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Girl_On_Fire 09-24-2013 10:48 PM

Share Your "I Met a Celebrity" Stories!
I thought this would be a fun thread. Have you ever met a celebrity? If so, share your stories here!

Nat 09-24-2013 11:01 PM

I went to the book-signing for Ethan Hawke's second book. He read a bit of it for us, and right there in the middle of his reading was a cheap fat joke. He lost me at that point - I just went from thinking he was awesome (largely due to his role in dead poet's society) to thinking he was a douche. So then the book-signing part happened. My mother and ex-husband were with me. His (Ethan's) hair looked really greasy, and my mom turned to me at one point and said, "I bet you anything he doesn't smell like shampoo."

So eventually it was my turn to have my book signed. As he was signing it, I said to him, "I hope you're not as fatphobic as your character." This left him flustered, then he asked if I'd read the book and I admitted I hadn't. He said I should give it a chance, that the character about which the fat joke was made was really pretty good. I said I would. As I turned to leave, he called out to me, "God bless you!" As if.

My mother was mortified.

Sidenote: I had a few weeks before bought a bumper sticker that said, "Well-behaved women rarely make history," and I'd stuck it on the bumper of my then-husband's car. It was sort of a prank, but he hadn't until this time let on that he'd noticed. But on the way back to the car, after parting with my mom, I fretted a bit about embarrassing her. And he leaned in and said, "You know what they say - well-behaved women rarely make history."

Later in the week, I stayed up reading Ethan Hawke's book in the bath. I didn't make much of a dent. When I went to bed, I placed the book on the rarely-closed toilet-lid. In the middle of the night, I woke up needing to pee. I didn't feel like turning on the light - heck, I knew where things were. So I blindly went in there, turned around, sat down and peed all over Ethan Hawke's signed book.

I never finished reading it.

I think if I had it to do over, I would have probably not addressed it. Or I would have addressed it differently. But, as far as I know, he's the only celebrity I've met. And that's the story.

BullDog 09-24-2013 11:05 PM

I got to meet Carol Burnett a number of years ago. I have always loved her, so it was quite a thrill. My partner at the time's cousin's husband is a vet in Manhattan. Carol was appearing in the Broadway play Moon Over Buffalo, and he was the vet for her cat. She gave him tickets to the play and several of us family members went. After the play we got to meet Carol backstage. She was very nice and just like she seems on tv. Her cat was there in a fancy cat carrier. At one point she asked the vet what his little girl's name was. He told her Greer. One of the character's in the play was the actress Greer Garson. Carol let out her characteristic squeal. It was very cool to meet her.

Gráinne 09-24-2013 11:13 PM

I was in the audience of the Phil Donahue show many years ago, and got to shake his hand.

I met the 1960 World chess champion Mikhail Tal at a tournament back when I played competitive chess. He signed one of my scoresheets of a game I won :).

But the best story wasn't me, it was my sister-in-law. In the 1970's she worked at a department store in Carmel, California. One day, then-mayor Clint Eastwood came in and asked her where the towels were. All she could say was "..Hi...". She said he laughed, and was a very nice man (what happened?).

The JD 09-24-2013 11:50 PM

In 1982, I met Johnny Rotten, the sneering orange-haired lead singer of the Sex Pistols (though he was in PiL at the time). I was 19 years old, and thought I was the coolest punk in Atlanta for scoring the backstage pass and getting access to the father of punk rock. Except when it was my turn to meet him, I went completely starstruck. I never said a word... I simply handed him my ticket for him to autograph, my eyes as big as saucers.

He briefly evaluated me, flashed his trademark smirk, and autographed my ticket. He never said a word to me either, and I consider it a kindness on his part: the tiniest insult (no matter how typical of him, or deserved by me) would have reduced me to tears, I'm sure.

