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Medusa 12-05-2010 11:08 AM

If YOU Were President!
Let's play a little game. Let's pretend that YOU are President.
What are your views? How would you run the country?
How do you feel about:

* the death penalty?
* abortion rights?
* taxation?
* civil rights?
* our military situation?
* immigration?
* the nation's school system?

Give me a run down! Tell me how/if you would 'fix' this country, how you would correct the deficit, how you would improve foreign relations!

What would you do if you were President?!

katsarecool 12-05-2010 11:44 AM

Oh this will be interesting. I have often thought of what I would do. I am getting ready to go to the store but will be back later today to add my two cents and see what others think about this issue.

WolfyOne 12-05-2010 11:56 AM

First off, I wouldn't let politicians vote for their own pay raises
Secondly, I'd make all of them depend on social security just like us

This is where I would start, but I'll come back with more later
Although I could get killed in office for being an honest politician

iamkeri1 12-05-2010 12:08 PM

A Civil rights
Draft and sign Presidential Order to immediately stop Enforcement of DADT,
order offers of reinstatement to all service personeel terminated under,
order investigation of loss of benefits like pension, health care for
terminated service people and reinstatement of benefits as provided in
their service contracts prior to termination.
B Economy
Withraw US from World Trade Organization
Review trade agreements for equity: terminate all agreements resulting in
trade imbalance with any country
Treat any US company that sends jobs overseas like a it was a non-US
based company, and subject it to all applicable taxes, tarriffs, etc
Reinstate tax reductions for all employess on all income up to $150,000.00
Develop retraining program for anyone topped out on unemployment which
includes on-the-job training with industry standard pay.

More later when I have more time

amiyesiam 12-05-2010 12:50 PM

I would not be president
the list of things I would like to change to make things better for all Americans is long
but the president can't just change things
this is a democracy
it was designed to make changes slowly
with lots of checks and balances, give and take, etc
it is not easy
it is full of power plays, deceit, behind the doors crap, and honestly lots of bullshit
Even if one, as president, has a clear vision of a fair and free America
there are many who don't want a fair and free anything
I could not, for 4 years, actually have to spend most of my time dealing with all the pettiness, stupidity, etc
while watching a country I would be responsible for, keep suffering.
Besides I lack the necessary tack required for the job

I will keep reading and learning, and voting and teaching as a citizen
that way I can keep my sanity

Blade 12-05-2010 12:57 PM

Chuckling....Medusa you might should have put each one of those items in their own threads. I'm thinking some people are going to have replies as long as a novel. Pulls up a chair.

I'm shaking my head yes at the posts so far.

Blade 12-05-2010 02:07 PM

I'll address the death penalty first and the prison system as a whole. If DNA evidence or indisputable evidence points towards guilt I say yes to the death penalty. Also if they deserve a swift, prompt trial, then society deserves swift prompt punishment.

As for the rest of the prison population. Those who show promise in returning to society and are likely not to return to prison would be offered the opportunity to learn a trade or earn their GED/Diploma or continued education and substance abuse assistance.

I have seen varying figures as to how much it cost to house an inmate per year. The last I remember was like 35G. That is more than many of us make in a year and are expected to keep up our bills and kids and taxes. So For the lifers and repeat offenders I have another plan. These folks would spend their days on farms picking and packing, veggies and produce that machines don't pick and pack. Working farms and many other things they could do to help with their up keep. In summer they could grow a garden and preserve things for the whole prison to eat the rest of the year. They'd keep our roadways clean and the ones with a trade would be repairing housing, for the elderly and lower income families. Even building homes for them much like Habitat for Humanity does.

This is just a few of my ideas for the entire prison system.

Rook 12-05-2010 03:12 PM

There's a Lot I'd do, but as the previous Posts state,
I could only do so much as President per se...
Any Desicion/Measure/ammending or Change must first meet approval of House of Rep. + Senate...
If those are divided, not a damned thing could be Done w/o Months of argument/Debate...
If Both are of "my" Party, the Process to make it Legit might take time, and when it does come around, My term probably would be Over because the People didnt see immediate Action, and whatever dingbat the People placed in Spite will Veto my efforts.


