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jenny 08-03-2010 08:31 AM

Here & Now...
(Copy, paste, fill in your own answers!)


Now wearing: black skirt, pink v-neck top, pewter sandals

Now eating: bagel with cream cheese

Now drinking: cawfee

Now listening to: the dulcet tones of my business manager, Ellen, singing "Swing Low"

Smell like: Flowerbomb

Last website visited: Pixie Pit (Scrabble!!)

Last person who made you smile: Caity

Now leaving for: nowhere... sitting at my desk for the foreseeable future

nycfem 08-03-2010 09:12 AM

Now wearing: black shorts and a tie-dye t-shirt

Now eating: whole grain rye crackers w/melted reduced fat mozarella and HOT HOT HOT green salsa

Now drinking: LOTS of water (see above)

Now listening to: watching/listening to the show "Mystery Diagnosis"

Smell like: Jalapenos

Last website visited: postsecret

Last person who made you smile: BB

Now leaving for: thankfully nowhere, at home on vacation from work

little man 08-03-2010 09:30 AM

Now wearing: jeans, t-shirt and untied boots

Now eating: too early for food yet

Now drinking: coffee, out of my favorite diner mug

Now listening to: the buzzing in my ears

Smell like: me

Last website visited: this'n right here and gmail

Last person who made you smile: my sister

Now leaving for: maybe the hardware store, if it's not 100 some-odd degrees out today

Soon 08-03-2010 09:33 AM

Now wearing: cargo shorts, tank top, flip flops

Now eating: nada

Now drinking: latte

Now listening to: air con and the hum of insects

Smell like: eau d'Soon :P

Last website visited: Slate

Last person who made you smile: Daniel

Now leaving for: inside

dixie 08-03-2010 09:34 AM

Now wearing: purple and white shirt, khaki cargos, white Nike Shox

Now eating: nothing

Now drinking: Pepsi

Now listening to: Law & Order: SVU

Smell like: strawberries & cream

Last website visited: facebook

Last person who made you smile: @

Now leaving for: nowhere yet, but bed soon...

Queerasfck 08-03-2010 10:08 AM

Here and Now
Now wearing: Levis, white tee, black button down, black chucks

Now eating: A big ass apple fritter (diet be damned!)

Now drinking: A grande cappuccino

Now listening to: Noel, the chubby Italian Greyhound whining at my feet

Smell like: Swagger

Last website visited: Multiple Scorgasms, my NFL fantasy football league

Last person who made you smile: TBD

Now leaving for: To the backyard to burn off the apple fritter

Mister Bent 08-03-2010 10:43 AM

Now wearing: Shorts, ratty tee appropriate for post-move unpacking, barefoot!

Now eating: Special K w/red berries topped with fresh peach.

Now drinking: Kick ass cuppa joe.

Now listening to: The hum of the fan.

Smell like: Cardboard and aftershave.

Last website visited: Multiple Scorgasms, Ezee's NFL fantasy football league.

Last person who made you smile: My son.

Now leaving for: The local library's website.

I like this thread, it's like 5 threads rolled into one!

blush 08-03-2010 10:47 AM

Now wearing: white tank, blue sweater, skirt

Now eating: fruit and cheese

Now drinking: smoothie

Now listening to: dishwasher

Smell like: lemongrass lotion

Last website visited: yahoo

Last person who made you smile: fuz

Now leaving for: Girl's Day with fuz!

Daktari 08-03-2010 10:48 AM

Now wearing:black Schott hoodie, generic baseball shirt, Rip Curl 3/4's, Rossignol trainers

Now eating: nowt

Now drinking: about to have a coffee

Now listening to: the news on Radio 4

Smell like: Dior Homme

Last website visited: Earthsky.org to find out more about the Aurora that may show tonight/tomorrow night

Last person who made you smile: Her

Now leaving for: Not leaving until later to find a clear spot to try see the Aurora

turasultana 08-03-2010 11:07 AM

Now wearing: black pants, black heels, blue knit t-shirt (casual work drag)

Now eating: nothing yet. soon something from the fab work cafeteria

Now drinking: diet coke

Now listening to: other people's phone conversations.

Smell like: victory!

Last website visited: ew.com

Last person who made you smile: pradeep in my last meeting.

