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-   -   5 things you never wanted to know about me. (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4241)

Hollylane 11-22-2011 10:52 PM

5 things you never wanted to know about me.
Pretty self explanatory.

only 2 rules:

1. Be kind to each other
2. They have to be about your quirks.


I'll get it started:

1. I am fascinated by the word "Armadillo"
2. My favorite late night snack that I am not allowed have, is tortilla with Miracle whip, Kraft cheese slice, and Pringles.
3. Sometimes I have a collection of socks underneath the covers. I kick them off when my feet get too warm.
4. I have a very particular order in the shower, if I miss a step, I have to start over.
5. When I am having a cocktail I have to stop myself from licking the rim of my glass...It is not always a margarita.


Elijah 11-22-2011 10:55 PM

Cute thread...

chai~ 11-22-2011 11:16 PM

oh gawd...cute thread!!!!

ok, here we go!!!!

1. I can't touch the drain in the tub with my bare feet....*cringe*

2. I do NOT make a good passenger in a vehicle. I MUST drive. Always!!NEVER ever a passenger!!!!

3. I have bouts of OCD that work to my advantage.

4. I will only drink Pepsi, never Coke. No compromise!!

5. I dislike wearing socks....make me feel claustrophobic.

I'm sure I've got more, but I will abstain for now!

SoNotHer 11-23-2011 01:51 AM

I love this thread
1) If you rattle around for food in a potato chip bag long enough, I'll leave, ask you to leave, or give you the death stare.

2) I like to smack the bottoms of new drinks until the seal of the cap pops.

3) I like to pop gum in rooms loudly enough to make people turn in disgust.

4) I will literally lick a plate clean if I like the food.

5) I like duct tape. A lot.

Hollylane 11-23-2011 03:20 AM

1. If you sneeze more than three times in a row, on a daily basis, I might be annoyed. I can't help it.
2. I cannot tolerate passive aggressive behavior/comments AT ALL.
3. Each of my pets has their own song, I intentionally sing them off-key.
4. I spend a lot of time laughing at my own inner monologue.
5. I chew ice all day long. Luckily, I have strong teeth.

Stitch 11-23-2011 06:14 AM

1. I am rather terrified of adhesives. I don't like tape being on me, and I can just handle band aids.

2. I listen to the same song over and over and over again.

3. I wear a silly toque

4. I am a sci/fi geek

5. I hate it when people leave the lights on and they are not in the room. I sometimes leave the living room light on when I go out just so people don't trip when coming inside.

Tawse 11-23-2011 06:18 AM

1. I have an issue with fingernail clipping and the clippings. They should all be contained to the bathroom. Don't clip in the office and don't leave your clippings around the house. Eww.

2. My mom and I are frenemies. Sometimes it's humorous and sometimes not so much.

3. I hate it when parents forget that they have an identity outside of being parents.

4. I go commando most of the time

5. I used to keep black widows in jars in my room.

KimbaYLRF 11-23-2011 06:49 AM

I do not like people who chew with their mouth open. To me it is one of the most disturbing things. It causes me great anxiety.

If I am talking to someone on the phone, I expect them to respect me and not talk with a mouthful of food, while eating like a pig.

I listen to Andrea Bocelli when I am anxious.

I sucked my thumb until I was 11 and only stopped because my dad threatened to send me to school with a diaper and bottle and a note for the teacher.

I do not like snakes or worms.

smouldering 11-23-2011 06:53 AM

I am a researcher- If i don't understand something or people ask me a question, they think i am a know it all because usually I can answer it.. but really, I just know how to look things up quickly i used to work for ChaCha after all.

I will break out in song randomly at any moment if i hear a word or a sentence that reminds me of lyrics to a song.

I have a really odd quirky sense of humor some people just don't understand.

I have a very good memory, if you lie to me or change your story, i will remember.

JustJo 11-23-2011 07:54 AM

Love this thread idea!
How fun! Okay....

I speak "for" all of our animals...each in slightly different voices. If you'd like to have a conversation with any of them, I'll be happy to assist.

