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sylvie 03-14-2012 12:50 AM

BEDtime, *eyes my Daddy across the room* heh...

always look forward to every moment with Him, truly.. And am the happiest i've ever been..
Also looking forward to mending Daddy's gloves, doing my chores for tomorrow & a great workout i have planned!

sylvie 03-14-2012 01:27 AM

AND Daddy just told me what Our plans are for tomorrow, and i'm grinning ear to ear... a day of US.. movies in bed, bed picnics, snuggling, no interruptions and all US...... yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay... He spoils me and i love it..

Princess 03-14-2012 02:13 AM

I am looking forward to a wonderful weekend of sci-fi adventures in overland park in a just TWO weekends.

Also, I have to admit I am realllllly looking forward to the weekend of June 16th. Like a kid at christmas, hurry upppppp! :)

clay 03-14-2012 04:05 AM

the weekend.....St. Pat's Day Parade.....my honey AND my BFF......whoohooo...:bunchflowers:

Queerasfck 03-16-2012 07:40 AM

Up Close and Personal!!!
Tonight. Ms. Sandra Bernhard live and in person. I can't wait to hear her rant!!!

Hoping she'll sign my ass after the show. But I am bringing one of her books or a cd as a second option.


Abigail Crabby 03-16-2012 07:54 AM

The weekend - time off

Time spent with the kidlette

Finding scary movies - heading out to find mischief with her.

Corned Beef and Cabbage :)

April 13th......

MsTinkerbelly 03-16-2012 08:00 AM

Sleeping in tomorrow!

PinkieLee 03-16-2012 08:11 AM

I'm looking forward to...

a hot dinner date tonight, and then meeting up with friends to celebrate a birthday.

sleeping in tomorrow, too!

breakfast pannycakes :) and then going for pedicures with my boo.

and playing with all the new babies at her family reunion tomorrow afternoon!

JustJo 03-16-2012 08:55 AM

Count me in for sleeping in tomorrow too! :)

It's been a long week....and a long snooze sounds magnificent....followed by a trip to dog beach with the mutts and the kiddo. :beachkids:

ScandalAndy 03-16-2012 09:52 AM

Selling shots at the Irish Bar, where the lesbian party reserved the whole upstairs and will be partying all night.

LGBTQ photo shoot tomorrow, followed by a dinner being cooked for me, and a wii game night with friends.

Sunday brunch with a very powerful celesbian to discuss future Miss Representation screenings, followed by a walk in the park with someone I catch myself thinking about during the day.

starryeyes 03-16-2012 10:01 AM

Spending 5 days next week with my love for my birthday!! Can't wait to see what she has up her sleeve... **smiling**

LaneyDoll 03-16-2012 10:05 AM

Tonight!!! Riley comes into town. I am doing a fun game at the club tonight-one involving the hanky code and how I flag ;)

Tomorrow!!! Time with Riley. Then, that night, we are going to a presentation on the leather lifestyle.


msW8ing 03-16-2012 10:54 AM

Tomorrow morning seeing Her in Her leathers on Her :harley: to pick me up and take me away.

scootebaby 03-16-2012 11:15 AM

seeing the new "do"

Queerasfck 03-16-2012 11:18 AM

We're supposed to have a huge winter storm here, that means rain over .05! I'm looking forward to staying in bed, being a layabout and possible getting some action.

you know you want to

clay 03-16-2012 11:53 AM

my two gals getting here..any minute..I am so excited...haven;t seen one in 8 weeks nor my GF in 2 weeks (TWO too long...:)..... and going for sushi shortly....yummy

girl_dee 03-16-2012 02:08 PM

driving myself to work tomorrow!

Kenna 03-16-2012 02:30 PM

My exit interview! !

Hearing from the new boss if I will be home based or not...

Visiting Gramma D and hugging her...

Starting now and until Monday morning, kicking back and enjoying this entire weekend, peaceful and slow paced...

And getting my car fixed so I don't hear that rattle any more ...

JustLovelyJenn 03-16-2012 05:22 PM

My last final of the quarter on Tuesday....

RockOn 03-16-2012 06:19 PM

Facials, dinner with friends, weightlifting, running and terrific concerts ... All of you have got it going on! ;)

Heck, I am just glad it's Friday evening. I am looking forward to the bag of tacos from my favorite restaurant in a little while. LOL!

(guess I just answered the "what's for dinner thread" too)
YAY weekends!

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