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AmazonDC 09-03-2017 07:37 AM

My cross country road trip..

Talon 09-04-2017 11:30 AM

Finishing my Bronco, so I can *actually* drive the damn thing...🚙

A couple upcoming concerts...🎶

Getting my new Colorpop lipglosses in the snail mail.😘

Gayandgray 09-04-2017 12:13 PM

Finishing my shift and. Sing home at 11:20 pm tonight.:hangloose:

Mel C. 09-04-2017 03:28 PM

Seeing her again in Vegas 😍

Tuff Stuff 09-04-2017 04:34 PM

Getting back on the road...you can play just so many video games. *snort*

JDeere 09-04-2017 04:47 PM

Tomorrow morning...

girl_dee 09-04-2017 06:46 PM

Vegas when i lay my eyes on her in person, again.

AmazonDC 09-04-2017 07:02 PM

Saturday evening when I can see her again

girl_dee 09-05-2017 05:29 PM

New Year's Eve. i have the HOTTEST date.

Blade 09-05-2017 05:41 PM

The weekend Im tired
Looking forward to hurricane season being over
Maggie Valley
The Casino

CherryWine 09-05-2017 05:46 PM

Getting a much needed haircut tomorrow.

Tonight a cool front is coming through and will bring some fall-like temps through the weekend. Open windows and fresh air!

Gemme 09-05-2017 06:26 PM

The weekend.

Kenna 09-05-2017 06:34 PM

Seeing all my critter babies again.

bright_arrow 09-06-2017 09:35 AM

Vegas Vegas Vegas Vegas Vegas Vegas Vegas, baby!

(For reals)

girl_dee 09-06-2017 05:11 PM

my massage once i am all healed up... :blush:

MsTinkerbelly 09-06-2017 05:48 PM

The day I get to hug my daughter again.

candy_coated_bitch 09-06-2017 06:42 PM

Getting to spend the day with my mom tomorrow! Poking around in little shops, taking her to my favorite hangouts, getting a hair cut, then dinner with my mom, sister, and gf. :)

girl_dee 09-07-2017 04:28 AM

family dinner tonight!

easygoingfemme 09-07-2017 09:51 AM

Seeing the movie IT this weekend with my scary movie buddy :)

JDeere 09-07-2017 02:05 PM

When I get to see her again, we have become closer through this storm but getting back together may not be in the cards at this time.

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