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ONLY 12-28-2013 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by SoulShineFemme (Post 873204)
Its my pleasure. Being home with you is heaven. lets make it permanent in 2014. :-)

I agree.......and that is our 2014 goal, let's get it started baby ;)

Kenna 01-09-2014 11:26 PM

Looking forward to this weekend ...happy to hear of warmer weather which makes me want to go camping or to the beach. Folly Beach and River Creek have been calling my name ....

RockOn 01-10-2014 03:30 AM

I am looking forward to the weekend.

I intend to attempt a restful one. I try to do too much most weekends and the norm is to go back to work on Monday in an exhausted state. Last night I even put a note to self on my bathroom mirror which reads: Slow down, rest more, take a daytime nap this weekend!

Be interesting to see how this works out. I think I can do it except the nap part - it may be too much of a reach but I have to start with some type defined goal(s) in mind.

~baby~doll~ 01-10-2014 04:34 AM

i'm looking forward to a trip we are taking. W/we will be gone about five days. i hope it is a refreshment for the spirit. It will be nice to spend time with friends we have not seen for some time.

Daktari 01-10-2014 06:24 AM

A wee bit of shortbread :hangloose:

GraffitiBoi 01-10-2014 06:49 AM

Getting my car fixed so I can drive again.

JustLovelyJenn 01-10-2014 07:53 AM

Every new day... and every new smile

Rockinonahigh 01-10-2014 08:35 AM

I'm looking forwards to picking up my new glasses today,it will be nice to see the world clearly.

JustLovelyJenn 01-12-2014 11:02 AM

A promised phone call

Seeing what happens next

Rockinonahigh 01-12-2014 12:10 PM

I'm looking forwards to more days like today,it's 70* sunny and such a fine day after the bone chilling cold we all had.

Soon 01-12-2014 02:45 PM

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler hosting The Golden Globes tonight! Scoping out the show (dresses!) while I munch on cheese popcorn! :D

Chad 01-12-2014 02:57 PM

Looking forward

I am looking forward to not waking up at 5:00 am and having a few days off to spend with friends and loved ones.


MsBluem 01-12-2014 03:23 PM

The dust to settle again. Constant chaos is frustrating.

RockOn 01-12-2014 09:54 PM

Going to bed, sleeping.

Was a not so much weekend.

Bad stuff going on with a friend's health.

I have my old sponsor back, I call her my teeny-tiny Mexican lady ... And she is that. Very petite. She loves dogs just as much as I do so we get on well. :)

Ms Teeny-Tiny and I were talking about someone from my past and then she is talking why I deserve to be happily partnered. I changed that subject in a flash. Sometimes I think I am a stubborn brat butch. LOL! It is good the way it is! *grin*

'night to the bfp peeps!

Soon 01-12-2014 09:55 PM

a hot date this weekend

RockOn 01-13-2014 10:19 PM

Once again, sleep is what I look forward to very soon. Worked lunch today and didn't leave the office until 6:30 p.m.... So that is a 10.5 hour straight through day.

I became annoyed with someone who tried to push all the work on me so he could goof off and pretend busy. About 4:30, I printed 6 varying length info/instruction sheets on a particular task we are working. Neither of us know what we are doing yet. I made 2 copies of everything, one for him, one for me. Took them to his office, told him this is a "we" thing and when did he want to get started. Said the handouts would be helpful as we went through each one together. *devilish grin* I was firm and ready to get pushy but it wasn't necessary. Great guy but lazy as all. Anyway, he complied - he knows I am quite familiar with his game. We will start first thing tomorrow. :)

JustLovelyJenn 01-14-2014 12:20 AM

More like that... *nods*

fatallyblonde 01-14-2014 01:48 AM

I'm looking forward to losing weight and becoming a successful nail artist... long term goals heh...

in the here and now, seeing episodes of biker mice from mars I haven't seen XD <-- dork

LoyalWolfsBlade 01-14-2014 05:11 AM

I am looking forward to going to bed
Going to sleep
And NOT setting an alarm to wake up
Goodnight to all my planet inhabitants

Cid 01-14-2014 08:22 AM

I'm looking forward to my roof being done.
They're up there right now rattling around. I'm so excited!

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