Martina 09-25-2013 12:33 AM

I've met or crossed paths with a lot of musicians because for many years all my discretionary income went to going to hear live music. We're talking two to three shows a week. But I am shy, so the encounters are not worth talking about. Just this last June, I ran into Joe Ely on a plane from San Jose to Dallas. He had been playing at the Monterey Americana Festival. I am a huge fan, so that was a thrill. He was nice when I spoke to him. I usually don't do that, but I've seen him play many times so I just did. Anyway, he was cool.

He travels alone and in coach. Not that glamorous a life by the look of it.

I was looking for a pic and found this. I guess Springsteen likes him too. Bruce must be a hugger. I recently saw a video in which he hugged Neil Young. Neil looked pained. His face is sort of set that way, so it's hard to say, but it was awkward for sure.


Rockinonahigh 09-25-2013 01:27 AM

I was doing a photo shoot at a cutting horse event in Dallas so I parked my trailer near the entrance gate so I wouldbe close to my equipment plus set things up for folks to see the proofs incase they wanted to purchase pictures.As the night went one I went to bed about 10pm cause it was going to be a long early day the next day.During the night another trailr parked beside me,they mede so much noise I just turned around then pulled the cover over my head wishing they would get things put together then get quite so could get back to sleep.So at 5a.m. I got up t go take some random shots as I usely do,so I steped out of my trailer looking like I should be on a fishing boat insted of a horse even(I changed later) there sat Lynn Anderson siting by her trailer drinking coffee she offered me a cup wich I gladly took.We cxhated a bit so I left to go do my thing she thanked me for not being a crazie photogerpher chaseing pictures.I smiled then told her to injoy her day.I did get pics later at her request for the show.I said wow.You would be surprised at how many stars show horses or do some kind of horse related thing.

easygoingfemme 09-25-2013 06:32 AM

I met Cyndi Lauper, twice. First time we shook hands and I handed her a letter I had written her about how influential she had been for me in my youth. The second time, I (and many others, including my daughter) were invited to dance on stage with her for one song at an outdoor show. My legs were shaking, I was so nervous and excited! I have a picture of it that someone from the crowd took and I treasure it.

I met Alice Walker, in Harlem, at a book reading. We shook hands. I cried.

I have spent time with Leslie Fienberg and Minnie Bruce Pratt (famous in our circles!) First we were emailing as I was trying to arrange them to come to a talk at my college. Then I saw them at Pride in NYC and introduced myself and Leslie said, right in front of everyone "I just emailed you this morning!" and that made me feel very important. Mind you, this was in the early 90s when email was not a constant form of communication, so it was even more special. I arranged the talk and got to spend a brief time with them before and after the talk, as well as having the honor of introducing Leslie before the talk.

I met Rachel Ray. That was weird. She was with her husband, who was really weird. His band was opening for my friends band.

I have met, and trained with, Dr. Andrew Weil and Deepak Chopera.

Teddybear 09-25-2013 09:09 AM

This was many moons ago when I lived and worked in Atlanta. I along with a group if others went to see the Hawks play at the Omni, which isn't the Omni anymore. I was coming out of the restroom and literally ran into Ted Turner. I almost knocked him down. He is short and his security team treated me like I was out to kill him.

For Gods sake I just wanted to get back to the game.

I met him yrs later in North Ga where he owns a horse ranch, well he did not sure if he does anymore. He at the time was dating a local woman and was out and about with him

During my travels I have ran across different types of celebrities. The one other then TT was "Catus Jack" of wrestling fame. It was in south Ga at a fuel stop he was heading to Savannah for a match and I was driving to who knows where. I said to him hey u look just like "Catus Jack". He said no not me. I said oh I'm sorry and walked away. We both were in line and the cashier said the same thing and he gave the same answer. Then he asked for his coffee to be free. She told him they only gave police or troopers coffee for free. He goes do u know who I am?!! She said guess a bum wanting free coffee. Everyone in line just laughed he didn't. I think if he hadn't been a jerk to ppl he would have gotten the coffee for free.