Abolish Death Penality

Grant "Choice" in abortion under Extenuating Circumstance{in other words, if you wanna abort because of some random 1 night stand that was delicious and with consequence, too bad, however, if it was rape/incest/underage, different story}

Repeal DADT

Grant Equal Rights to Marry, Inheritance, Taxes, Visitors right etc to Same Sex...

Health Care for ALL who can't afford to pay regardless of so-called Income bracket. 2 Hearing aids {not just 1 every 4 years}, per 2 years for those who need it, Coverage for Glasses as well..
Remove that stupid "Drive-thru" policy for Delivering mothers..
Increase WIC help

Legalize Ferrets in California/Hawaii/Puerto Rico -smirk-

Tax the Rich to Feed the Poor...

Instill in Public schools Free breakfast/lunch for Students

Enforce in every way possible till everyone understands the Separation of State and Church.

Grant Proper Restitution/Compensation, proper financial/medical Aid, proper Education for Native Americans both In and Out of Rez...

Fix up Social Security for Retirees, Elders..

Find alternatives to Oil Dependancy...

Recall Troops from Foreign Soil, Deal with Domestic Issues before rushing off to save Whomever, in a war that isn't even Ours{yet} at the Cost of Our own Families, w/o a shred of gratitude..
Falling short of being called the next Switzerland.

[maybe post more later....hmm]:vigil:

Blade 12-05-2010 03:22 PM

To bad there isn't some way to make a financial eligibility cap for those wishing to run for The Senate or the House of Reps. I really believe the common man, with common sense could get us out of a lot of the mess this country is in. I mean lets face it Presidential candidates, and other legislative branch, candidates aren't common people. They are the wealthy, and are backed by wealth and big corporates.

princessbelle 12-05-2010 03:26 PM

I am not very political.

I do have a couple ideas, but don't bite me, they are just *my* thoughts.

The economy...uggg.

I would do two things right off the bat (not sure what this saying means exactly, but i'll go with it)

Number 1. raise minimum wage. The max unemployment check is right at the minimum wage currently. There is no real incentive for people who are on unemployment to NOT draw it. Not that there are a lot of jobs out there, i know that. Just that it may help single mothers, fathers etc who do have to get a minimum paying job until something better comes along.

I say no to stopping the unemployment cold turkey as is being discussed in congress right now. There are over 4 million people drawing unemployment in the US currently. If it is stopped with no way to reup for 4 more weeks then these 4 million people will all be hungry ect. Just makes no sense....to *me*.

Number 2. Big tax breaks for opening small buisnesses and renting empty buildings for buisnesses. IE: an abandand building and someone that wants to start a small buisness there or even turn it into apartment buildings.

The tax revenue will be seen when the buisness opens and the tax saved for the individual will be gained for the economy in the long run. As well as jobs for the remodeling, buying of furniture, contractors, plumbers, staff, ect....

K, my two cents if i magically became president...oh and of course National Pink Day...at least once per month....*smiles

Kobi 12-05-2010 03:32 PM

Ok I had to keep reminding myself I am the Pres of the USA, not God.

Given I would have to work within the system, I would limit my energies

1. deficit reduction - this, I think, would be relatively easy.

I firmly believe in living within ones budget and a balanced budget would be mandatory.

To reduce the deficit, instituting a flat rate income tax would be desirable, without deductions and tax shelters, ranging from 10-50% depending on income for both individuals and corporations.

Foreign aid would be on the chopping block anywhere from 25-100% depending on whom we are supporting and why we are supporting them.

The war would end the day I took office period - advisors yes, equipment and forces no. I might even barter for the equipment in exchange for cheap oil but no more American lives.