I love toasting marshmallows in the fireplace, but really only want to eat one. I then try to feed them to whoever else happens to be in the room.

I think and function in circles....I may start to do one task, get distracted, and complete 6 or 7 others before I finish the original task. I do the same with sentences sometimes...

I snore...loudly when I'm more overweight or more tired...less when I'm rested and have lost some weight. Once, when I was at my heaviest and stressed out of my mind, I woke the upstairs neighbor. :|

I repeat myself. I think it comes from doing too many presentations in work environments...the old "tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them." It's annoying, even to me. Sometimes I can even hear myself doing it and and I just.can't.stop!

LaneyDoll 11-23-2011 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by chai~ (Post 471510)
4. I will only drink Pepsi, never Coke. No compromise!!

Mine should read "only drink Coke and will not ever drink Pepsi." If that is all the place serves, I will change my order to tea or Dr. Pepper.


Originally Posted by Tawse (Post 471658)
1. I have an issue with fingernail clipping and the clippings. They should all be contained to the bathroom. Don't clip in the office and don't leave your clippings around the house. Eww.


Originally Posted by KimbaYLRF (Post 471668)
I do not like people who chew with their mouth open. To me it is one of the most disturbing things. It causes me great anxiety.

If I am talking to someone on the phone, I expect them to respect me and not talk with a mouthful of food, while eating like a pig.

Hmm, for now, I can steal these four from the previous posts and to make it to 5, I will add this one...

My friends joke that I am a "grammar Nazi." But I am not---I swear.

Ok, maybe just a little.


Tawse 11-23-2011 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by LaneyDoll (Post 471692)
Mine should read "only drink Coke and will not ever drink Pepsi." If that is all the place serves, I will change my order to tea or Dr. Pepper.

OK, for now, I can steal these four from the previous posts and to make it to 5, I will add this one...

My friends joke that I am a "grammar Nazi." But I am not---I swear.

Ok, maybe just a little.


#6 I hate it when people steal other peoples quotes and use it as their answer.


take that, grammar nazi... <---- dots left to annoy you

1QuirkyKiwi 11-23-2011 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by JustJo (Post 471690)
How fun! Okay....

I speak "for" all of our animals...each in slightly different voices. If you'd like to have a conversation with any of them, I'll be happy to assist.

Sooo glad I'm not the only one! LOL! At least I know I'm not crazy - just Quirky like the rest of you, lol!

Some of mine....

When wearing socks in the Winter, I feel sensory deprived – I love to walk barefoot whenever possible.

I hate wearing tight clothing, it makes me feel claustrophobic.

If I dislike someone or feel uncomfortable around them, I don’t like to touch or be touched by them and my body language changes to reflect this.

I have an aversion to seeing milk on cereals – when I do it’s hard for me not to Ralph!

I can’t stand it noisy eaters and those who speak with their mouths full! ……..Argh! Where are your manners?!

Soft*Silver 11-23-2011 12:49 PM

I am very judgemental about people's yards and porches. I have MY opinion about what is tasteful and have been known to spout off to the point about gawdy items that my friends and family have nicknamed me the yard police...

I have plastic see thru mats on my carpeting...and on my living room couch and chairs. The ones on my couch and chairs are upside down so the prickly side is up. Its to keep the cats from climbing on them. To sit, you just have to move them....

I have a saddle in my dining room

I have to be given valium when I go to the dentist...even if its just for a teeth cleaning. That just started since I had shingles...

I had shingles ALL over my face...I felt like a monster...

PinkieLee 11-23-2011 01:17 PM

Well, let's see here....

I grind my teeth all. the. time.

I become easily lost in thought while driving. I will drive with my left arm and constantly rub it with my right... just like my mother.

Like Hollylane my morning rituals are borderline OCD. From what I do the minute I wake up, to when I walk out the door for work. My honey never needs an alarm clock, because when she hears me blowdry my hair, she knows it's 7:00am on the dot.

I play out different scenerios with people in my mind... and many times I've worked myself up to a point that I become physically upset over hypothetical arguements in my head.

