

I did not grow up with a heavy holiday tradition. Once I became a teenager, if the tree went up, it was because I put it up. Christmas was just not a big deal.

So, when I married, my 'new family' introduced me to just how wonderful Christmas could be. It was amazing! The food.....the gifts.....the deocrations.....

And I kept that alive after the marriage.....my girls each had their own tree growing up, along with our family tree.....we had favorite dishes which were expected on the table ~ Aunt Olive's Raspberry Surprise, my former mother~in~law's dressing, corn pudding........stockings filled with all manner of things, from nuts to stationary,to silly things......and special ornaments for each of us each year ~ some I made.

This year will be interesting as my "baby" won't be coming home for Christmas this year. But that tree is up, by God! ;)


blush 12-14-2009 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by apretty (Post 21487)
festivus: we air our grievances at xmas dinner. :thanksgiving:

This year we're adding the Feats of Strength at our house!

Corkey 12-14-2009 08:23 PM

We set up the tree at thanksgiving, we go to one of my wife's family for dinner, mine have passed. There is almost always a political conversation, that goes nowhere.
We dance beneath the tree, hard to do, but we accomplish it anyway.
We put gifts under the tree, the cat plays with the tree skirt til she gets told she's banned from doing so, doesn't stop her but slows her down a mite.
We have the holiday music going.
She bakes tons of goodies.
Ahhhhhh life is good.
There is more, but my wife gets her turn.

always2late 12-14-2009 08:58 PM

For my family, Christmas Eve is the bigger celebration. We all get together and eat the "seven fishes" (Italian tradition). My parents also have an angel tree-topper that is older than I am. When my brother and I were kids, we used to take turns each year putting the angel on the tree. Now that we are older with children of our own, my parents have carried on that tradition between my son and my two nieces. The kids get a big kick out of it waiting for their "year". Once the angel is on the tree it is officially the beginning of Christmas. :)

Inuus 12-14-2009 09:36 PM

Very cool thanks for all the posts. I enjoyed reading them all. :)

Eddie 12-15-2009 12:12 AM

I volunteer to help cook and/or clean at the homeless shelter for a few hours a week during the holidays.

Waldo 12-15-2009 12:19 AM

Not being close to my family and living far away from those I love I have lost any real sense of tradition. But this year I'm planning on going to my favorite dive bar & grill on Christmas Eve for a solo dinner. On Christmas day I'll either see a film (possibly It's Complicated) or a musical and will follow that up with a visit to my new favorite Denver area restaurant on Christmas night. They make a lovely cocktail and have a tuna tartare to die for. And a red velvet cake that will make a fantastic holiday dessert.

At least that's the plan tonight. All of the above is subject to change.

Medusa 12-15-2009 12:43 AM

Jack and I usually open all of our presents before Christmas so that we have nothing left to open on Christmas morning.
It usually starts off like this:
Me: "Babe, can we open just ONE???? PWEEEAASSEEE?"
Her: "Ok, just one! But only if I can open one of mine!"
And this goes on at random times until nothing is left.

Oh, and during my family get together, there is usually at least ONE loud argument over who ate the last deviled egg, one drunk cousin crying in the corner, and nothing would be complete without my mom telling me at least twice that I am "showing too much cleavage"

amiyesiam 12-15-2009 01:54 AM

[QUOTE=Corkey;21567]We set up the tree at thanksgiving,

acutally, we got a new tree to make the butch happy. My old tree is on the porch, and we have two mini trees (one blue and one pink)

we go to one of my wife's family for dinner, mine have passed.

We are going to my sister in laws. yippie. on a good note the dogs are cool. oh to be surrounded by right wing republicians on such a warm fuzzy day!

we will also go to fake christmas at my moms with my other brother's family. I like to see my nieces and nephew and their kids

we can not all get together anymore cause awhile back my one brother called my other brothers wife a slut. oppsie:eek:

The fact of the matter is my sister-in-laws make me, the lesbian, look good

There is almost always a political conversation, that goes nowhere.

between Corkey and my dad. They are learning to agree to disagree.
We dance beneath the tree, hard to do, but we accomplish it anyway.

well actually, not under the tree, how about in front of the tree! very nice.

We put gifts under the tree, the cat plays with the tree skirt til she gets told she's banned from doing so, doesn't stop her but slows her down a mite.

no it doesn't slow her down, but her messing it up drives Corkey nuts. She is easy to distract with a knitting needle.
We have the holiday music going.

yep, except for when foot ball is on, but then that is what they make head phones for!

She bakes tons of goodies.

and gives most of them away.

Ahhhhhh life is good.

actually yes it is!

There is more, but my wife gets her turn.

We have also purchased an ornament each year.

