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-   -   What are you having for dinner tonight? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=197)

GeorgiaMa'am 02-26-2024 06:57 PM

The boy is off work today! And he is making:
- meatloaf
- mashed potatoes
- green beans

Chancie 03-22-2024 03:30 PM

I started chili in my slow cooker this morning. I used one cup of textured vegetable protein, one cup of pinto beans, plus peppers, onions, garlic, and other tasty ingredients.

GeorgiaMa'am 03-22-2024 10:42 PM

- spaghetti with meat sauce
- garlic toast

Now it's almost 1 a.m. and I'm really hungry. I should have had a salad too.

Stone-Butch 03-23-2024 12:16 AM

Wild caught salmon with steamed chopped broccoli & cauliflower and cheese sauce. Ice tea.

kittygrrl 03-23-2024 12:18 PM

pasta w roasted tomato, garlic, asparagus, basil, vegan parm, vegan butter/wine sauce
grilled French bread

Stone-Butch 03-24-2024 04:05 PM

Homeburger with cheese, bacon and all but the kitchen sink. Ice tea.

GeorgiaMa'am 03-24-2024 05:51 PM

- fried chicken
- green beans
- mashed potatoes

It's a Sunday kind of meal.

* * *

I've been thinking about cabbage lately. I saw a recipe for escalloped cabbage somewhere, and now I can't find it again, but it sounded really good. Chopped cabbage and onions in a casserole dish, creamy stuff with cheese on top of that, topped by buttered breadcrumbs; it was someone's childhood recipe favorite. Has anyone got a recipe like that?

Chancie 03-25-2024 12:48 PM

I think we’ll have tofu and fresh string beans with I don’t know what.

Chancie 03-26-2024 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by Chancie (Post 1296614)
I think we’ll have tofu and fresh string beans with I don’t know what.

Well, last night’s dinner was a dud. It was all the same color and texture, grayish beige and indistinguishable. I hope to redeem myself tonight. One of Pete’s favorite meals is some kind of plant-based burger with all the toppings.

GeorgiaMa'am 03-26-2024 07:07 PM

A big baked potato with butter

Bèsame* 03-26-2024 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Chancie (Post 1296622)
Well, last night’s dinner was a dud. It was all the same color and texture, grayish beige and indistinguishable. I hope to redeem myself tonight. One of Pete’s favorite meals is some kind of plant-based burger with all the toppings.

That's when you slice up tomatoes or peppers, maybe a dollop of sour cream! Brings color to anything!

I know what you mean though, I've made some things that look like cat food, lol.

Bèsame* 03-26-2024 07:44 PM

I went into my chopped kitchen and came up with this..

Chopped up small peeled pink potato, broccoli and cauliflower gnocchi, steamed. Added some chorizo sausage.
Topped it off with a little hollandaise sauce I had left over. Poured that over chopped fresh spinach, so it would wilt. And then, chopped jalapeno
peppers. Its was really good! One bowl dinner.

Zero cherry splash gingerale.

Some pretty strawberries in a little while over a piece of lemon bread.

So spring!

Kätzchen 03-27-2024 08:02 AM

Taco’s and Tequila

(happy Tuesday to everyone, even if it’s Wednesday).

GeorgiaMa'am 03-27-2024 06:49 PM

- Ranch chicken with pasta
- a Honeycrisp apple

Chancie 03-28-2024 01:47 PM

I’m feeling overloaded, so I’m planning ahead.

We’re having pasta with sauce and plant-based sausage tonight, very tasty.

We’re having vegan saag paneer with basmati rice tomorrow, and aloo gobi on Saturday. Once I open the can of coconut milk, I have to use it in a couple of recipes.

cinnamongrrl 03-28-2024 02:32 PM

Our provider bought us all dinner 😳

I only brought pb and j so I was very happy.

GeorgiaMa'am 03-28-2024 05:48 PM

- BBQ chicken
- mashed potatoes
- corn

Stone-Butch 03-29-2024 07:17 PM

Baked chicken and rice with a side of broccoli. Ice tea.

Bèsame* 03-29-2024 07:49 PM

Good Friday meal tonight.
Baked fish and broccoli pancakes.
I have a pretzel in the oven now.

Cottage cheese and strawberries later.

GeorgiaMa'am 03-29-2024 07:51 PM

Campbell's Chunky Creamy Chicken Noodle soup

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