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cinnamongrrl 07-24-2015 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by cinnamongrrl (Post 1002370)
I'm trying to decide between frozen pizza and take out...I've really been craving fish and the place down the street has excellent flounder and catfish...

I ended up getting grilled salmon with a baked tater and hushpuppies AND fried okra. They served it on a bed of rice pilaf...

I was disappointed. The salmon had the texture of chicken and barely any flavor. The okra didn't disappoint...it never does...

Canela 07-24-2015 06:52 PM

Chile limon pork rinds and
Dr. Pepper Icee

kittygrrl 07-24-2015 07:17 PM

Oven-fried Chicken
Sour cream mashed potatoes
Walnut brownie w/ice cream

RockOn 07-24-2015 08:46 PM

can of healthy choice chicken noodle soup, saltine crackers, large cold milk

started eating right now ... probably be 2 x large cold milk before I am done

clay 07-24-2015 08:49 PM

bbq sandwich with slaw on it, french fries, and baked beans. We had corn nuggets with ranch dip for appetizer!

randrum 07-26-2015 11:13 AM

The plan for tonight is my homemade nachos. Not too complicated and probably not the healthiest of choices, but a nice comfort food for Sunday night.

Chad 07-26-2015 11:27 AM


I am making Texas chili. It includes meat, onions, Mexican oregano, chili powder, mustered powder, cilantro, tomato paste, coco poweder, and hot peppers. Salt and pepper to taste. It is yummy but I think that I went a little wild and crazy with the chipotle peppers and adobe sauce.


cinnamongrrl 07-26-2015 11:30 AM

I'm thinking ham with cabbage steaks...and various other veggies that need to be loved before they're gone...

I got the prettiest cabbage at the farm stand...I am soo excited to make cabbage steaks; it's been forever!


cut cabbage into thick slices, rub with fresh garlic alll over...brush with olive oil and I like to sprinkle with favorite spices...TJs every day spice is a fave as it their 21 spice salute. But you can do whatever pleases you. Cabbage is easy that way :)

CherryWine 07-26-2015 03:13 PM

I'm going to fire up the charcoal and grill some rib-eyes and asparagus since it is only 98 degrees outside. :) A decision I may regret as soon as I get started.
On the side - cucumber and tomato salad with lemon/dill/greek yogurt dressing. Wine, too. :wine:

Bèsame* 07-26-2015 06:11 PM

Enjoying a Japanese beer outside first...then cutest lil petite filet mignon wrapped in bacon, I'm going to grill, to get them rare! Fresh corn on the cob, and a loaded veggie salad.

chocolate mint gellato....

PaPa 07-26-2015 06:20 PM

Supreme pizza

stargazingboi 07-26-2015 06:31 PM

peanut butter toast

~SweetCheeks~ 07-26-2015 07:06 PM

Marinated some chicken breast, then grilled them for the next few days, made a big veggie salad and warmed some leftover brown rice/quinoa blend to toss on top with a dill greek yogurt dressing. I am stuffed.

Gemme 07-26-2015 08:16 PM

Subway, minus Jarod, provided my dinner. BLT plus veggies and chipotle Southwest sauce on 9 grain honey oat bread and WW ice cream bars.

cinnamongrrl 07-26-2015 09:09 PM

I ended up having a hugeee chunk of Athena melon...it hit the spot...

clay 07-26-2015 09:38 PM

Dead Lobster.......Parrot Island Coconut Shrimp, smashed taters with lobster pieces in them, garden salad, & Cheddar Bay biscuits. I had only 4 of the 10 huge shrimp....brought rest home. Pina Colada dipping sauce for shrimp.....yum. The waitresses came out to sing to me....I told them NO dessert pls! Great way to end my day!

Karysma 07-26-2015 11:47 PM

My spouse and I (mostly her) made an excellent vegetarian meatloaf that is made mainly of mushrooms. It was really really good!


kittygrrl 07-27-2015 01:05 AM

Steak fingers w/jalapeno gravy
Baked steak fries
mini chopped salad w/ranch
individual key lime pie w/ whipped creme

Chad 07-27-2015 05:55 PM

I had a fully loaded hotdog with fries.

C0LLETTE 07-27-2015 05:57 PM

I'll be having fried eggs and toast...I've run out of creative food ideas.

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