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Bob 06-23-2010 11:34 AM

Annoyed Book Reviews
#1 - Life of Pi, by Yann Martel

In case any of you are wondering whether you should read Life Of Pi, go to any freshman dorm on a college campus around late September at about 3 o'clock AM.

Wander around until you find two people engaged in conversation, one of whom pensively tucks a lock of hair behind their ear, then earnestly explains to the other that "I'm like, not really religious? But like, I would definitely consider myself spiritual?"

There you go, I just saved you the trouble of reading Life Of Pi.

Fancy 06-23-2010 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Bob (Post 136758)
#1 - Life of Pi, by Yann Martel

In case any of you are wondering whether you should read Life Of Pi, go to any freshman dorm on a college campus around late September at about 3 o'clock AM.

Wander around until you find two people engaged in conversation, one of whom pensively tucks a lock of hair behind their ear, then earnestly explains to the other that "I'm like, not really religious? But like, I would definitely consider myself spiritual?"

There you go, I just saved you the trouble of reading Life Of Pi.

Ha. Thanks for the chuckle... that was spot on.

homoe 07-29-2015 05:51 PM

In case any of you are wondering whether you should read Go Set A Watchman may I suggest any other book than that:glasses:

C0LLETTE 07-29-2015 08:12 PM

You don't have to be a chicken to be a judge of omelettes but I do prefer meaty relevant criticism.

homoe 06-21-2016 06:55 PM

Orange Is The New Black sounds like a terrific show, BUT believe me the book is a real snooze-fest! LARRY LARRY LARRY I got so sick hearing about LARRY!

Sidebar: The real Alex (Cleary Wolters) however has released her own book. And although I have not read it as of yet, I'm thinking it's got to be better!!!

*Anya* 06-21-2016 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by homoe (Post 1071901)
Orange Is The New Black sounds like a terrific show, BUT believe me the book is a real snooze-fest! LARRY LARRY LARRY I got so sick hearing about LARRY!

Sidebar: The real Alex (Cleary Wolters) however has released her own book. And although I have not read it as of yet, I'm thinking it's got to be better!!!

I agree re: the book being a snooze. I have had it on my Kindle for about a year and am only half-way through it. I keep putting other books on it and finish them and there it still sits.

The writers of the show do a much better job!

homoe 07-24-2016 11:59 PM

Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate by Gary Byrne

This is one of the very few times I've requested permission from Amazon to return a book!

femmeandstrong 07-25-2016 04:09 AM

Potage Poulet...
The book...Julia and Julia... is far better than the movie...
the book had me in stitches...the added benefit being that I heard it as an audiobook... the voice inflection is indeed the frosting on the cake .

homoe 09-13-2016 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by homoe (Post 1003392)
In case any of you are wondering whether you should read Go Set A Watchman may I suggest any other book than that:glasses:

Yup, sorry to say I still stand by this post!

aishah 09-13-2016 11:24 PM

I loved Life of Pi (mostly because I've struggled with feeling polyamorously religious/spiritual throughout my life) - but Go Set a Watchman was awful. It was basically "well, it's okay to think black people are lesser as long as you're okay with allowing them to vote." Scout, you're just as racist as Atticus. Stop patting yourself on the back, and Harper Lee, stop making Scout out to be the wonderful not-racist one. She's just as racist and ignorant as everyone else. I literally ranted and raved for ten straight minutes and threw the book down at the end. Thankfully I borrowed it instead of paying for it.

Currently I'm trying to read Wheat Belly and the science was interesting but it goes on foreeeeeeeever. How hard can it be to explain 'don't eat wheat, it's wrecking your health?'. I mean, it's a book I needed to read and I really hope there's something worthwhile in the last 40% of the book (I've been stuck at 60%, bored as hell, for a couple weeks now), but it doesn't need to go on for so many pages. Also, the author's 'witty' comments come across as smarmy and ick.

Kätzchen 09-14-2016 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by aishah (Post 1092741)
I loved Life of Pi (mostly because I've struggled with feeling polyamorously religious/spiritual throughout my life) - but Go Set a Watchman was awful. It was basically "well, it's okay to think black people are lesser as long as you're okay with allowing them to vote." Scout, you're just as racist as Atticus. Stop patting yourself on the back, and Harper Lee, stop making Scout out to be the wonderful not-racist one. She's just as racist and ignorant as everyone else. I literally ranted and raved for ten straight minutes and threw the book down at the end. Thankfully I borrowed it instead of paying for it.

Currently I'm trying to read Wheat Belly and the science was interesting but it goes on foreeeeeeeever. How hard can it be to explain 'don't eat wheat, it's wrecking your health?'. I mean, it's a book I needed to read and I really hope there's something worthwhile in the last 40% of the book (I've been stuck at 60%, bored as hell, for a couple weeks now), but it doesn't need to go on for so many pages. Also, the author's 'witty' comments come across as smarmy and ick.

I forget where I read about it, but the op-ed I read spoke about how it took nearly 100 years for social and political attitude to change somewhat radically (I say that mildly) to foster or adopt policy to set right, the way people of color have been traditionally treated like chattel, not worthy of the right to vote or even live with an reasonable opportunity to coexist without fear of reprisal. I think I read it in an Bill Moyer op-ed, where he incorporated these particular truths in a synthesized essay on current political attitude and policy, still found acceptable in American society ---- when it's anything but acceptable, the mistreatment of people of color from any indigenous or ethnic background.