Now leaving for: the elevator to go 30 stories down to the cafe.

TickledPink 08-03-2010 11:11 AM

Now wearing: blue tank, shorts, NO shoes :)

Now eating: leftover stir-fry

Now drinking: diet pepsi

Now listening to: youtube tina turner

Smell like: cherry lotion, smoke and sweat

Last website visited: this one

Last person who made you smile: hym

Now leaving for: the post office

NJFemmie 08-03-2010 11:57 AM

Now wearing: navy blue shorts, powder blue tee, champion sneaks

Now eating: nothing

Now drinking: sugar free hawaiian punch (pretty good actually)

Now listening to: two knuckleheads talking sports

Smell like: baby powder

Last website visited: DOT (for work)

Last person who made you smile: I think it was Mare, haven't really smiled here today, been too dang busy

Now leaving for: no place. Stuck here for another hour and a half.

Ebon 08-03-2010 12:07 PM

Now wearing: ripped jeans, grey tshirt

Now eating: nothing

Now drinking: My favorite, water.

Now listening to: the humm of my pc and the ac

Smell like: myself

Last website visited: Netflix

Last person who made you smile: Arwen

Now leaving for: Since I work from home I'm here for the rest of the day.

UofMfan 08-03-2010 12:34 PM

Now wearing: Black boots, blue jeans, white tee and navy blue hoodie.

Now eating: Pork chops, rice, black beans and salad. It is lunch time!

Now drinking: Ice tea

Now listening to: CNN

Smell like: Burberry Weekend

Last website visited: Huffington Post

Last person who made you smile: K

Now leaving for: I'm home, not going anywhere.

AtLast 08-03-2010 12:49 PM

Now wearing: really ratty sweat pants and T.. lounging attire!

Now eating: Thinking about not having breakfast, yet!

Now drinking: Coffee.

Now listening to: NPR in the background.. usually the case in my home.

Smell like: Probably a little Frog Dog I know! he needs a bath, smells like a goat! Hummm.. when will I ever smell like someone that consistently sleeps with someone (of the human variety) else, again!

Last website visited: FB

Last person who made you smile: The guy at the dog park last night that helped me dress a dog bite! Got blood all over him and he still was very nice! Had med supplies, too!

Now leaving for. .. a shower and food!


BestButchBoy 08-03-2010 12:49 PM

Now wearing: Charcoal grey pinstripe suit with a lighter grey shirt because it's 112 in the shade in NY, what else would I wear? ha!

Now eating: Brownies covered in ice cream and whipped cream.

Now drinking: Watah.

Now listening to: The sound of silence.

Smell like: Armani Aqua di Gio

Last website visited: Twitter.com

Last person who made you smile: I'm waiting...tick-tock.

Now leaving for: Either my office or the driving range. You decide.

Kätzchen 08-03-2010 12:53 PM

Now wearing: a long-sleeved, v-neck, black t-shirt dress that I often times wear for a night gown

Now eating: vanilla yogurt w/boysenberries and trail mix

Now drinking: Coffee (black, w/honey)

Now listening to: Those lovely roofers outside (minus the music, lol)

Smell like: DragonzBlood

Last website visited: (banking)

Last person who made you smile: (several sweet people, actually!)

Now leaving for: Nowhere -- chained to my study that's due in t-minus 30 hours! (oh boy!)


Medusa 08-03-2010 12:59 PM

Now wearing: Pink satin top with black slacks and pink satin pumps. Random silver bangles and silver Medusa charm necklace.

Now eating: Mandarin orange snack cup

Now drinking: Water (Dasani only, please!)

Now listening to: Zagat Naima

Smell like: Aqua di Gio (for men), mint gum, and Perlier hand creme

Last website visited: Gmail

Last person who made you smile: Nancy

Now leaving for: home ,in about a hour!

Pixie 08-03-2010 01:04 PM

Now wearing:
Purple polka dot bra and shorts..

Now eating:
Nothing..but now that you mention it I am kinda hungry

Now drinking:

Now listening to:
My ac thumping....bah

Smell like:
My room smells of sandalwood incense
I smell like celine dion's belong and lavendar aromatherapy lotion

Last website visited:

Last person who made you smile:
My client

Now leaving for:
my parents new house...

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