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Scuba 12-18-2011 11:35 PM

New furniture :)

greeneyedgrrl 12-18-2011 11:49 PM

seeing fam and friends........... :)

Gráinne 12-19-2011 12:08 AM

Leaving for Oregon in the morning for Christmas :)

Soft*Silver 12-19-2011 12:16 AM

my daughter going to her biological father's for Christmas. He was never around during her early years and showed up and became part of her life for 8 years then deserted her again. Well, they have formed a bond again and I see good things happening! I am so hoping it goes well for both of them. I really want my daughter to have a sense of a father in her life. She might be 27 but she will always be a child inside...

Scuba 12-19-2011 12:22 AM

Albert Nobbs - Opens December 21st

...give or take a few days so it seems...so looking forward to this :)

1QuirkyKiwi 12-19-2011 04:59 AM

Spending time with my Swedish friend going to our favourite Museum and Art galleries....chatting and laughing together. :)

girl_dee 12-21-2011 09:18 PM

Tomorrow and more family arrivimg !

Sassy 12-21-2011 09:33 PM

Little boys, remote control cars and lots of child-sized laughter... Christmas Day can't come soon enough... can't wait to see my nephews again...

AtLast 12-21-2011 10:16 PM

Some plans I have with a special woman after the Holidays. She will be off to see her family tomorrow long distance, but we made a post-holiday, goof-off and laugh date.

ButchEire 12-21-2011 10:17 PM

Peace and quiet, nine more days, nine more days...

sylvie 12-21-2011 10:56 PM

Christmas dinner date & New Years Eve date with the one i love ♥

foxyshaman 12-22-2011 12:11 AM

Tomorrow night is my Winter Solstice Ritual. I have spent HOURS reading and researching and preparing spiritually.

I was thinking ahead and booked the hall for December 21, 2012. :canadian:

christie 12-22-2011 08:45 AM

24 hours to takeoff!

Oiler41 12-22-2011 08:55 AM

I'm looking forward to:

1. TODAY! It is Christmas Day for us at the PupOil house! So we will be having Christmas cheer, snack foods and gifts this evening!

2. Saturday! We leave for a Christmas long-weekend with Pups family! I love seeing her family and getting to spend time with them,,,all of them, lol!

3. New Years Day! I love New Years Eve/Day! A brand new year with more wonderful things ahead!


Skittlesluver 12-22-2011 09:29 AM

Looking forward to spending time with my family and my best friend :sunglass:

AtLast 12-22-2011 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by foxyshaman (Post 490398)
Tomorrow night is my Winter Solstice Ritual. I have spent HOURS reading and researching and preparing spiritually.

I was thinking ahead and booked the hall for December 21, 2012. :canadian:

I bet your preparation pays off. Happy Solstice to you!

Now, if only Sarah Palin would do some reading (LOL), she might get that the Christmas Tree is a Pagan form of celebrating Solstice and has not one thing to do with Christianity! I heard her comments last night on the Maddow show about the Presidents holiday card and she actually said that the Christmas tree was a symbol of Christianity!!!


ButchEire 12-22-2011 11:26 AM

Interesting. Could she see Russia out the window while she was doing the interview?


Originally Posted by AtLast (Post 490542)
I bet your preparation pays off. Happy Solstice to you!

Now, if only Sarah Palin would do some reading (LOL), she might get that the Christmas Tree is a Pagan form of celebrating Solstice and has not one thing to do with Christianity! I heard her comments last night on the Maddow show about the Presidents holiday card and she actually said that the Christmas tree was a symbol of Christianity!!!


tazz 12-22-2011 12:04 PM

for my rotator cuff healed so i can get back to strengthening my upper body in the hypertrophy/power level phases. :training:

acquiring my personal training license.

competing in my 1st natural amateur women's bodybuilding show.


ruffryder 12-22-2011 10:56 PM

Hittin' up the beach one more time tomorrow for the year!
Christmas day!
Next week starting my new careers!
Plans for my daughter to visit!

ruby_woo 12-23-2011 12:06 PM

I'm looking forward to a week off, and not going back to work until January 3rd! I'm going to clean, sew, shop, go out to eat, and sleep in past 6am. :cheer:

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