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dreadgeek 05-05-2010 01:14 PM

Family Research Council leader caught w/ gay prostitute
I know that this is going to come as a great shock to folks but George Alan Rekers, who is a co-founder of the Family Research Council was caught coming back from 10 day vacation with "Lucien" a young man he found on Rentboy.com. This has gotten so hilarious that I think that, in keeping with the 'man bites dog' definition of news, it should be on the front page, above the fold, with a banner headline when some prominent, anti-gay conservative ISN'T caught in a gay sex scandal!!!

All the juiciness here.

Soon 05-05-2010 01:20 PM

I was just reading all about it and was wondering if a thread should be started--thanks for starting this one.

I cannot believe that close to 100 000 of Florida taxpayer (and I just read Arkansas, too) money was given to him as the State's star (and only) witness in keeping the ban on gays from adopting.

I hope this hits mainstream news.

www.joemygod.blogspot.com is also doing a good job covering the various aspects of this story

Apocalipstic 05-05-2010 01:23 PM



SuperFemme 05-05-2010 01:26 PM

A gay male gigolo named Lucien?
Does it GET any better?

dreadgeek 05-05-2010 01:32 PM

Btw. here's a helpful little lexicon for understanding anti-gay conservatives:

How to speak anti-gay conservative:

Luggage: 'Package', 'bulge', that thing in your pants that shows you're happy to see him, genitalia
Carrying my luggage: Having a tight hold on said package
"Lovingly sharing the message of Jesus": Activity greatly enhanced by presence of poppers and KY Jelly
Baggage handler: Gym queen
Love the sinner: Something to do all night lonnnng
Jesus: A baggage handler from Latin America
Message of Jesus: Bring lube
Surgery: Pleasurable activity involving luggage

Soon 05-05-2010 01:34 PM

From what I am reading, Rekers, who testifies to disallow LGBT folks from being able to adopt, has, allegedly (I cannot verify this, yet), adopted a sixteen year old boy (as a single man from what I understand) who is now the same age as *Lucien* the paid escort from rentboy.

The Family Research Council (of which he co-founded with Dobson) has already scrubbed his name from their website.

News Source that broke the story:
From Miami New Times:

For decades, George Alan Rekers has been a general in the culture wars, though his work has often been behind the scenes. In 1983, he and James Dobson, America's best-known homophobe, formed the Family Research Council, a D.C.-based, rabidly Christian, and vehemently anti-gay lobbying group that has become a standard-bearer of the nation's extreme right wing. Its annual Values Summit is considered a litmus test for Republican presidential hopefuls, and Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter have spoken there. (The Family Research Council would not comment about Rekers's Euro-trip.)

He has also influenced American government, serving in advisory roles with Congress, the White House, and the Department of Health and Human Services and testifying as a state's witness in favor of Florida's gay adoption ban. A former research fellow at Harvard University and a distinguished professor of neuropsychiatry at the University of South Carolina, Rekers has published papers and books by the hundreds, with titles like Who Am I? Lord and Growing Up Straight: What Families Should Know About Homosexuality.

"While he keeps a low public profile, his fingerprints are on almost every anti-gay effort to demean and dehumanize LGBT people," says Wayne Besen, a gay rights advocate in New York City and the executive director of Truth Wins Out, which investigates the anti-gay movement. "His work is ubiquitously cited by lobby groups that work to deny equality to LGBT Americans. Rekers has caused a great deal of harm to gay and lesbian individuals."

PearlsNLace 05-05-2010 01:41 PM

This is not crap that helps us. By us, I mean queer community that needs to be recognized with rights for protections, marriage, immigration, adoption, all that.

This is the kind of crap that makes us look worse even.

Cause its not about a story of us in loving relationships, its not a story about who we really are.

Its a story about how the conservatives accuse us to be. It pisses me off.

I mean, certainly, sometimes we are just looking for some hot body on a boat. Hell yeah. House bois free to apply via pm.

However... we are MORE than this.

I hope Im making myself clear.

Soon 05-05-2010 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by PearlsNLace (Post 99487)
This is not crap that helps us. By us, I mean queer community that needs to be recognized with rights for protections, marriage, immigration, adoption, all that.

This is the kind of crap that makes us look worse even.

Cause its not about a story of us in loving relationships, its not a story about who we really are.

Its a story about how the conservatives accuse us to be. It pisses me off.

I mean, certainly, sometimes we are just looking for some hot body on a boat. Hell yeah. House bois free to apply via pm.

However... we are MORE than this.

I hope Im making myself clear.

I don't look at it like this at all. He is not representative of WE or US.

He is man who has been exposed as a fraud and his hateful, anti-gay work can now be seen as charade and, perhaps, a projection of his own self-loathing.

I see this as example of what happens when you are so closeted that you have to sneak around (not that out people don't hire escorts) and make up half-assed answers (luggage handler! proselytizing!) as to why you are on vacation with an escort from rentboy.

I don't think this makes US look bad; I think it makes the Right Wingers look like hypocritical, self-haters.

dreadgeek 05-05-2010 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by PearlsNLace (Post 99487)
This is not crap that helps us. By us, I mean queer community that needs to be recognized with rights for protections, marriage, immigration, adoption, all that.