Before going to bed, I will set & reset my alarm clock at least 3 times... just in case. Yeah, I do a lot of things in threes.

foxyshaman 11-23-2011 01:41 PM

I want to slap the back of people's heads when they walk and don't pick up their feet. OMG how hard is it to pick up your feet.... (not a button for me, nope not at all) :seeingstars:

If you dump work on my desk, and don't have the courtesy to tell me, chances are, your work will get 'lost'.

When house cleaning, my kitchen has to be cleaned first. I cannot think with a dirty kitchen. (I don't even want to analyze that one)

Don't tell me you can't play a drum. It is a stick and a hide, not rocket science.

You can cancel your first appointment with me twice, after that, I don't take your calls.

always2late 11-23-2011 02:00 PM

1 - I absolutely HATE it when someone taps me on the shoulder, or back. It takes everything in me to refrain from breaking their finger.

2 - I cannot get into an unmade bed.

3 - I have a very hard time breathing through my nose because of a long-ago break. If someone covers my mouth completely, even as a joke, I panic.

4- I always thought I was a dog person...turns out I am more a cat person. Who knew?? (still adore my dogs though)

5 -I like tuna mixed with rice, mayo, ketchup, and hot sauce

sara-bera 11-23-2011 02:16 PM

My mom and I have virtually the same voice. Dad is the only one who can tell the difference. It's mildly frightening.

I used to wish I was two inches shorter and that I had freckles.

When I check things (OCD), I must touch them before I feel okay. Thankfully, I only check the lock on the door and the stove before bed and leaving the house.

I have an immune system of steel - I can kiss someone with a cold and I'll never get sick. A friend of mine said I'll be the only survivor in a zombie apocalypse. Goody... I think.

I rub my scalp and tug my hair a little to calm myself when I'm worrying.

1QuirkyKiwi 11-23-2011 02:26 PM

I chew my lip when I’m stressed or annoyed.

When wearing my glasses I look over the top of them when talking to someone.

I’m fastidious about the cleanliness of other people’s kitchens and bathrooms – I refused the offer of food and drink when I’ve seen several unwashed dishes in the sink and a cup just rinsed under the tap. Both my kitchen and bathroom are cleaned daily.

When there is a room of people and there is a silence for a while, I can comfortably daydream until the conversation starts up again.

I stand with my right hand on my thigh and sit with either my palms facing up or resting on my belly/lap.

Gemme 11-23-2011 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by KimbaYLRF (Post 471668)
I sucked my thumb until I was 11 and only stopped because my dad threatened to send me to school with a diaper and bottle and a note for the teacher.

I sucked my thumb til I was about 10. I made a gentleman's agreement with my mother. I would quit the thumb and she would quit the ciggies. Guess who reneged? Guess who is still resentful of that?


Originally Posted by PinkieLee (Post 471880)

I grind my teeth all. the. time.

I become easily lost in thought while driving. I will drive with my left arm and constantly rub it with my right... just like my mother.

Like Hollylane my morning rituals are borderline OCD. From what I do the minute I wake up, to when I walk out the door for work. My honey never needs an alarm clock, because when she hears me blowdry my hair, she knows it's 7:00am on the dot.

Another grinder here. I really need to get a thingy from the dentist for that. I did it as a coping mechanism during my childhood and I can't seem to stop. I do it when I concentrate hard on something, when I'm frustrated, when I'm sleeping, when I'm flat out angry....although then it turns into more of a teeth clenching thing.

I can remember specific instances of when I did NOT remember driving from point A to point B. It goes beyond getting lost in thought, I think, and sometimes scares the bejeezus out of me.

I'm a little short of OCD when it comes to morning rituals, but I definitely have a pattern and if something gets off kilter like I'm late waking up or something broke that I have to fix, then my whole day feels shot from the get go.

I am a goody two shoes about some things....like rules. They are usually there for a reason, so abide by them or I shall get snarky. Ebon has had to talk me down from giving someone a thorough lashing in a thread because they blatantly ignored the OP's rules for the thread. I critique the driving of others, loudly and sometimes with finger puppets, when they break the rules.

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