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JustLovelyJenn 06-03-2015 06:50 PM

I'm looking forward to sleep.

Bèsame* 06-03-2015 07:01 PM

beach weekend...please no rain

Bèsame* 06-03-2015 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by Orema (Post 993212)
Picking up my tortoise shell, cat-eyed shaped glasses. :glasses:


JDeere 06-03-2015 09:09 PM

Sunday afternoon!
I get some time with the Lady and the kiddo!

Barb42 06-04-2015 03:04 PM

Breathing the night air as I sit on the edge of the pier drinking a cold beer as the sun goes down...:)

JDeere 06-04-2015 08:17 PM

To see if I actually sleep tonight.

Tierney 06-05-2015 05:20 AM

Doing some stuff this weekend just for me - and taking time to relax. No errands - nothing. Just me time.

MsTinkerbelly 06-05-2015 09:16 AM

Going to see the movie "Spy" tonight. :byebye:

Barb42 06-05-2015 05:45 PM

A long weekend away just the 2 of us... Cant wait to look in ger eyes..

JDeere 06-05-2015 07:26 PM

Sunday, of course!

Tierney 06-06-2015 01:39 PM

Putting together this VW bus model I bought - and surprising someone with it. :)

JustLovelyJenn 06-07-2015 10:03 AM

Pride with my GSA kids...

QueenofSmirks 06-07-2015 11:36 AM

Vegas -- 23 more days!!

C0LLETTE 06-07-2015 12:55 PM

Beijing ... I leave tomorrow morning.. then Tokyo...then home. Bad air, great food.

cinnamongrrl 06-07-2015 09:34 PM


Bèsame* 06-07-2015 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by C0LLETTE (Post 993991)
Beijing ... I leave tomorrow morning.. then Tokyo...then home. Bad air, great food.

Safe Travels. I hope you can post updates, we want to hear!

Bèsame* 06-08-2015 08:38 AM

This afternoon. There is a conference call where my name will be brought up. Details of taking me out of limbo perhaps??

JustLovelyJenn 06-09-2015 09:42 AM

Pride with my GSA kids... so excited to walk in the parade with them.

clay 06-09-2015 09:58 AM

I look forward to each & every day....sweet messages, rep bombs, and my wonderful friends! I look forward to pool time every evening (except when there is rumbles close by...you just HAD to be there to understan:hangloose:,....lol...

CherryWine 06-09-2015 11:28 AM

I'm looking forward to coming home to my love and the fuzz butts tonight and sleeping in my own bed. Now, if I can just make it there without having a nervous breakdown after 4 hours in the car with my crazy driving coworker. :praying:

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