This is the kind of crap that makes us look worse even.

Cause its not about a story of us in loving relationships, its not a story about who we really are.

Its a story about how the conservatives accuse us to be. It pisses me off.

I mean, certainly, sometimes we are just looking for some hot body on a boat. Hell yeah. House bois free to apply via pm.

However... we are MORE than this.

I hope Im making myself clear.

No, actually, I don't get it. This guy has spent the term of his adult life trying to screw over the gay community. He's now been hoist by his own petard. I think this is VERY good for us because every one of these stories demonstrates, empirically, viscerally and in a way no one can deny, that each time these yahoos say 'gay people are like this' or 'gay people do that' or 'gay people are a threat because of this' they are projecting out of their OWN fantasies, fears and desires. How does this guy, co-founder of one of the largest, most influential, anti-gay groups in the country, being shown for the utter self-hating hypocrite that he is NOT help us?

Apocalipstic 05-05-2010 01:53 PM

See for me, this shows hypocrisy, not how gays live.

SuperFemme 05-05-2010 01:57 PM

I think it helps us a TON when shit like this happens.

This man is one of the largest proponents of Gay Reparative Therapy.

Meaning that he has been telling the world, the courts and the White House how our *lifestyle* is a *choice*. We can be cured of our sinful choices by way of Jesus according to him.

Let's call this what it is shall we? Yet more proof that we are normal as is and the people who use us for personal and political gain are shameful hypocrites.

SuperFemme 05-05-2010 02:13 PM

Heterosexual people don't have thousands of websites selling sex?

I don't feel overshadowed.
I feel more normalized.

Nat 05-05-2010 02:48 PM

Fascinating! No matter how many times this type of story repeats - still fascinating.

Apocalipstic 05-05-2010 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Nat (Post 99525)
Fascinating! No matter how many times this type of story repeats - still fascinating.

And it does seem to repeat an awful lot.

One would think that at some point it would seem foolish to openly oppose Queer Rights, when One is in fact Gay.


One would think a lot of things.....

Soon 05-05-2010 02:54 PM

I think this was down earlier--back up now.

A recent article in an alternative newspaper cleverly gave false impressions of inappropriate behavior because of its misleading innuendo, incorrectly implying that Professor George Rekers used the Rentboy website to hire a prostitute to accompany him on a recent trip. Contrary to Internet stories based on this slanderous article, following medical advice Professor George Rekers requires an assistant to lift his luggage in his travels because of an ongoing condition following surgery. His family, local friends, and even another university professor colleague have offered to accompany him on trips to lift luggage. Professor Rekers was not involved in any illegal or sexual behavior with his travel assistant.


So, he had all these people to help with his luggage but he went through rentboy?

This is what Rekers admitted to Joe Jervis (of joemygod, YESTERDAY): So what was it luggage boy or trying to reform a rentboy?

NARTH and Family Research Council co-founder Dr. George Rekers has responded to my inquiry about where to find the hottest male prostitutes.

After the above, he continues:

I have spent much time as a mental health professional and as a Christian minister helping and lovingly caring for people identifying themselves as “gay.” My hero is Jesus Christ who loves even the culturally despised people, including sexual sinners and prostitutes. Like Jesus Christ, I deliberately spend time with sinners with the loving goal to try to help them. Mark 2:16-17 reads, “16When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the "sinners" and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: "Why does he eat with tax collectors and 'sinners'?" 17On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." In fact, in a dialogue with hypocritical religious leaders, Jesus even stated to them, "I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you. 32For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him. " (Matthew 21:31).

Like John the Baptist and Jesus, I have a loving Christian ministry to homosexuals and prostitutes in which I share the Good News of Jesus Christ with them (see I Corinthians 6:8-11). Contrary to false gossip, innuendo, and slander about me, I do not in any way “hate” homosexuals, but I seek to lovingly share two types of messages to them, as I did with the young man called “Lucien” in the news story: [1] It is possible to cease homosexual practices to avoid the unacceptable health risks associated with that behavior, and [2] the most important decision one can make is to establish a relationship with God for all eternity by trusting in Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for the forgiveness of your sins, including homosexual sins. If you talk with my travel assistant that the story called “Lucien,” you will find I spent a great deal of time sharing scientific information on the desirability of abandoning homosexual intercourse, and I shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with him in great detail.

SuperFemme 05-05-2010 02:59 PM

I didn't know the Miami New Times was an alternative paper.

Also, as you can see in the pictures, the good professor seems to handling his OWN luggage AND his companions.

Soon 05-05-2010 03:14 PM

Contact: Att. Gen. of Florida or Join This

Demand Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum's explanation for spending $87,000 of taxpayer money on "expert" testimony from a closeted patron of male "rentboys." Comment on his FB page http://bit.ly/cnPh8i (they keep deleting comments) or call his office at 850-414-3990.

Danny Collins How can you possibly justify paying this closeted homophobic individual $87,000 to condemn fine gay couples who simply want to give unwanted children a good loving home when this guy is using the taxpayers money for male prostitutes and telling such obvious lies about baggage handers???? Have you no shame at all?

Apocalipstic 05-05-2010 03:39 PM

I sometimes have a problem with my luggage, I get a little cart thing, not a rentaboy.


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