Maybe the judges were giving Ven the benefit of the doubt based on his previous good work... or maybe TV ratings factored heavily into the judges' decisions. I'm sure it will factor into future ratings, because we have a new villain we love to hate! So, uh...to keep this on topic...I cannot WAIT to see the Ven Smackdown episode. :) |
making grape jelly tomorrow....
heading to the big butch bear bed right now! snuggling in with Syr and the pack, everynight seeing the moon out of the Master's bedroom window :moonstars: |
Looking forward to the next four hours passing quickly so I can hit the road...I'm tired ....may need to stop for a nap...but so ready to be there!!!
:D |
starting class on Tuesday.....
getting away with Teddy to York beach for a night.... :) football season starting in earnest! the house being in order.... a long life with the man i was meant to be with.... <3 |
Attending the first formal dance I have ever been to, wearing my first formal gown, and slow dancing with the butch woman that I love...It just keeps getting better and better...:stillheart:
I am looking foward to....
sleeping in for 2 days :) lounging on my pool float, soaking up some Vitamin D THE REUNION in less than 2 weeks!!!! |
starting community acupuncture classes on tuesday! i'm hoping to get an apprenticeship at the clinic where i volunteer.
Let me 1st start out with, if you are friends with me on FB, I am asking u NOT to mention this online!
It's 231 days away but I'm ready to be a grandmother!!! My daughter just told us we are gonna be a Nene and Gigi!!! She's almost 7 weeks and only wants family to know until she is 12 weeks, but I had to share with somebody lol. :) |
I'm looking forward to nearly 3 weeks off with L (she arrives next week) the first part of October, and then having both Christmas and New Year's weeks off, too. :thumbsup:
I may just visit my mother, sister and niece (and the rest of the family) in Illinois for Christmas, my birthday and New Years. :):heartbeat: I like having this "use or lose" thing going on with my annual leave. :winky: My coworker, D, is going to twist when she finds out. :| C'mmmmmmmmonnnnn vacation!!!! :cheer: ~Theo~ :bouquet: |
This weekend...'nuff said:)
Being together...:hk23:
Hanging with him in the cemeteries this weekend! Photo opps and hopefully some spooky stuff happening. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Teddy coming home from the hospital...and continuing to begin our life together....
:praying: |
Holding hands, watching the dolphins, sitting on the veranda early in the morning listening to OUR Island wake up, mini marshmallows, being together and savoring every moment...i can't wait to get home! :hk1:
i'm not looking forward to working a lot the next 3 days, especially since i've been sick the past couple days...but i am looking forward to the reunion!
passing my NASM personal training exam next weekend!!
leaving tomorrow!
Survivor phillippines
The Reunion!
we will be rolling out in a convoy with Apoc and TNFemme in the AM WOOOOOOOOOOO!!! |
What are you looking forward to?
My first session with a gender therapist today. This is the first time I've been excited to have a therapy session. My therapist sounded so down to earth and caring on the phone.
Touching warm, soft skin...kissing luscious lips...savoring deep sensual beauty...real time Grace...more than 'enuf said
Greco |
The heating and cooling technician to be outta here so I can get to running my errands. I need to pick up a few things so that I can break in the new slow cooker ONLY bought!
:4femme: |
I am looking forward to hiking as much as possible this fall......going to Salem for Halloween, come hell or high water! And hopefully being able to break in the camper in the spring.... :)
Looking forward to The General's bed time. She is a wreck and I am on edge. It will be safest for us all ;)
the wounds to heal
to go back to work being able to stay in bed ALL nite and not sleep on the couch cuz i have to go to the restroom every 2 hrs or less spending the rest of my life with the love of my life who is the most awesome woman in the world |
Being home again...i miss my Beloved so very much...it was such a wonderful weekend...being on the beach together...gathering shells...watching a dolphin on its way out to sea...holding hands and listening to the surf...it just doesn't get any better than that!
reunion 2013!
Wednesday night when I arrive at my girl's house.
Thursday night for our date night seeing "African Queen" on the big screen. Friday afternoon's drive in the country. Saturday's lunch with a friend and another drive. Sunday at home all day with my girl. |
Syr's bed, and her in it!!!
My pups! |
I'm looking forward to Kinky Coffee with the locals on friday, and drag show with my favorite queers on sunday! Now if only it were closer....
Seeing my puppy play in her first snow ....only a few more weeks...
Looking into his eyes...Being in his arms. Soon :lips:
Getting my AA degree, being able to go to the next BFP Reunion in 2013, getting a job, seeing my grandson again., just a few of what i am looking forward to.
Reunion 2013! .......
- being in His arms again soon..SO can't wait! - Our wedding - wearing HIS name, being His Mrs.. ♥ - the children, their life plans, pursuing dreams, making Us proud.. - a phonecall with 'the' PrincesseBelle this coming week! & plans for a femme get-together/visit with a darling gal we cherish, YAY! - completing my first year of nursing & pursuing three more years for my RN, because i love what i am doing, SO much!! - getting my recovery & healthy lifestyle plan back into full motion - i need it! |
All times are GMT -6. The time now is 09:29 AM. |
All information copyright of BFP 2018