I will come back later with others and those stories as well

GeeGina 09-25-2013 09:45 AM

My brush...
I met Jackie Warner of "Work Out" while drinking with some friends in LA. I literally bumped into her at the bar while trying to order a drink. She could tell I recognized her from the look on my face and told me "It's cool, the bar is so crowded." I was kinda shocked how much she was drinking, given how healthy she was...

I said hello and made some shy small talk about the bar being packed. Jackie just kind of glared at me and said that I'd be "shit hot" if I put a little more meat and muscle on my bones. Feeling a little judged, I replied "Maybe you should man up and train me then, Jackie."

She threw her head back, laughed and said she was done showing girls the ropes. Again, feeling judged, I said "I'm not one of your green TV girlfriends who thinks dating dyke-style is the trendy thing. You won't have to show me a thing".

Then, I grabbed my drink and went back to my friends. Later, when she left, Jackie shot me a wave and a sly smile. That was really cool...and damn, if she wasn't looking shit hot herself.

thedivahrrrself 09-25-2013 12:13 PM

The "celebrities" I've met have been mostly B-listers, I guess you'd say.

I hung out with Bitch & Animal after a show one night, which was a lot of fun..oddly Animal was the bitchy one.

My friend works for 3 Doors Down, and we got to hang out on the roof of a theater after a show, which was cool. I really don't like their music much, but they're cool guys.

I met the guy who played Tom in Office Space and the preacher in Fried Green Tomatoes at a gay bar once. He was so shocked I recognized him, he bought me a drink LOL Sweet guy.

One time my friend and I bluffed our way into the green room at a KD Lang concert. We didn't see KD though; they kicked us out pretty quickly.

And lastly, I sat in front of Chris Hansen (Dateline, To Catch a Predator) on a plane from NYC to Minneapolis. I have no idea what he was doing in coach. I felt like it would be awkward to say something, so I just kept stealing glances between the seat. LOL Which wasn't awkward at all, right?

Words 09-25-2013 12:24 PM

Not actually 'met' but seen around in the tiny Sussex town in which we live Tom Baker of Dr. Who fame, Paul McCartney, and Roger Daltrey, all of whom are locals (though I did meet McCartney on a train many, many moons ag0 when I was commuting every day to London). Most recently though, George Clooney whilst he was filming his latest movie (Monument Men), part of which was filmed in the town, and the actor Tom Conti who was in the shop next to ours shopping for - if my memory serves me correctly - an umbrella stand.

Unfortunately, the only real 'celebrities' I've actually met were all high ranking Palestinian and Israeli officials (Arafat, Peres, and Netanyahu, amongst others). Sounds exciting, but believe me, it wasn't.

Daktari 09-25-2013 12:28 PM

Crikey! Met a few I suppose.

Had a conversation about parachuting with Prince Charles at a Prince's Trust week.
Played in the band that Phil Collins was leading for the above mentioned week.
Got to fight with Brian Jacks (GB Olympic medallist in judo)
Had a lovely conversation about guitars with George Hamilton IV when getting his autograph.
Had my first guitar brought from Spain for me by John Walker, of Walker Bros. fame
Got a selfie with Vicky Entwistle (Janice Battersby in Coronation Street- longest running UK TV soap) a couple of years ago. She was lovely to chat with.
Regularly used to see Victoria Wood in Lancaster Sainsburys when I lived there.

Glenn 09-25-2013 12:57 PM

I use to spend my summer vacations at a small cabin resort in Michigan owned by a butch-femme couple, who were also good friends of my parents for many years. Unbeknown to me, crazy rocker Ted Nugent, who had become popular recording the songs Cat Scratch Fever, Stranglehold, etc. adopted them as his parents, and even called them Ma and Pa, even though publicly, he denounces gays. So, when I arrived there one summer after returning from the MichiganWomen'sFestival, he was there jamming in a cottage, and greeted me warmly. I am not into hunting, or eating animals, so the next morning, when I stepped out of my cabin, a giant hog was dead, laying right there! I ran to "Ma" upset about it, and she said he hunts alot, and was only trying to be nice.:blink: I left the next morning. Now I hear his hunting and sportsmen magazines have become popular...

