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Andrea 10-07-2018 08:26 AM

US members - Will you vote November 2018?
Will you vote in the November 2018 elections? If so, why? If not, why?

I am not interested in how you will vote and I do not want to see ANY judgement posts from anyone. If you have an issue with a post or a poster, take it elsewhere.

I will vote in the November 2018. I did not vote in my younger days. I think I was in my mid 30’s when I started exercising my right to vote. It was then that I realized I shouldn’t complain if I didn’t at least vote. AND I so wanted the right to complain. :)

Tell me how you feel.

Chad 10-07-2018 08:39 AM


I can't wait to vote these old white men out of power. I follow politics closely and I am sick of living in the 50's. I even convinced my mom to vote for progress.

Orema 10-07-2018 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Andrea (Post 1227149)
Will you vote in the November 2018 elections? If so, why? If not, why?

I am not interested in how you will vote and I do not want to see ANY judgement posts from anyone. If you have an issue with a post or a poster, take it elsewhere.

I will vote in the November 2018. I did not vote in my younger days. I think I was in my mid 30’s when I started exercising my right to vote. It was then that I realized I shouldn’t complain if I didn’t at least vote. AND I so wanted the right to complain. :)

Tell me how you feel.

Yes, I’m voting. I vote because it makes a difference. I really believe that my vote counts. I also vote because the opposition doesn’t want me to vote. :)

I think voting should be mandatory or you get fined. And if you don’t pay the fine then it affects your credit report.

And, I think it’s okay for people to complain even if they haven’t voted. This is the U.S. and you get to bitch if you want to—even when you don’t vote.

Those are my thoughts on voting. Thanks for asking.


Gemme 10-07-2018 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Andrea (Post 1227149)
I will vote in the November 2018. I did not vote in my younger days.


Tell me how you feel.


I got into it the more it began to affect my world vision. The younger we are, the more near sighted we are. As we age and, hopefully, mature....our horizon expands and we see more than just ourselves. We begin to actually feel the butterfly effect in our lives.

I will vote. I am concerned though. I saw this morning that some races that were close before this weekend with the more leveled-headed candidate (to me) ahead has switched. One by around 10%. That's scary. We need to take back our government and rights, otherwise we're going to learn more hateful and fearful ways of being ostracized.

MsTinkerbelly 10-07-2018 09:42 AM

In California it is pretty much going to be a Democratic win (for most contests), so there have been times I was tempted not to vote, both as a Republican (younger years) and then later as a Democrat.

It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking your (General you) vote doesn’t matter, but there have been votes won by a slim margin of hundreds, and if all of those people had stayed home....well you see what I mean.

Voting is a right, and if we do not exercise that right (as millions of people did NOT) in the last election, then you get Trump/Kavanaugh, lose your abortion/marital rights/voting rights (possibly), and have no right to complain anymore, because it will get you jailed for speaking out against the government. Far fetched? Remember Hitler?


Kätzchen 10-07-2018 10:40 AM

Good Morning and Happy Sunday Andrea (f)

Yes, I am voting.

I vote in every election cycle (General & Midterms). I am an registered Democrat. We receive our ballots and voting materials by mail. I never return my voter pack of votes by mail. I deliver my vote in person to my county elections office, before election date deadlines. I do it that way because in our state, your vote has to be received by your elections office BEFORE the deadline in order for your vote to be counted. Any ballots received after the deadline won't count, so I make double sure they have my voting materials before the state elections office deadline.

At stake in my home state, during midterm 2018 elections, we cast votes for who we want as Governor and an variety of seats up for re-election in the US House of Representatives (Democrats occupy most all seats, except for one). We also have several measures up for vote, as well.

For those of you who need to get registered to vote or want to check on the status of your voter registration, please click on the article link below, then click on your state: you will either be able to register online or find the location of the nearest Elections Office, so you can be registered in time for 2018 midterm elections. I believe the deadline to be registered to vote is not the same in every state. In addition, some states have been purging voters from state voting election office records. Please (Please!) make sure your voter's/voting registration is in tact.

2018 Midterms Elections Vote ~~>>>>>LINK

girl_dee 10-07-2018 10:55 AM

I’m not sure why anyone would think it is an option. Our voices count. Women suffered and died for the right, all over the world. Can you imagine having to move out of your home and leave your children if you joined the movement? It happened, and much worse.

Many places still do not allow women to vote, at least safely.

My mom never voted. She voted for the first time in her life (almost 80) against #45 at my urging. Times have changed and I find it confounding that there are women who still do not vote.

I honestly believe if men had their way today, that we would not be allowed to vote. We MUST vote. These images are not that long ago, in the grand scheme of things.




JDeere 10-07-2018 12:46 PM

Yes i will vote as i have voted since i was 18.

CherylNYC 10-07-2018 08:04 PM

Yes. I vote in every single election, every single time.

Uli 10-07-2018 08:37 PM

I will definitely be voting in November. I think I may have skipped the first presidential election I was eligible to vote in and it definitely took me nearly a decade to make voting in non-presidential elections a priority. But, I am currently and have been all in for all opportunities to vote in the past 10 or so years.

tantalizingfemme 10-07-2018 08:39 PM

I will be voting. I have voted in every election since I was 18. I bring my 24-year-old son to the voting booth with me now, while he is home, to instill the importance.

Martina 10-07-2018 11:56 PM

I am 60. I have missed one primary ever. I was sick. I vote in person. I know in some cases it's a cultural thing, but I don't understand not voting. One thing I am looking forward to voting for is the amendment that will return voting rights to convicted felons in Florida. Every citizen who wants to vote should have that right. I wish we had the day off as a National Holiday, every November.

Femmewench 10-07-2018 11:59 PM

Of course I will be voting. If the Democrats don't get control of the House and Senate, I fear what will come given that the three branches of government responsible for maintaining balance of power would have no intention of doing so. I only hope the Democrats treat the Republicans more kindly than they've been treated.

Ender 10-08-2018 12:33 AM

I'm not American, but I really hope everyone votes this November.

Andrea 10-08-2018 01:27 PM


candy_coated_bitch 10-08-2018 04:15 PM

Yes, of course!!!!!

theoddz 10-08-2018 04:29 PM

Hell YES, I WILL vote.......just as I've voted in every election since I turned 18.

Now that I'm in Texas, I have every intention of being a part of turning this prominently red state BLUE....or at least, purple!!! :winky::thumbsup:

~Theo~ :bouquet:

Andrea 10-08-2018 06:37 PM

I love hearing from all of you. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

WheatToast 10-08-2018 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Andrea (Post 1227314)
I love hearing from all of you. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

I'm looking forward to voting!

FireSignFemme 10-09-2018 02:51 AM

I have conflicting feelings about it, but yes I do vote.

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