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RebelDyke 09-10-2019 11:27 PM

a December graduation! (sigh, but not the end of the program graduation, but a much needed moment of reflection that I have come so far.)

easygoingfemme 09-11-2019 05:43 AM

Friday night- taking my nephews to movie night at elder nephew's school. Apparently there will be food trucks too. This will be fun.

Sat and Sun- camping with my friends. Annual fall camp out. We build up a compound on a riverbank with about 20 humans and usually 5-6 dogs. We are right level with the water so the dogs who swim just swim until they can't swim anymore. Everyone leaves exhausted and happy.

girl_dee 09-11-2019 07:11 PM

First Anniversary Vow Renewal 1-1-20 !!!!

Gemme 09-11-2019 10:19 PM

Having this weekend off.

Mel C. 09-12-2019 06:58 PM

My wife coming home! It's only been 11 hours but I miss her.

Also looking forward to a friend visiting tomorrow.

easygoingfemme 09-14-2019 06:15 AM

In about an hour I should have my car loaded with a tent, a cooler, a crock pot cooking food while I drive, my dog, his bed... going to be with my best friends to be off grid for two days.

girl_dee 09-14-2019 08:17 AM

a nice weekend

Gemme 09-14-2019 10:59 AM

For this place to be spic and span!

candy_coated_bitch 09-14-2019 12:54 PM

To feeling better enough to walk and get my mail!

FireSignFemme 09-14-2019 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by candy_coated_bitch (Post 1252606)
To feeling better enough to walk and get my mail!

You've inspired me. Just because I'm not sick that doesn't mean I have to sit around on my ass doing nothing. I can getup, get dressed and go check the mail. It won't kill me. I'm not looking forward to getting to the mailbox, probably just junk mail or bills, but I am already looking forward to making it back home before I've even left. Everybody pray for me.

Mopsie 09-15-2019 04:45 AM

Watching football and making veggie chili. I love laid back Sundays!

bright_arrow 09-15-2019 05:45 AM

Tomorrow: Sleeping in because today was semi-productive
24 days and our wedding <3

MrSunshine 09-15-2019 06:50 PM

This day finally being over...

RockOn 09-15-2019 07:19 PM

After I get these bulging discs fixed, I am looking forward to top surgery. Found out my insurance will foot the bill. I think I will let them. :) I plan to talk to my doctor when I see her Tuesday. I will ask her if she will guide me thru it.

RebelDyke 09-16-2019 02:30 PM

Just got confirmation email saying how I have met all my degree requirements to graduate in Dec. I was even told which of the two dates it will me......

In October, we get our last phase on steps to graduate ...... COMPS....ugh...

While i am looking forward to them, I'm not looking forward to them. The nerves and the stress...but it will all be worth it......

already thinking of my mortarboard design... will include a construction crane. LOL true story

homoe 09-16-2019 05:17 PM


Seattle tomorrow......

SnackTime 09-17-2019 06:35 AM

Completing the interview process on Thursday.

easygoingfemme 09-17-2019 12:14 PM

Tomorrow evening I have a date with my father to watch the original IT movie to prepare us to go see the new one in the theater. I'm looking forward to it.

Sunday I'm throwing a birthday party for my youngest nephew, sister in law, and mother. They all have birthdays this week. We are going to the therapy Llama farm that we love and I've arranged 10 Llamas for everyone to walk through the woods.

Chad 09-18-2019 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by GeorgiaMa'am (Post 1252412)
I have to ask . . . Why Maine? That will be quite a big change for you, won't it?

Maybe you need a lobster boat, too.

Yes ma'am, a big change. I have been traveling to the northeast for 15 - 20 years for fun and I fell in-love with Maine. I considered other states near there but Maine has a special place in my heart. I love wide open spaces, mountains, green vegetation, and the Atlantic Ocean. It has been on my mind for a long time. My only fear is bears, I don't want to be prey.

Texas has become an oven with temperatures above 100 degrees for months at a time. I can't even garden in the summer anymore.

Orema 10-07-2019 06:07 AM

Looking forward to seeing Slave Play. Hoping to catch it in NYC, but may have to see the touring company’s production. Also looking forward to seeing the film once it’s made. Ava DuVerynay was born to direct this and I hope it lands in her hands.

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