We pick out and buy the gifts we want together. I don't care for surprises. Really I don't. I will not only tell him what I want I will take his card and get it. He is learning the joys of picking out his own gifts. There is no greater joy than getting exactly what you want. Not having to return anything, and having absolutely no disapointments on the holiday.


also, no wrapping of gifts, why bother.
the kids get money
except I got the girls bath bomb cupcakes this year
I put things in gift bags
except the grand son, Corkey wrapped his!
and we get into the gifts before christmas, it is so much fun

WILDCAT 12-15-2009 03:47 AM

Some years I have X-Mas, some years I don't. Depends on who is around, and where I've been.

Sometimes a tree, sometimes not. If I had someone to share it with, I would - yes! I like to act like a BIG KID!

Sometimes I have been alone. In New York City, I loved it! (Of course you're never really alone there.)

For years my parents were winter snowbirders out west... I did spend some time during these years with my one sister here, her husband and my partner at the time - while my parents were away (with my other sister out west, which was nice for them)!

We went to visit my grandmother in a nursing home while she was still with us here on this plane...

I really ENJOY buying gifts "when" I do Christmas. I make a big deal out of that! Nothing going on this year though.

Actually, I think I'd better to talk to my folks to see what is up? I stayed with them last year, just to wake up to "Elvis" singing Christmas songs in the morning - like I did as a child.

Then ol' Beverly needed to put her sports on! LOL!!

Hmmmm? I better think of something, yes?

Some sweeties from the site here are sending me a cookie "care package". That is SO COOL!!!!!!!!


Just up here thinking a bit... Married With Children should be on now.


NJFemmie 12-15-2009 08:18 AM

Mare and I have a holiday-kick off tradition (right after T-day). We set up a date, and when we wake up, we put on Christmas music, make a special breakfast, and put up our Christmas tree.

Growing up, Christmas Eve (Wigilia) was a more important day in the Polish tradition. It was the one night where all (or most) of the family got together, (of course, with our own slight variations to the custom).

We would have a mix of American and Polish foods - and would engage in the custom of breaking oplatki, which was usually sent to us from family in Poland. After dinner, we would open Christmas presents and was later followed by midnight Mass (usually Polish or Latin).

Mare enjoys "spreading out" Her Christmas presents throughout the day... so, we might open a couple of them on C-Eve, but the rest are spread out during C-Day. I have (obviously) adopted this tradition, as painful as it can be at times. *smirk* (It really isn't that painful, I just make it sound as if it is... lol). This way, the entire day has that Christmas-present feel, as opposed to opening everything at once and *gasp* it's over.

Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia!

Gemme 12-15-2009 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Dean Thoreau (Post 21456)
My favorite tradition is before Christmas we go and get a bunch of those Christmas wish tags...that some banks and stores have so you can get presents for little kids whose parents are going thru a difficult financial time. It is so much fun to buy for kids....even with all the kids we have... and now granchild.....
It always makes the holdiay time special, wife and I set aside a day without any of our kids or work and go present shopping for our wish kids....then come home and wrap them all up as fancy as we can, and slip in lots of extra's and then take them to the bank or store and drop them off. We feel like Santa and Mrs Claus...and have been doing it for 28 years now. :santa1:

I love the Tree Angels!!! I grab a couple of the tags whenever I am able to, although the stores that I've found to do this won't accept wrapped gifts. That would be even more fun!


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 21639)
Jack and I usually open all of our presents before Christmas so that we have nothing left to open on Christmas morning.
It usually starts off like this:
Me: "Babe, can we open just ONE???? PWEEEAASSEEE?"
Her: "Ok, just one! But only if I can open one of mine!"
And this goes on at random times until nothing is left.

Oh, and during my family get together, there is usually at least ONE loud argument over who ate the last deviled egg, one drunk cousin crying in the corner, and nothing would be complete without my mom telling me at least twice that I am "showing too much cleavage"

One present each on Christmas Eve or your stocking. Those are the early opening options in my household. No more!

I get a little sadistic with making my giftees wait because I am usually a rather good gift-giver and they know it.

Jet 12-15-2009 07:40 PM

Midnight Mass

But I don't think i'll make it this year

Lynn 12-15-2009 08:06 PM

I'm Jewish and my partner is Christian, so we celebrate some of both, and mush them together in a "Chanumas" celebration. We have a tradition of putting up a tree right after Thanksgiving, too, but this year we've decided to leave the tree down. The kittens are just too curious and wild! We've been lighting Chanukah candles and giving small gifts to the kids, leading up to the bigger ones at Christmas. We'll join my partner's family in PA for the actual Christmas celebration, and then I'll take my kids to my own family in another part of PA for a New Year's Eve celebration with my parents, brothers, and their families. It's kind of busy and tiring, and a bit too costly, but we love the season--especially sharing it together.

Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah, everyone!

:xmascandle: :2driedel:

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