A greed tax on thriving businesses i.e. professional sports, energy companies bragging of the billions a quarter in profits, the ridiculous banking and health care profits seems rather tasty.

I would require Congress and their respective flunkies who got us into this mess to take a 25% pay cut and reduce their "office expenses" by 50% until this problem is resolved.

Luxury taxes on non essential items like idiotically expensive vehilces, boats, planes, cruises and other forms of conspicuous consumption would make me smile.

I would cut the budgets of non essential government services by 25% i.e. I'm not going to cut social security but I will cut the parks service etc.

Voiding the current federal employee retirement system and requiring the government institute whatever is popular for the majority is a must. Thus no lucrative federal pensions. Instead, they get an unreliable 401 system like the rest of us schmucks.

That would be a good start I think.

2. I would nationalize health care for all citizens providing basic health, hospitalization, medication, and dental care. And I would pay for it will all the money currently being spent on private insurers, and reimbursement realignments.

3. Banking changes - I would nationalize all banks simply because selling off such an important part of your infrastructure borders on insanity.

Legalized loan sharking would be eliminated i.e. you can only charge interest on a credit card that equals the interest rate of a simple savings account -
.5% is more feasible than 22%.

4. Overhauling the political system, invoking reasonable campaign spending limits and limiting campaigning to 6 weeks before the election would be my last priority. I would want to level the playing field by eliminating contributions to individual campaigns and forcing contributions to a federal distribution system that would allocate funds equally to each candidate based on some totally incomprehensible formula.

Limiting term limits to 2 would be good. And making lobbying an act of treason seems reasonable.

If I havent been assassinated yet, tackling immigration would be next. But, I'm having too nice a day to invite in conflict. Maybe tomorrow :)

ravfem 12-05-2010 04:01 PM

i would pass a law stating that i had to give my personal approval before anyone was allowed to buy a Mustang.

WolfyOne 12-05-2010 04:37 PM

Blade touched on a subject I complain about all the time, our prison system

If I were president, I would put an end to federal prisons because a crime is a crime and I don't care who you are. If you choose to commit a crime, you should pay for it. Why should white collar criminals get special treatment in federal prison that prisoners elsewhere don't get. Imagine all the white collar thieves stopping to think about where they would wind up if all prisons were created equal. Maybe we'd get a politician or 3 that would turn to, "honesty is the best policy".

Blade 12-05-2010 04:40 PM

If I were President issues of abortion and civil rights....

I believe it is one's own personal choice if they have an abortion or not, as long as you pay for it yourself. If you are on public assistance then you are likely not able to afford to pay for it yourself so you can work it off and work off an affordable plan of birth control also. If one becomes pregnant due to rape, incest, sexual assault of a minor etc...then the government will pay for your abortion if you don't have the means and you get a front row ticket to watch the death penalty being enforced on your perpetrator.

Civil Rights....
My problem with civil rights is who and at what point are they taken from us after birth? If I were President Civil Rights wouldn't be an issue because we would all have equal civil rights. There would be no point at which some body of government could tell you as a legal citizen or a legal alien that you can't drink from that fountain or use that bathroom or marry whomever you wish or that you can only do that or this on a reservation.

However if you are a prisoner certainly all of your rights change. That is because you made a conscience decision to break the law. Drugs are no excuse and not taking drugs that you are prescribed are also no excuse. Those are both conscience decisions.

WolfyOne 12-05-2010 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Rook (Post 241969)
There's a Lot I'd do, but as the previous Posts state,
I could only do so much as President per se...
Any Desicion/Measure/ammending or Change must first meet approval of House of Rep. + Senate...
If those are divided, not a damned thing could be Done w/o Months of argument/Debate...
If Both are of "my" Party, the Process to make it Legit might take time, and when it does come around, My term probably would be Over because the People didnt see immediate Action, and whatever dingbat the People placed in Spite will Veto my efforts.


