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Lyte 07-27-2017 02:03 PM

Oy! Been there at a much larger company... so tedious! Today I do the same thing at a smaller place so now it's only slightly tedious. :p


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 1159240)
I am REALLY looking forward to this work day being over. It's been hellish and busy and wrought with emergencies and I am worn out mentally.

I had a bunch of reviews to do today with my team and that's always draining but add in a couple of server meltdowns and random emergencies requiring me to drop everything and my schedule has been completely off all day.

I love being a white-collar bosslady but damn, some days I need a wine dispenser in my office.

JDeere 07-27-2017 03:39 PM


concert time and I get to spend time with my bestie from high

girl_dee 07-28-2017 02:53 PM

Facetime time! ...... :awww:

kittygrrl 07-28-2017 06:42 PM

had wonderful dinner out...looking forward to sharing apple pie

Teddybear 07-28-2017 07:33 PM

next weekend. I am meeting friends from Dallas.

I cant wait to hang out and just leave this behind even if for a cpl of hours


Kätzchen 07-28-2017 10:31 PM

Cooler weather...Fog.....it's been very warm lately. Looming forward to the cooler weather, hopefully rain will come soon. Fog would be welcomed too.

FireSignFemme 07-29-2017 12:54 AM

Camping vacation! Nothing fancy, or all that far away, not as close to a river as I'd like, but sill closer than I've been for several years now. I'm having a blast planning it. With everyone pitching in/pulling resources it will hopefully be a fun filled adventure as well as affordable trip for all.

Bèsame* 07-29-2017 09:02 AM

Sitting by the pool later :)

Teddybear 07-29-2017 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by FireSignFemme (Post 1159582)
Camping vacation! Nothing fancy, or all that far away, not as close to a river as I'd like, but sill closer than I've been for several years now. I'm having a blast planning it. With everyone pitching in/pulling resources it will hopefully be a fun filled adventure as well as affordable trip for all.

I know what you mean I cant wait to go camping like NOW

bright_arrow 07-29-2017 06:38 PM

My official job offer after the background check clears :blush: Interview went great!

homoe 07-29-2017 06:40 PM

To getting the book "The Girl Who Wrote With Silk" in the mail! It's taking ridiculously long getting here!

Logicaly 07-29-2017 06:44 PM

Hopefully having an interview with a place that could change our life in a HUGE way! Keeping my hopes up for this amazing opportunity.

Teddybear 07-30-2017 07:15 AM

The interview with a company I tried to get o. With in Texas just opened an office here. I got the interview now to get the job. Fingers crossed on my end.

girl_dee 07-31-2017 06:56 PM

family dinner tomorrow- Taco Tuesday
Aug 30
moving forward
wearing my new clothes.. hopefully soon

Gemme 07-31-2017 07:19 PM

Seeing my boo in 3...2...1...

hopelessromantic69 07-31-2017 08:25 PM

Fall....it's going to be over 100 the next three days here in Oregon.

JDeere 07-31-2017 09:13 PM

Getting out of Texas for a few days.....

clay 07-31-2017 09:20 PM

Trip to see the solar eclipse...we have an excellent vantage point!

candy_coated_bitch 08-01-2017 12:30 AM

Getting paid tomorrow!

girl_dee 08-02-2017 04:02 PM

The next visit, and the next, and the next....

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