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starryeyes 01-06-2012 03:17 PM

Hanging out with Amy (Librarygirl) this weekend.. ya!


smouldering 01-06-2012 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Honey (Post 499093)
I have ideas......

Tease!! lol :innocent:

TheDreadPirateRoberts 01-06-2012 04:28 PM

a weekend to ourselves....but eventually...lots of family time...trips and outings....picnics...market browsing.....hand holding....and...reading time during visits...

JustLovelyJenn 01-06-2012 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by TheDreadPirateRoberts (Post 499351)
a weekend to ourselves....but eventually...lots of family time...trips and outings....picnics...market browsing.....hand holding....and...reading time during visits...

You forgot family game time, doing dishes together, movie nights at home, sit down dinners, and new cam adventures...

TheDreadPirateRoberts 01-06-2012 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by JustLovelyJenn (Post 499386)
You forgot family game time, doing dishes together, movie nights at home, sit down dinners, and new cam adventures...

*smiles* ...i didnt forget....but its all so amazing...i cant wait for any of it....even through the computer at the moment....i love our family dinners...and getting to be a part of game time...and....finding ways to bring us closer....and having it feel brand new...

girl_dee 01-06-2012 06:02 PM

Dinner! As soon as my sister gets home :)

Martina 01-06-2012 07:04 PM

Getting home tomorrow and seeing Ma'am and Sir. Ma'am is picking me up at the airport. :)

Queerasfck 01-06-2012 09:00 PM

Go Steelers!
The NFL Playoffs! Football all weekend LONG!

Kill Tebow!

StillettoDoll 01-07-2012 05:14 AM

tomorrow night.
20 year anniversary special ! I love these two!



StillettoDoll 01-07-2012 05:19 AM

Texan And Saints playoff game

Dominique 01-07-2012 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by John Shaft (Post 499569)
The NFL Playoffs! Football all weekend LONG!

Kill Tebow!

This is what we hear every place we go!

Medusa 01-07-2012 11:51 PM

Im looking forward to the completion of this cd project. I've been importing and burning CDs for over a week now in every spare minute and have barely made a dent in my CD collection.

40 gig of space on the iPod down and 80gig more to go. CDs coming out of every crevice!

JustLovelyJenn 01-08-2012 06:24 PM

Getting things organized... now that i have places for things to go...

TheDreadPirateRoberts 01-08-2012 06:28 PM

hearing all of the wonderful ideas people brought up to get gender issues into the school curriculum ....annnd more bedtime snuggles

ruby_woo 01-08-2012 06:42 PM

I'm looking forward to the Thai place up the street re-opening. They're taking a 4 week holiday, and I'm dying without my yellow curry. :(

spritzerJ 01-08-2012 07:06 PM

bed time for the sproutlette... she has to get some good sleep. and momma has to play.

Honey 01-12-2012 06:26 AM

Getting my passport and headin to the UK

Tawse 01-12-2012 06:27 AM

1:50pm when I call it quits until Tuesday... YAY!

pajama 01-12-2012 06:41 AM

Another long weekend for this government worker. woot

foxyshaman 01-12-2012 09:52 AM

I am having a corset "party" on Friday. Not sure what to call it. I have invited a lady to come over and show us her lovely corsets for sale... about 10 of us are going to be at my house, laughing, sipping wine, snacking and modeling corsets... we are a rowdy/raunchy bunch. I bet we even laugh and flirt. Just betcha...

All of this started because I flippantly offered to be the sexy coat check girl for my friend's 50th. She surprised me and said yes I could do that for her... she had an evil grin... I may be frightened

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