But I liked reading your post, this morning and share similar an sentiment. Btw, welcome back to the community. :rrose:

Kätzchen 10-20-2017 09:22 AM

I have been so lucky to have been gifted books to read over the past 5 months. Books that I've read have become dear to my heart: Little Big Lies, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe, Anna Karenina, Girl with the Pearl Earring, the lesbian romance novel -- Don't Forget -- was simply awesome, and of all of the books I've read, the one that will stay with me forever is The Help :stillheart:

Aibileen, she takes care of Baby Girl Mosley and she dotes on her daily because the baby's mother can't be bothered with nurturing her little girl. In fact, her mother is entirely wrapped up in keeping up appearances with her friends and people who espouse Jim Crow laws of the south. Aibileen would tell baby girl Mosley ..... "You is kind. You is smart. You is important."

I am still trying to finish White Palace, and I've got Philomena and The Jane Austen Book Club, yet to read....which I'm looking forward to reading those books!

I also received the book by Sedaris -- Squirrel Meets Chipmunk, but I dunno. There's all kinds of props for the book, inside the cover of the book, but I wasn't impressed with the 'fables' featured in Sedaris' book. I definitely do not recommend reading this book. Some people might like it, but I didn't.

All the other books are fantastic stories to read! :balloon:


Martina 10-20-2017 12:02 PM

I just finished reading If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B movie Actor by Bruce Campbell. Good until the end. Then it got a tad dull. I am still gonna read the next installment called Hail to the Chin. I love Bruce Campbell. He makes me laugh.

Kätzchen 10-20-2017 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by homoe (Post 1175977)
The whole point of this thread is to post about books you DID NOT like or or am I mistaken.....

Books you did not like.....

(which I covered that in my post. I just like to include a full report, I suppose)

homoe 10-29-2017 09:22 AM

Sweet Bitter..............Stephanie Danler

It moved at a snail's pace, and I couldn't care less about of the book's many characters! I am so thankful I never got it in hardcover when it first came out........

homoe 01-15-2018 09:19 AM

I am so sorry I wasted money on the Michael Wolff Fire and Fury book! Luckily I have two other books coming this week that will no doubt be better!

homoe 02-20-2018 11:49 AM

Right now I'm reading The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick.

It took me awhile to track down a copy and I was really looking forward to reading it! However, I have been greatly disappointed! Usually books are so much better than the movie! I am sorry to report that this is NOT true in this case...

ardentfemme 02-20-2018 11:25 PM

Y'all, I'm reading the most Male Author book I've ever read. The Unbearable Lightness of Being. It's critically acclaimed, which makes me livid.
The protagonist is a habitual cheater and womanizer who has absolutely no understanding of female desire. (To say nothing of the female orgasm.)

There's a great passage in which one of his lovers reflects that she wants to feel weak and violated during intercourse.

Then there's another in which the dude doesn't want to give their dog a masculine name because she'll develop "homosexual tendencies."

My favorite part is when he leaves Switzerland to return to his wife in Prague because he loves her and can't live without her. Only to discover immediately upon reuniting with her that he wants to bang other women ASAP.

This book's only redeeming quality is that I'm finding myself aroused thinking about all the ways in which I want to have sex that are the complete antithesis of what this dude is continually fantasizing and describing in nauseating detail.

homoe 04-23-2018 07:54 AM

Get Out Of Your Own Way: Overcoming Self-Defeating Behavior

Mark Goulston, M.D., & Philip Goldberg

This is the one of the worst self-help books I've ever read! It almost seems as if it's based entirely on the author's own experiences more than anything else!

One example is the chapter on procrastination. I don't know about you, but I've seldom procrastinated because I was lonely or had a fear of being!

imperfect_cupcake 04-23-2018 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by ardentfemme (Post 1199193)
Y'all, I'm reading the most Male Author book I've ever read. The Unbearable Lightness of Being. It's critically acclaimed, which makes me livid.
The protagonist is a habitual cheater and womanizer who has absolutely no understanding of female desire. (To say nothing of the female orgasm.)

There's a great passage in which one of his lovers reflects that she wants to feel weak and violated during intercourse.

Then there's another in which the dude doesn't want to give their dog a masculine name because she'll develop "homosexual tendencies."

My favorite part is when he leaves Switzerland to return to his wife in Prague because he loves her and can't live without her. Only to discover immediately upon reuniting with her that he wants to bang other women ASAP.

This book's only redeeming quality is that I'm finding myself aroused thinking about all the ways in which I want to have sex that are the complete antithesis of what this dude is continually fantasizing and describing in nauseating detail.

You made it further than me. I got so fucking annoyed and bored by the book about 1/3 of the way in - and I concur, it's the most male author book I've ever read in my life - I just put it down and didn't bother finishing it.

But I do that. I don't finish books I don't like. Which might make it hard for me to give a book review of a book I didn't like as I've likely buggered off. If I haven't liked it 30% of the way in, I'm not going to like it any more of the way in, I learned that in my 20s. So I stopped forcing myself to read books that bore the fuck out of me or annoy me when I was 33.

So I can give the review of the first 1/3rd of books that annoyed or bored me. Would that be passable?

"at page 112 I sent it on to the free book place because I lost all hope that anything would interest me."

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