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bigbutchmistie 10-23-2011 05:31 PM

Getting Income Tax already LOL I got a list planned out :

I want :

A new 55 inch plasma tv to hang on my wall with a playstation 3


Pay off a few bills

And get me a new ride! LOL

Scorp 10-23-2011 05:50 PM

We'll be Skyping with Just G in a while. Will be good to see our buddy again since seeing one another at the Reunion :)

Oiler41 10-23-2011 05:56 PM

The Saints/Colts game in a few minutes and my pizza to go with it!

GEAUX SAINTS! I feel a Brees blowing,,,,


nobelcarrot69 10-23-2011 07:05 PM

halloween and all the kido's cute costumes. changing leaves and cooler temps.

J. Mason 10-23-2011 07:08 PM

A good nights rest and family time on Wednesday!

princessbelle 10-23-2011 07:40 PM

The Holidays!!!!!



Alurra 10-23-2011 08:28 PM

My roommate leaves next week and will be traveling abroad for 26 days. I get the whole house to myself! We get along fine, but still...yippee!

girl_dee 10-27-2011 04:27 PM

My long Christmas holiday back home, I just bought my plane ticket!

ONLY 10-27-2011 04:48 PM

The day I can look into her eyes again and tell her " I love you...." and see her beautiful smile........

WingsOnFire 10-27-2011 08:00 PM

I am looking forward to Damon being off work this weekend! It happens once ever 6 weeks. It makes for a long week without him at night.. but well worth it!!

ButchEire 10-27-2011 08:30 PM

Monday night man, Monday night

Argh, no gravestone smileys?

willow 10-28-2011 08:41 AM

The Halloween party tomorrow night! Almost everything is planned, costume, hair, make up.... All I still need to decide is whether I wear black or red nail polish.


SelfMadeMan 10-28-2011 08:52 AM

My sweetie comes home today after being out of town all week!!! I'm so looking forward to scooping her up and smooching her face!!!! I'm happy to have my best friend back <3

PinkieLee 10-28-2011 08:57 AM

Heading up to the lake today after work! We've got a relaxing weekend filled with watching sunsets over the water, laughter by the fire pit, making smores, card games with friends and just relaxing!

LaneyDoll 10-28-2011 09:06 AM

Spending the weekend, connecting with a fave friend. And doing so at my fave place-the beach.


ruby_woo 10-28-2011 10:01 AM

Wearing my Snow White zombie costume. :devil:

Scorp 10-28-2011 11:07 AM

I'm looking forward to the NOW 6" of snow we will be getting tomorrow night..Yayyyyyyyyy!!!! :clap::awww:
NOT!!! :furious::furious::furious:

clay 10-28-2011 11:10 AM

[COLOR="Blue"]ya got ya melons and lawbstahs safe, away from the snow, right?[...chuckles..../COLOR]

SelfMadeMan 10-28-2011 11:21 AM

... 6:30!! ...

J. Mason 10-29-2011 01:43 AM

The party tomorrow night!

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