Abolish Death Penality

Grant "Choice" in abortion under Extenuating Circumstance{in other words, if you wanna abort because of some random 1 night stand that was delicious and with consequence, too bad, however, if it was rape/incest/underage, different story}

Repeal DADT

Grant Equal Rights to Marry, Inheritance, Taxes, Visitors right etc to Same Sex...

Health Care for ALL who can't afford to pay regardless of so-called Income bracket. 2 Hearing aids {not just 1 every 4 years}, per 2 years for those who need it, Coverage for Glasses as well..
Remove that stupid "Drive-thru" policy for Delivering mothers..
Increase WIC help

Legalize Ferrets in California/Hawaii/Puerto Rico -smirk-

Tax the Rich to Feed the Poor...

Instill in Public schools Free breakfast/lunch for Students

Enforce in every way possible till everyone understands the Separation of State and Church.

Grant Proper Restitution/Compensation, proper financial/medical Aid, proper Education for Native Americans both In and Out of Rez...

Fix up Social Security for Retirees, Elders..

Find alternatives to Oil Dependancy...

Recall Troops from Foreign Soil, Deal with Domestic Issues before rushing off to save Whomever, in a war that isn't even Ours{yet} at the Cost of Our own Families, w/o a shred of gratitude..
Falling short of being called the next Switzerland.

[maybe post more later....hmm]:vigil:

Rook, I'm only going to pull one out of here because I like all the rest......Abolish the death penalty.

I believe if you are found guilty without a doubt, lets say for murder that we as tax paying citizens should not have to pay to house you the rest of your living days. 3 meals a day, a room of your own, clothing, medical and dental is no answer for killing.

Rook 12-05-2010 07:10 PM

I appreciate that you like all the Rest, and I respect your point of view..
However, if we're focusing on Financing, as taxpayers...
Not even glancing at the Constitution's 8th amendment in the process..Their Constant Appeals{I think it's the exceptionally rare who waive off their right to appeals} also places a financial burden upon the Tax-payers, sometimes far more Expensive than say ..Life w/o Parole...
even as said Death Row inmate awaits his/her "Death" amid back2back appeals, we the taxpayers have to foot the bill to actually keep him/her healthy until such time the State is scheduled to carry their sentence..
Frequently, while they await their Sentence to be carried out, depending on each Prisons Policy, death row inmates, because of the severity of their Isolation, it's not uncommon to find they slipped into severe mental illness...
I'm aware that Timothy McVeigh's execution was rather quick, but I think he was one of those rare moments in Justice...
There's also the fact that some states actually make some sentences "quicker" because, in all honesty, the cocktail they use in lethal injection has an expiration date-snort-...
Also, there are some who managed to wiggle Out of Death Row after DNA has proven their innocence, others haven't been quite as lucky..
A Lifer stands a far better chance at receiving his/her own piece of Justice than someone who was Executed {if they're truly innocent}..
Back to Finance, 1 case in Capital punishment cost 500,000$, in attorney fees alone, then there's Medical, personnel, etc etc....
Yes a lifer gets 3 meals a day{shitty food, but food nonetheless, ask any ex-con.. }, maybe a TV {basic cable that the Guards control on a whim}, clothing{who wants wool jumpsuits??}, a Room of your own , shared with probably 1 or 4 perpetually horny big-ass Bubba Joes, the matresses are sub-par, u get a nifty teeny weeny window, and a really...hmm, shitty Loo...
Communal Shower, with maybe 30 murderers, rapists etc..
Medical and Dental, true...
No different than a Death Row inmate...
But I can guarantee, it's not 5 star recommended Medical..

I think I explained better in the other Thread dealing with this very subject though...

I could be wrong, who knows..

and I don't mean to negate your feelings, just giving "the other side of the issue" so to speak...

