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I'm looking forward to sleep.
beach weekend...please no rain
Sunday afternoon!
I get some time with the Lady and the kiddo! |
Breathing the night air as I sit on the edge of the pier drinking a cold beer as the sun goes down...:)
To see if I actually sleep tonight.
Doing some stuff this weekend just for me - and taking time to relax. No errands - nothing. Just me time.
Going to see the movie "Spy" tonight. :byebye:
A long weekend away just the 2 of us... Cant wait to look in ger eyes..
Sunday, of course!
Putting together this VW bus model I bought - and surprising someone with it. :)
Pride with my GSA kids...
Vegas -- 23 more days!!
Beijing ... I leave tomorrow morning.. then Tokyo...then home. Bad air, great food.
R I D A Y :) |
This afternoon. There is a conference call where my name will be brought up. Details of taking me out of limbo perhaps??
Pride with my GSA kids... so excited to walk in the parade with them.
I look forward to each & every day....sweet messages, rep bombs, and my wonderful friends! I look forward to pool time every evening (except when there is rumbles close by...you just HAD to be there to understan:hangloose:,....lol...
I'm looking forward to coming home to my love and the fuzz butts tonight and sleeping in my own bed. Now, if I can just make it there without having a nervous breakdown after 4 hours in the car with my crazy driving coworker. :praying:
All times are GMT -6. The time now is 08:25 AM. |
All information copyright of BFP 2018