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Gemme 10-10-2018 05:58 AM

I can't wait for my vacation next week. It will be my last official vacation of the year and I have tons of plans. I hope I can do everything I plan on doing during that time off.

Orema 10-10-2018 08:58 AM

A digital piano being delivered today. You never know with delivery people and I'm probably the last delivery of the day, so I may not get it till tomorrow or Friday, but it's due today and I'm looking forward to it.

Degotoga 10-10-2018 09:50 PM

The first crisp temperatures that are due to arrive this weekend. Hopefully they'll be here to stay and kill off the mini pterodactyl's commonly known as mosquitoes.

CherryWine 10-11-2018 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by Degotoga (Post 1227628)
The first crisp temperatures that are due to arrive this weekend. Hopefully they'll be here to stay and kill off the mini pterodactyl's commonly known as mosquitoes.

Yes! The mini pterodactyls have been such a nuisance down here the last several days. Woke up to some nice cool temps this morning....finally. August had definitely overstayed her welcome!

As for what I’m looking forward to...

Topless Jeep rides and fall festivities this weekend with my boo.

Spending a long weekend at KY lake with some dear friends at the end of the month. I’m hoping the fall colors will be on full display! Lots of wine and sitting around the fire pit by the lake at night are in the plans.

Then taking the train to NOLA with my love for a few days next month. It will be our first time exploring the city together, and I can’t wait to show her my favorite places and discover some of “our” new favorites together.

I sure do love this time of year! :cheer:

girl_dee 10-11-2018 09:14 PM

tomorrow at 6pm!


RockOn 10-12-2018 02:38 AM

5:00 today to get here ... our bureau chief has not visited our building in over 2 years .... he is coming over sometime today ... I found out late yesterday and did not do any cubie cleaning ... now I must go in early and do a fast clean up ... my supervisor told me to take down my snake photos ... I printed and pinned to my cubie wall the scariest looking snakes I killed on my property ... I informed my supervisor the snake photos are NOT coming down :)

RebelDyke 10-12-2018 04:25 AM

This weekend, rekindling a love that never really died. Very excited!

Orema 10-12-2018 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by RebelDyke (Post 1227710)
This weekend, rekindling a love that never really died. Very excited!

Me, too, but my rekindling is with a piano :)

I’m happy for you, Rebel Dyke, and good luck.

TL1 10-12-2018 05:51 AM

My power back on

A proper celebration that should have happened yesterday!
Its ok though.... something to look forward to and will be lots of fun :)

homoe 10-12-2018 08:29 AM

A Trip to Chicago.........
for Thanksgiving!

cinnamongrrl 10-12-2018 09:36 AM

Going home and climbing into bed... after I have my Tom yum soup

kittygrrl 10-12-2018 10:56 AM

making Frankenstein cookieshttps://ideas.hallmark.com/wp-conten...kie600x600.jpg in gingerbread

Kenna 10-12-2018 04:00 PM

House/doggy sitting for good friends for the next week.

~ocean 10-12-2018 04:15 PM

low humidity lol

homoe 10-12-2018 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by Bèsame* (Post 1227501)
The sight and smell of walking into See's candy. The decision of what to pick. The surprise free sample.

I can just almost taste the goodness!
Soon, oh so soon !


homoe 10-16-2018 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Bèsame* (Post 1227501)
The sight and smell of walking into See's candy. The decision of what to pick. The surprise free sample.

I can just almost taste the goodness!
Soon, oh so soon !

Inquiring minds are dying to know if you've experienced this yet?

LaDivina 10-16-2018 01:17 PM

A much-anticipated phone call!

FireSignFemme 10-16-2018 05:59 PM

For Monte to come home. He's been under the weather. I took him to the vet today. He has an abscess, it's pretty bad so they decided to medicate him, give him a three day pain shot then lance it, clean it, put some sort of drain port in, dose him with antibiotic, then admit him to their day clinic for a few hours. They don't charge extra to keep him for monitoring, fluids, and periodic vital signs before sending him home, which I think is nice. I mean if something should happen and he needed further care then of course there might be charges associated with that, but just to stay for observation there isn't. Anyhow they wanted to see him wear the cone of shame, however since I'm home all day, and Monte is well portly and can't really reach that spot even when he's feeling spry , they're just going to send one home with him. If he does prove to be a Houdini, capable of reaching parts of his body I've never seen him be able to gain access to before, then no choice about it he's going to have to wear it. J had to go back to work so my son is going to pick him up and bring him home. They close at five but said as long as he makes it there by six, no additional charge. Monte should be home before then. It's crazy how I miss him when he hasn't even been gone a full day. He's now got a shaved bare spot on his rump.

CherryWine 10-17-2018 03:26 PM

My mom’s birthday is tomorrow, and I’m looking forward to spending the evening with my parents. I’ll be baking her favorite cake tonight.

Also...a quiet weekend in the country...carving pumpkins, watching football, cuddling, rocking on the front porch, and making s’mores by the fire if it isn’t too wet. All whilst wearing sweats! :)

TL1 10-17-2018 07:01 PM

Friday 5pm

No wait. Traffic sucks

Friday 6pm. Yeah

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