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GeorgiaMa'am 08-25-2019 08:35 PM

Getting up at the crack of dawn on Tuesday so I can be ready to go at 7 a.m. when the internet portal for Walt Disney World opens. Tuesday is the first day we can make our FastPass+ reservations for rides. I've got a notebook with our plan in it, and I'm going to have coffee and be wide awake and ready to go at 7 a.m. Here we come Toy Story Land - Slinky Dog Rollercoaster - Tower of Terror - Seven Dwarfs Mine Train - Soarin' - Pirates of the Caribbean - Space Mountain - Haunted Mansion - Peter Pan's Flight - and Splash Mountain!

RockOn 08-25-2019 09:01 PM

Hey Femmewench
Thanks so much for the information. I am going to google it tonight.

LOQUI 08-25-2019 10:14 PM

Looking Forward To:

Some time off to travel just for fun and not to work...Xmas? Thanksgiving? My Birthday? When oh When!? :)

A medical appointment and the follow up to that one! (yes, I'm fine...No, Im not pregnant! Ty for your concern :)

I look forward to each new day with its: new challenges, new beginnings, new discoveries, new lessons, new opportunities, new mysteries to unveil, new life and its blessings...

JDeere 08-25-2019 11:00 PM

Being single again... 😆

Wrang1er 08-28-2019 10:08 AM

I am looking forward to Sunday. My mother and older sister are going to a church festival. I get to stay home with my great-nephew Carter. He will turn a year old on Sept 11th. He just started walking. He's always laughing and clapping his hands. I may be biased but he is the cutest little guy I have ever seen. I just want to squeeze him. This will be our first time hanging out just the two of us. I love that little guy to pieces.

Gemme 08-28-2019 10:16 PM

My day off tomorrow. I'm getting my hair did and maybe even getting a cut. I could do with something different right about now.

kittygrrl 08-28-2019 11:57 PM

good things

Orema 08-29-2019 03:59 AM

Halloween. Halloween is taken seriously where I work and we’re already discussing this years’ theme. We have contests (scarriest, funniest, best team, best individual, food, drinks, games, etc.). Some years I indulge and some years I don’t. This one I will.

This year the work group I’m in will dress up as the team from the tv show Scrubs. My manager has called dips on the purple colored scrubs, I’m getting some teal colored scrubs. We’ll have a couple more meetings to decide who or what we’re “operating” on and how we’ll decorate our area.

Should be fun and it’s an opportunity to connect with co workers I don’t see often.

Mopsie 08-29-2019 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by Orema (Post 1251741)
Halloween. Halloween is taken seriously where I work and we’re already discussing this years’ theme. We have contests (scarriest, funniest, best team, best individual, food, drinks, games, etc.). Some years I indulge and some years I don’t. This one I will.

This year the work group I’m in will dress up as the team from the tv show Scrubs. My manager has called dips on the purple colored scrubs, I’m getting some teal colored scrubs. We’ll have a couple more meetings to decide who or what we’re “operating” on and how we’ll decorate our area.

Should be fun and it’s an opportunity to connect with co workers I don’t see often.

That sounds so fun!

I am looking forward to the long weekend

clay 08-29-2019 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by GeorgiaMa'am (Post 1251592)
Getting up at the crack of dawn on Tuesday so I can be ready to go at 7 a.m. when the internet portal for Walt Disney World opens. Tuesday is the first day we can make our FastPass+ reservations for rides. I've got a notebook with our plan in it, and I'm going to have coffee and be wide awake and ready to go at 7 a.m. Here we come Toy Story Land - Slinky Dog Rollercoaster - Tower of Terror - Seven Dwarfs Mine Train - Soarin' - Pirates of the Caribbean - Space Mountain - Haunted Mansion - Peter Pan's Flight - and Splash Mountain!

Today the NEW Star Wars Galaxy park opens! It looks so cool on the TV reports!

Wrang1er 08-30-2019 10:02 AM

A haircut this evening. I'm looking a bit shaggy and there's this weird wavy thing going on.

C0LLETTE 08-30-2019 10:13 AM

Likely still handsome, though.

Wrang1er 08-30-2019 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by C0LLETTE (Post 1251815)
Likely still handsome, though.


My stylist said that my gray hair doesn't want to go along with the rest! This getting old business is not for sissys.

Chad 09-04-2019 08:41 PM

Looking forward
Cruising around Texas next week with my lady and then we are going to Hippy Fest in October. Big fun!


girl_dee 09-08-2019 08:03 PM

Desire, thank you my sweet Mister -Daddi for booking us at Desire 2020.

homoe 09-10-2019 10:13 AM

Either using or giving away/donating some of my frequently flyer miles.............:flying:

Chad 09-10-2019 01:50 PM

Looking forward
Maine in four years. Any advice?
I think I need a freezer, tons of firewood, a snowmobile and a jet ski.


GeorgiaMa'am 09-10-2019 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Chad (Post 1252398)
Maine in four years. Any advice?
I think I need a freezer, tons of firewood, a snowmobile and a jet ski.


I have to ask . . . Why Maine? That will be quite a big change for you, won't it?

Maybe you need a lobster boat, too.

candy_coated_bitch 09-10-2019 09:28 PM

Saturday night debauchery in the dungeon.

girl_dee 09-10-2019 09:40 PM

San Fransisco in a few weeks!!

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