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Reach *BANNED* 08-01-2018 04:14 PM

Next weekend. :king: :princess: :cheer:

FireSignFemme 08-02-2018 03:35 AM

The clock striking midnight, direct deposit hitting the bank, paying bills, seeing my son, ordering grub for Monte. I keep Oh Magnificent One's kibble in a 5 gallon bucket with a Gamma Seal for a lid. Monte sometimes tries to twist and turn the lid/open the bucket with his paws, which is so cute. Now he's not even bothering because the food level is so low even if he was able to open the bucket he'd never be able to reach in and nab it. He's got plenty of wet food, which he likes, just not as much as he likes his kitty version of crack cocaine. Well beggars can't be choosers and until he starts bring some money into this family...

Gemme 08-02-2018 05:48 AM

When I can have the phone surgically removed from my ear.

It's going to be a long day of making phone calls.

girl_dee 08-03-2018 06:46 AM

coming home from work today, and tackling my Mel.

Gemme 08-04-2018 06:11 AM

I'm hoping for a speedy day again. I have a VERY difficult customer coming in. She doesn't listen and creates all kinds of drama and expects people to accommodate her whims, regardless of the rules and restrictions of the contract and work procedures. She's a previous customer that has come back.

To haunt me, obviously.


nanners 08-04-2018 09:32 AM

This whole week! But ESPECIALLY next Saturday night!

RockOn 08-04-2018 01:29 PM

Ms nanners
Oh but do tell ... what is up with next SAT night??


CherryWine 08-07-2018 09:58 AM

I’m looking forward to watching the Perseid meteor shower this weekend with my love. It peaks this weekend, and we should get a pretty good show as long as the skies are clear. She lives way out in the country, and the moon will not interfere much since it will be a thin crescent and setting early.

Reach *BANNED* 08-08-2018 03:31 PM

Visiting the :buzz cut: tomorrow and seeing the :princess: on Saturday.

JDeere 08-08-2018 05:09 PM

Friday! Miranda Lambert concert!

girl_dee 08-08-2018 06:18 PM

all the good things that are our future

Chad 08-12-2018 11:58 AM

Looking forward
I am looking forward to my date with a beautiful young lady Tuesday night! Ha! No details.

Bèsame* 08-12-2018 12:44 PM

Wonderful, fun filled, weekend in just 4 weeks!

Nice way to end Summer and to look ahead to Fall.

girl_dee 08-14-2018 07:18 AM

my hair cut today
seeing hym afterwards

ProfPacker 08-14-2018 07:25 AM

Off to the beach
Going to shower, shave, pack and ... off to the Hamptons for 3 days. Me time, staying with a good friend, visiting others, ocean air

Medusa 08-14-2018 11:02 AM

Two short trips coming up with my beloved!

Hitting Tupelo, MS for a long weekend in a hot tub with JD and then Branson, MO for a few days with JD and his parents...and another hot tub (no parents allowed in the hot tub! LOL)

Gemme 08-14-2018 07:44 PM

The next two days off before another long stretch.

BullDog 08-16-2018 08:21 PM

Many things!

cinnamongrrl 08-22-2018 12:07 PM

This weekend at the beach with my siblings and our families. We never get to do this and I say we need to do it more often.

clay 08-22-2018 12:39 PM

2 weeks....:)

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