Bard 09-25-2013 02:45 PM

So far I have met Bill Clinton at the university I work at he was the commencement speaker he stopped on his way out and shook my hand after I saluted him and told me thank you for your service, Billy Joel at the commencement a couple years later I got a picture taken with him and he was really sweet I was part of the detail guarding him. Minnie Bruce Pratt well I met her when I had to take a report for her laptop being stolen she was a sweetie and I got a nice email from her when she found the laptop a couple days later. Shamar Moore years ago at a mall event I was working security and had to escort him out after I bellowed for people to make a hole so we could get out and he stopped in his tracks and said to Kelly Rippa who was with him that they needed me on their security team. The author Radclyffe I have met quite a few time at her book signings she even told me to send her my writing when I get finished to publish it

candy_coated_bitch 09-25-2013 02:54 PM

Wow, my celebrity story is I'm the only one who's never met one!!!

Good stories, everyone.

ArkansasPiscesGrrl 09-25-2013 03:32 PM

Guess I have met several folks over the years....

I used to be extremely active in Democratic politics in Omaha NE years ago. I was one of the State Chairs of the John Glenn for President campaign. After he and his wife Annie came to Omaha for a fundraiser, we were driving them back to the airport the next day. When Sen Glenn got out of the car, he came around to get his bags out and my 2 sons were there peeking over the seat. He whispered to them "Do you want to see the inside of my jet?" they screamed YES! We all got to climb into his private Lear jet. He and his wife then signed autographs for the kids, which they still have.

I also worked closely with the mayor of Omaha, and my boys thought he walked on water. I used to goad them into cleaning up their toys from the front porch and yard by telling them "Mayor Mike might be coming over!"

I have worked with several Democratic figures over the years, and have met (and worked for) Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and several others.

Entertainment people-wise, I was working on an assignment once in Memphis, and was staying at the Omni hotel. I had gotten into the elevator to go to my room once, and before the doors closed 2 huge men walked in, followed by Michael Jordan. I am tall, but dayum these guys were HUGE! I just stammered out a Hi, how are you. MJ just smiled big. If I would have had a pen I would've asked for his autograph. He was in Memphis for the St Jude golf classic. At the same hotel, I sat and talked one night to Jim Nabors. Really nice guy!

Now, in a blatant play here on the planet, I can also claim that I have had Medusa and Jackhammer over to our house for BBQ! LOL


DapperButch 09-25-2013 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by easygoingfemme (Post 847913)

Leslie Fienberg


Minnie Bruce Pratt


Dr. Andrew Weil


easygoingfemme is lucky!

homoe 09-25-2013 07:57 PM

Lily Tomlin
I didn’t actually get to meet Lily Tomlin when she performed in 1982 at the Pabst Theater in Milwaukee but I did get her autograph. After her show, we drove up to the Pfister Hotel a few blocks away and waited to see if she would arrive. At that time it was common knowledge that most entertainers who came to town were put up there. Sure enough she did and I got her to autograph the Play Bill.

Luv 09-25-2013 09:01 PM

Since age 19 I have done work around the entertainment industry..mainly entertainment security work.I've had to work with and met in California The Winan's,BB King,Kathy Mattea..I worked at ABC in Hollywood and got to work several awards shows..worked the Dolly Parton show so I met her and Barbara Mandrell..also Holly Robinson,Richard Thomas,The Osmonds,Cher,Nelson,Rickie Lake,Al B Sure,Helen Teddy,Christopher Knight,Barry Williams..from my church in LA I Lisa Whelchel and Maureen McCormick..Carol Brunette,and several others..in Nashville I worked with Chely Wright before she ever had an album..Trisha Yearwood..my boss was married to Wynonna Judd and knew her and her mom and sister from church. Also worked fan fair and met/worked with Reba,Ricky Scaggs, Porter Wagoner, George and Nancy Jones and many more..most are nice but there are some asses out there too

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