Looking forward
Time off with my sweetheart!
Getting through till the middle of June :praying:
Well, I'm glad I at least made the list. :sunglass: |
Looking forward to winter! Lolol
After working around a month straight, I am looking forward to the possibility of having a day off for Memorial Day.
the drive down to NC....especially the Va stretch.....
my first Bojangles booberry biscuit in years visiting Craggy Gardens....that will be my first outing... meeting my new roommate :) a long overdue visit out west....that especially |
My sweetie is coming home tomorrow after a 6-day visit to Portland to visit her best butch bud of 40 years.
Can't wait to see her! Missed her like crazy. I always think some time alone will be nice and it is- for about 2 days... |
Maybe being lucky enough to meet her.
A date this Wed..If I don't decide to cancel on hym..lol
The holiday weekend.
Reruns. |
I am looking forward to going to sleep, in clean sheets. There is something special about just laundered sheets, that makes bedtime simply delicious!
Waking up tomorrow and having a new day every day!
a weekend get away, my daughters 26th b day on the 26th and going to arkansas on the 3rd woo hoo and i thought my summer was going to be boring haha! :)
tomorrow at 4pm. I have a 3 day weekend and want some sleeeeeeep.
Is it over yet?
I get off at 1:30 pm today and then have 3 whole days off!
5.30! 4hrs 19min to go. Not that I'm clock watching or anything.
Going to a pool & BBQ party tomorrow with friends.
GayPride Sunday. Working on my newest crafts venture....All Lit Up....:) |
Rest and relaxation....
The many things we r going to do on THIS road trip to San Antonio
going to Joan Larkin's reading and book signing today. Looking forward to going into city with friend on this gorgeous day.
All times are GMT -6. The time now is 12:33 AM. |
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