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key 01-21-2010 05:27 PM

"What have you done for me lately?" ~ your country
Today's Supreme Court decision to allow Corporations unlimited ability to make or break candidates through unlimited media control before and during elections is, I believe, the final blow that puts our country in a political coma. If we are not very careful (and very active) any semblance of a government "Of the people, for the people, by the people" is gone gone gone.

"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism as it is a merge of state and corporate power." -Benito Mussolini

So in order to save our Democratic Republic I ask, What have you done lately to help save the country?

Me: I have my Representative and Senators (as well as other politicians) numbers in my cell phone and I call their offices regularly. I don't think it is enough, but it is something.

Sachita 01-21-2010 05:40 PM

I am more involved in agriculture, environmental and animal rights. I stay active on newsletters, donate money, collect money, rescue and assist when needed. We organize seminars for people to learn how to grow safe food. I also write letters, petitions whatever it takes to get congress to hear us- organic's, animal cruelty, our environment.

I think that sometimes teaching and working grass roots accomplishes the most. I use to be very big in to large organizations and started getting more involved with people.

I think a great organization and grass roots effort is


It's true. Change ONE woman and you can change an entire community.

key 01-21-2010 05:44 PM

So true Women's rights are human rights
The number one most effective way to eliminate poverty, war and overpopulation is the empowerment of women.

Sachita 01-21-2010 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by key (Post 37363)
The number one most effective way to eliminate poverty, war and overpopulation is the empowerment of women.


Semantics 01-21-2010 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by key (Post 37353)
Today's Supreme Court decision to allow Corporations unlimited ability to make or break candidates through unlimited media control before and during elections is, I believe, the final blow that puts our country in a political coma. If we are not very careful (and very active) any semblance of a government "Of the people, for the people, by the people" is gone gone gone.

"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism as it is a merge of state and corporate power." -Benito Mussolini

So much for election reform.

This is absurd. It's shameless conservative activism and pro-business pandering by five members of the court who have now given greater power to corporate America in the midst of a recession they helped cause.


key 01-21-2010 06:26 PM

If you ask me...
We have been headed in this direction ever since the Reagan Revolution (and it was revolution and the people LOST!).

When Reagan entered office there were less than 400 lobbyists in Washington. Now there are over 13,000 of them.


We need a people's revolution, but I fear everyone is just watching tv.

Sachita 01-21-2010 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by key (Post 37379)
We need a people's revolution, but I fear everyone is just watching tv.

yup and full of excuses. Then again this is the population our society bred. Thankfully there is a new level of consciousness rising above it and initiating change. The big question is if its going to be too late or just in time.

Greyson 02-14-2010 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by key (Post 37379)

We need a people's revolution, but I fear everyone is just watching tv.

There are many of us here that are aware and not just watching T.V. I appreciate your concern but it comes across a little condescending. At least that is how I read it.

I may not always agree with every political view posted in the threads but I usually applaud Effort. Thank you.

Sachita 02-14-2010 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Greyson (Post 49587)
There are many of us here that are aware and not just watching T.V. I appreciate your concern but it comes across a little condescending. At least that is how I read it.

I may not always agree with every political view posted in the threads but I usually applaud Effort. Thank you.

I am sure Key meant most of America and the truth is many are. I think its great to talk about our efforts and get new ideas. Sometimes being proactive can come across condescending without even realizing it. I am often accused of this in my community because I get so fired up and have zero tolerance when I should. I just keep doing the work and try not to worry about all the little dramas that often arise when you get a collective of people together.

key 02-14-2010 11:13 AM

The Healthcare Bill, what have you done for it?
I am happy to say I am proud of Speaker Pelosi (my representative) for passing a better than sucky Health Care Bill. The Senate on the other hand, well, they passed a sucky bill. But the fact is, even that sucky bill will cover 30 million more Americans. No, 30 million more is not ALL Americans, but it is 30 million more and if passed no one will have to go bankrupt from medical expenses. And there is still a chance to make the Senate Bill better. Both the Senate and the House Bill have to be reconciled before the final bill can be signed by the President. That could happen this week!

I am asking fellow planet-iers to please please please, in this next week, call your Senators and Representative and tell them what you want in the bill. Online petitions do not get attention, emails do not get attention, but actual phone calls from actual constituents (know your zip code) get attention. The receptionist will write down your brief message and they add up, so please keep it brief and keep it polite. It takes all of 5 minutes.

The call will go like this:

Ring Ring

Receptionist: "Senator X's Office",

You: " Hi, I would like to leave a comment regarding the health care bill",

Receptionist: "OK, Go ahead."

If you want some talking points here are mine:

* Inclusion of the public option (available to all)
* The Medicare buy-in at 55 (or lower)
* Ending Anti-trust exemptions for Insurance Co.s
* Drug re-importation from Canada and elsewhere
* Drug price negotiation in Medicare Part D
* Increasing subsidies for low income citizens.

Receptionist: "And where are you calling from" or "and what is your zip code"

You: "your zip code or county"

Receptionist: "Thank You"


If you need to find your congress critter's phone numbers this website directs you. Or can google your zip code and "senator" or "representative"


Please call this week as there is a huge push to get 1 million calls in favor of fixing and then passing this bill. And please ask your friends to participate and re-post, re-tweet, freely.

If you plan to call can you post that on this thread so we can keep it fresh and people can find out about this million phone call push?:help:

I thank you and the other 30 million without health insurance thank you.

key 02-14-2010 11:29 AM

Thanks for calling me on this Greyson

Originally Posted by Greyson (Post 49587)
There are many of us here that are aware and not just watching T.V. I appreciate your concern but it comes across a little condescending. At least that is how I read it.

I may not always agree with every political view posted in the threads but I usually applaud Effort. Thank you.

I can talk/write in hyperbole sometimes when I really should be more careful. I know that people aren't "just watching tv." Another sad truth is that people are actually working harder/longer for less money, while prices continue to rise for basic living costs. So any energy for other activities including tending to their country's governance, gets set at a lower priority than their (literal) day to day survival.

Ashlea? 02-19-2010 12:19 PM

Hysterical isnt it? Even more hysterical is the company that tried to run for office, but was denied because it was to young.

I want to get the phuck out of this country...

homoe 09-26-2020 05:23 AM

I think it goes without saying but just in case.......
V O T E .......get out and vote!

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