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girl_dee 04-13-2016 09:04 PM

crawfish soon! :clap:

~SweetCheeks~ 04-13-2016 11:32 PM

To fall asleep in my Daddy's arms.

girl_dee 04-14-2016 08:58 PM

Tomorrow, I am tagging along as a second shooter at an outdoor plantation wedding. time to dust off the camera, its been a LONG while......

~ocean 04-14-2016 10:26 PM

going to the carnival on Saturday and shooting the clown in the mouth LOLOLOL ~ I wanna win prizes

girl_dee 04-15-2016 05:03 PM

Well my shooting plans fell through so maybe I will keep the camera out and shoot something with it. It IS rather dusty.

nhplowboi 04-15-2016 05:22 PM

A trade show tomorrow by one of our distributors. There will be product deals and new products to sample but we will have traveled to the city! There is a gay bar (Doogies) within walking distance so when all is said and done we may have the chance to spend some time with family.

RockOn 04-15-2016 06:19 PM

Looking forward to feeling better.

Been sick since Wednesday night - coughed all night.
My entire body has been hurting something fierce, bad
headache and totally exhausted. Went to the doctor
today ... almost 101 fever. Doctor told me I have the flu.
I told him it feels more like pneumonia. Given several
scripts. I look forward to them kicking in.

Blade 04-16-2016 08:32 PM

Spring mountain trip in 3 weeks
4 months til NCAA football

RockOn 04-16-2016 10:07 PM

I forgot to share my stinker-ism I opted in for and aimed at the doctor yesterday. I am so rotten sometimes and unable to help myself!

Keep in mind, I felt physically awful at the doctor's office yesterday - fever, ached all over, headache, exhausted. Well, from the start, I did not like this doctor ... to me, he was --->> a grumpy old man. It did not matter what I said, he was somewhat disagreeable. I asked him for an antibiotic shot. He said no because I did not need one. He told me he was prescribing Tamiflu. I had to beg for antibiotic pills. He acted like it was such a burden on him to write the antibiotic script for me. This really set me off. Then, very serious-like, I said, "have you got anything you can prescribe for my dog, she has a raw butt???" Though short-lived and almost undetectable, I did see a glimmer of shock in his face. Priceless! I never said or acted like I was joking. He said I would have to take her to a vet for treatment.

candy_coated_bitch 04-16-2016 10:22 PM

My late night pizza order!

~SweetCheeks~ 04-16-2016 10:49 PM

Falling asleep next to her.

girl_dee 04-17-2016 08:59 PM

sleeeeeeeep.... c'mom sleep aids........ :4femme:

C0LLETTE 04-17-2016 10:00 PM

Law and Order SVU should be on in about 1 minute

clay 04-18-2016 06:38 AM

One of my friends from our old neighborhood is coming for lunch & we will spend afternoon, hanging out. May get in the pool...:)

I am so excited. I really love hanging out with her..she is so cool!!!!

girl_dee 04-18-2016 07:40 PM

Next weekend.. a trip to Atlanta!


JDeere 04-18-2016 08:09 PM

The end of the month!

starryeyes 04-18-2016 08:37 PM

Thurs and Friday off work with my babbee!!!

clay 04-18-2016 09:35 PM

Going out on beach....to look for sharks teeth....:)

clay 04-18-2016 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by clay (Post 1061225)
One of my friends from our old neighborhood is coming for lunch & we will spend afternoon, hanging out. May get in the pool...:)

I am so excited. I really love hanging out with her..she is so cool!!!!

We had the best afternoon...lunch out....sitting in pool...we hung out almost 8 hours....she was so much fun.

She gave me two shark teeth she found on the beach near her...she has found as many as 100 in a day...is a shelf where many are found....sharks were plentiful way, way back.....so am excited to go look, too. One has almost a blackish jade-y color to it!!!!

MysticOceansFL 04-18-2016 09:46 PM

For this weekend cause next week it will be busy for me.

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