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cinnamongrrl 07-29-2015 06:12 PM

cleaning two blessedly empty houses tomorrow....even if its a long day, I will have NO hassle....

PaPa 07-29-2015 07:22 PM

Farmer's market and Amish store runs tomorrow. Can't wait to get more fresh produce. I am so ready to make marinara and salsa to can for winter months.

JDeere 07-29-2015 07:27 PM

Getting laundry done, my basket was so full, my clothes were piling up against the wall!

Bèsame* 08-01-2015 10:12 AM

A day off!!

I work to ooo much, said everyone else way too often!

PaPa 08-01-2015 10:14 AM

Getting this roof repaired so I can start repairing the inside where there is water damage. My ceiling tiles are brown...ICK!

Tierney 08-01-2015 10:50 AM

It is August 1st... and we will be easing into Fall soon.. my favorite time of year. 5 months till 2016. Seems funny to say that already.

Kobi 08-01-2015 01:57 PM

Had enough of heat and humidity....

Ts_kaijira 08-01-2015 05:01 PM

So looking forward to...
my bucket list trip to the Galapagos Islands with my Syr Tommi, and friends. OMG, it is really going to happen with Olivia Cruises working with National Geographic!!!!

randrum 08-01-2015 05:06 PM

Going to see Kelly Clarkson in concert tonight with my mom

Blade 08-01-2015 10:30 PM

Tomorrow, cuz I might just do it again

Tierney 08-02-2015 02:46 PM

August 22nd.

It is the 1st Annual Clear the Shelters Day here and I am going to adopt a kitty/cat. I was at first thinking of going the kitty route (though most of the cats I have had in the past have been older cats)...because then I could train him/her.

However, after thinking about it... kittens get adopted pretty quick.. while the older cats do not.

So, an older cat it is.

It is time to bring some love home and infuse my place with it.


Smiling 08-02-2015 04:16 PM

Yes. August 22nd will be a very exciting day.

afrcnqueen 08-03-2015 02:38 PM

Call me crazy but I can't wait to see this Lmao....:giggle:

cinnamongrrl 08-03-2015 02:56 PM


Late Thursday..my baby's plane flies into Charlotte...


I have the entire weekend off to show my kid around!


My youngest daughter will be joining our family commune.....

I can't wait to have my babies under ONE ROOF again!!

afrcnqueen 08-03-2015 03:09 PM

3 weeks ago renewed my S.A passport....just got my U.S passport. Let the travels begin!! :D

PaPa 08-03-2015 03:18 PM

This roof to be fixed.....and hopefully not costing an arm and a leg.....
Wonder how much kidneys go for these days? *Chuckles

C0LLETTE 08-03-2015 03:35 PM

Getting in my car and driving far away.

JRM 08-03-2015 04:51 PM

October 31st so I can start my 5 months out of a year off and yes I'm counting down the days

Karysma 08-03-2015 06:45 PM

Going to sleep!

JDeere 08-03-2015 06:46 PM

Seeing my lady and the kiddos again!

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