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RockOn 12-03-2013 08:36 PM

One of the chiefs put a software need with a hard deadline on us. My supervisor and I decided to work together on it. I want to hit it hard and heavy, get it completed as soon as possible with plenty of time to spare. We got started on it yesterday. Right now, we are shaping up raggedy-ass data .... making it presentable enough to exist in one of our Oracle tables. I am not kidding, this data is about the nastiest I have ever come across. WTF? Where ever it originated, I find it difficult to believe it had a useful purpose in its present state. Bet it has been bullied a lot too - by all the other "little datas" when they saw it. AAAAHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHA! *laughing* I am so tired, I am really punchy tonight and my humor seems to go very goofy when I am like this.

Bet I am the only one here who thought my "bullying and little datas" joke was funny. That's okay, I found it funny enough to cover everyone else's lack of enthusiasm.

Looking forward to completion of this little project.

Signing off as ... punch drunk from code.

cinnamongrrl 12-09-2013 03:57 PM

Spring in the mountains....


Fishing....preferably fly fishing

Possibly white water rafting....

Depends on how adventurous we get!

WingsOnFire 12-09-2013 04:29 PM

Im looking forward to curling up on the couch with my pink cupcake fuzzy blanket and a good book...

StrongButch 12-09-2013 04:47 PM

Forward toooooooooooooooooo
No more Dr appointments.

The_Lady_Snow 12-09-2013 04:58 PM



Leigh 12-09-2013 06:43 PM

Next year and a visit with someone special :-)

Jet 12-09-2013 06:52 PM

A great shipment.

Little Fish 12-09-2013 07:19 PM

A big year ahead...
A dear femme friend is getting married at home, Aug. 2--I'm so incredibly excited I can hardly stand it.

My first visit back to Canada in 40 years!--I'll be going to see family.

It's official since I just signed the paperwork, I'm launching my own General Contracting company--I think I may have my first job too l

JustLovelyJenn 12-09-2013 08:32 PM

Summer.... already...

LaDivina 12-09-2013 10:00 PM

Pajama's arrival in Yankeeland!

StrongButch 12-13-2013 02:59 PM

Spending the week-end with friends and a special girl.

Jet 12-13-2013 03:06 PM

Summer, 2014

Smiling 12-14-2013 10:37 AM

I'm very much looking forward to getting creative in the kitchen over the holiday break! Of course knowing me, I will probably just end up burning down the place, lol. However, as it stands right now, I'm excited to do some cooking and baking of treats for enjoyment over the holiday season.

And hopefully, no one dies as a direct result, lmao.

Daktari 12-14-2013 10:49 AM

Huge-Smile Fed-Exing me something savoury that she's baked :p

Smiling 12-14-2013 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Daktari (Post 869263)
Huge-Smile Fed-Exing me something savoury that she's baked :p

You're brave! Can you ship food in enough time that it stays fresh? If it can be done, I will. But again; you're brave, lol. Fair warning.

Daktari 12-14-2013 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Huge-Smile (Post 869267)
You're brave! Can you ship food in enough time that it stays fresh? If it can be done, I will. But again; you're brave, lol. Fair warning.

Not sure about shipping foodstuffs to UK, they may get a trifle stale and broken up in transit. Still, I'd eat it. :cheesy:

Smiling 12-14-2013 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Daktari (Post 869269)
Not sure about shipping foodstuffs to UK, they may get a trifle stale and broken up in transit. Still, I'd eat it. :cheesy:

lol, that'd provide me plausible deniability as regards being the cause of any potential food poisoning, too. ;).

Daktari 12-14-2013 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by Huge-Smile (Post 869271)
lol, that'd provide me plausible deniability as regards being the cause of any potential food poisoning, too. ;).

Dinnae worrit! (UK/Scotty>US don't worry) I haz a cast-iron stomach borne out of living with no sense of smell all my life

I know not to eat things once they've turned green though :|

Smiling 12-14-2013 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Daktari (Post 869272)
Dinnae worrit! (UK/Scotty>US don't worry) I haz a cast-iron stomach borne out of living with no sense of smell all my life

I know not to eat things once they've turned green though :|

lmao, so where have you been all my life? You're perfect. :tease:

Daktari 12-14-2013 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Huge-Smile (Post 869273)
lmao, so where have you been all my life? You're perfect. :tease:

I'm glad you noticed :groucho:

Waiting for you of course :raspberry:

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