WolfyOne 12-05-2010 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Rook (Post 242114)
I appreciate that you like all the Rest, and I respect your point of view..
However, if we're focusing on Financing, as taxpayers...
Not even glancing at the Constitution's 8th amendment in the process..Their Constant Appeals{I think it's the exceptionally rare who waive off their right to appeals} also places a financial burden upon the Tax-payers, sometimes far more Expensive than say ..Life w/o Parole...
even as said Death Row inmate awaits his/her "Death" amid back2back appeals, we the taxpayers have to foot the bill to actually keep him/her healthy until such time the State is scheduled to carry their sentence..
Frequently, while they await their Sentence to be carried out, depending on each Prisons Policy, death row inmates, because of the severity of their Isolation, it's not uncommon to find they slipped into severe mental illness...
I'm aware that Timothy McVeigh's execution was rather quick, but I think he was one of those rare moments in Justice...
There's also the fact that some states actually make some sentences "quicker" because, in all honesty, the cocktail they use in lethal injection has an expiration date-snort-...
Also, there are some who managed to wiggle Out of Death Row after DNA has proven their innocence, others haven't been quite as lucky..
A Lifer stands a far better chance at receiving his/her own piece of Justice than someone who was Executed {if they're truly innocent}..
Back to Finance, 1 case in Capital punishment cost 500,000$, in attorney fees alone, then there's Medical, personnel, etc etc....
Yes a lifer gets 3 meals a day{shitty food, but food nonetheless, ask any ex-con.. }, maybe a TV {basic cable that the Guards control on a whim}, clothing{who wants wool jumpsuits??}, a Room of your own , shared with probably 1 or 4 perpetually horny big-ass Bubba Joes, the matresses are sub-par, u get a nifty teeny weeny window, and a really...hmm, shitty Loo...
Communal Shower, with maybe 30 murderers, rapists etc..
Medical and Dental, true...
No different than a Death Row inmate...
But I can guarantee, it's not 5 star recommended Medical..

I think I explained better in the other Thread dealing with this very subject though...

I could be wrong, who knows..

and I don't mean to negate your feelings, just giving "the other side of the issue" so to speak...

I understand you Rook, but at least they get more than homeless people
As President I would want more for the homeless and less for those in prison
No one living in the United States should have to go hungry

Rook 12-05-2010 07:32 PM

Ok, I agree there...
Being homeless scares the crap out of me...
Dangerously close to it several times in the past....
I would definitely create awareness and Direct Action to help the Homeless shelters, as well as domestic Violence shelters for both men and women {hetero and homosexual}, maybe Create financing for some Shelters to allow Pets{within Reason}, many who Need the help and have very cherished Pets tend to waive the help initially because of the no-pets policy....

JustLovelyJenn 12-05-2010 07:34 PM

At least for now... I'm going to sit quietly in the corner and listen.

Corkey 12-05-2010 07:37 PM

I don't think any of you would like me for President, and that's quite all right. I think I would do much better as a Senator, to help bring back sanity and to keep our Constitution from those who would bring us to Fascism.

That said, I would have to take an economic course or two as this wasn't my forte in college.

Death penalty should only be reserved for the worst of the worst. To arbitrarily kill isn't justice, it's vigilanteism. Those that DNA proves to be innocent should be released without predigest.
Due process is there for those who are innocent as well as the guilty. To loose our rights because of personal animus is not acceptable.

I would vote to repeal DADT, DOMA and pass with Transpeople included EDNA.

I would vote to pass unemployment extensions so that this country can begin to dig itself out of this mess W left us.

I would vote for a flat tax for those making over 250,000.00 a year, and it would be substantial, 40-50 %, and those making over 2 million 50-60%. Those who do not make 250K and less would get tax exemptions for interest paid to college education, home mortgages, and caretaker health care.

I would vote for Nationalized healthcare for every citizen, nationalized and working on a guest or workers visa. Those who make over 250K would be responsible for their own health care and can apply at any time they do not make this cut off.

Comprehensive immigration is a harder subject, but I would start by making the Dream Act law.

There is more, but I've drained my hands of typing at the moment.

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