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-   -   Letterboxers & Geocachers Unite! (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=74)

cara 11-04-2009 01:38 PM

Letterboxers & Geocachers Unite!
"Letterboxing is an outdoor hobby that combines elements of orienteering, art, and puzzle solving. Letterboxers hide small, weatherproof boxes in publicly-accessible places (like parks) and distribute clues to finding the box in printed catalogs, on one of several web sites, or by word of mouth. Individual letterboxes usually contain a notebook and a rubber stamp. Finders make an imprint of the letterbox's stamp, either on their personal notebook or on a postcard, and leave an impression of their personal stamp on the letterbox's "visitors' book" or "logbook" — as proof of having found the box and letting subsequent letterboxers see who have visited. Many letterboxers keep careful track of their "find count". (source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letterboxing)

A few Letterboxing resources:

A few Geocaching resources:

I've been an avid letterboxer and unofficial recruiter to the hobby for over 5 years. I frequently carry my letterboxing journal and personal stamp with me and if I'm in a new area, I always like to find a letterbox. I love spending time outdoors and exploring places I've never been. I also love a good treasure hunt! :)

Geocaching is a similar hobby, but I can't tell you much about it because I've never tried it. I would love to hear about it, though.

Any other letterboxers or geocachers out there?


dixie 11-09-2009 08:04 PM

I haven't tried either, but I would love to. It sounds kinda like a treasure hunt of sorts, with the clues. I'm gonna check to see if there are any locally.

SFFemmePrincess 12-13-2009 05:48 AM

Geocacher Here!
Geocaching is similar in that there are containers hidden in various areas. I think the main differences is that there aren't really clues per say, the coordinates are placed on the geocaching website and then downloaded into a GPS. I guess the other difference is that there is usually stuff in the cache depending on the size and many times there are series of caches that are hidden by the same person and have some sort of purpose or point. It's very very fun! I know there are other cachers here...come out come out wherever you are...

hippieflowergirl 12-17-2009 09:32 PM

i started geocaching this year and was able to do 2 local dayhikes but dropped it due to a family emergency. i'm really looking forward to picking things up again. i didn't know about letterboxing. maybe that's more my speed since i don't have a car. i love treasure hunts and i love that there are local sites i can get to on foot and with my dog.

does anyone do bookcrossing or postcrossing?

Oiler41 12-17-2009 09:56 PM

Geocaching is great fun either alone or in a group. I've been geocaching for several years now and it has taken me to some pretty cool places that I might otherwise have just driven past. Then there are the "city" geocaches that are usually pretty cleverly hidden to match their surroundings and involve the challenge of trying to get the cache without being spotting by the "muggles" in the area. There are puzzle caches, earth caches, multi-caches and so on. So far, I have geocached in Hawaii, California, Texas and New York. Caches are hidden EVERYWHERE, lol. Have fun with it folks!


Darth Denkay 12-26-2009 08:52 PM

I haven't been geocaching before, but my girlfriend has and loves it so I think we're going to start doing it. I would LOVE to be able to do it in the mountains of East TN, but for now will stick to west TN.

Fancy 03-28-2010 07:39 PM

Another geocacher here! We've been caching for about three years now if. What I enjoy most is that it gets and keeps us out of the house. We learn so much about new places and learn more about places we think we know; just from seeking out caches. Each year we make some caching goals just for the fun of it. For example:
* year one: find 100
* year two: geocache in more states
* year three: hide and repair more of our own caches, get to 300 finds

We've run into a few letterbox/cache hybrids. That's always intrigued me.

We love making other caching friends and getting people involved with this fun hobby!

Thanks for beginning this thread!

cara 03-28-2010 09:54 PM

Awesome! Welcome, welcome!

Maybe when we're in Arkansas for the reunion, I can plan a geocaching/letterboxing excursion! Just a thought. I'd love to see a geocache and I always try to find at least one letterbox when I travel and visit somewhere. Would anyone be up for that?

We won't going to that one big park at dusk, though. What was the name of it again, Dusa? :|




Logicaly 03-28-2010 10:43 PM

I do a lot of geocaching, and have been even going to some of the local geocaching events around here since there is a very large caching community in my area.

I love going with friends though, one of my favorite caching trips was with Oiler and a few others on a weekend camping trip.

Fancy 03-28-2010 11:14 PM

That sounds like fun!


Originally Posted by cara (Post 75056)
Awesome! Welcome, welcome!

Maybe when we're in Arkansas for the reunion, I can plan a geocaching/letterboxing excursion! Just a thought. I'd love to see a geocache and I always try to find at least one letterbox when I travel and visit somewhere. Would anyone be up for that?

We won't going to that one big park at dusk, though. What was the name of it again, Dusa? :|




Fancy 03-28-2010 11:17 PM

I remember when you were just getting started. It's so cool to see that you're into it and doing local events, too. Awesome!
I know locally, I'd love to attend some of the geocaching events that take places. There's been a couple standing events that take place throughout the summer. This may be the summer we get to check 'em out. :)


Originally Posted by Logicaly (Post 75087)
I do a lot of geocaching, and have been even going to some of the local geocaching events around here since there is a very large caching community in my area.

I love going with friends though, one of my favorite caching trips was with Oiler and a few others on a weekend camping trip.

Medusa 03-30-2010 09:30 AM

YAY! A letterbox thread!

I did my first letterbox experience with Cara when she was here to visit several weeks back and it was pretty awesome!

Although I will say that we never did find the box under a certain creepy troll-bridge.

Picture this: Cara and I are searching for a letterbox out in the friggin WOODS at night by ourselves. There is but one teeny tiny light to guide our way. The box was supposed to be hidden under a bridge at one of the local state parks. So we find the bridge and trek over there to look up under it in the pitch dark. Talk about crreeeeeeeepy. It was by a creek and we envisioned alligators swallowing us.

Needless to say, we didnt find the box but as we crossed the bridge on our way back to the truck, both of us realized how creepy it was. Not wanting to be pansies, I said, "I'm not scared, I will KICK someone's ass!".
To which Cara replied, "I know karate!"

Almost deadpan as soon as we said it, we both hear a rumbling from behind us. It was BIG. It was SCARY.

We take off running.
*insert hysterical laughter as we run back to the truck and discover that it's locked*

Turns out, two bicyclists were rumbling across the bridge. It wasnt a big, scary monster after all.

Can't wait to do it again!

Darth Denkay 03-30-2010 07:02 PM

I recently (within the last few months) started caching with my partner. I especially enjoy hitting the ones in parks, where we grab the dog and go tromping through the woods. We went last Saturday, never did find the damn cache, but we all had a great time anyway!

Oiler41 03-30-2010 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Logicaly (Post 75087)
I do a lot of geocaching, and have been even going to some of the local geocaching events around here since there is a very large caching community in my area.

I love going with friends though, one of my favorite caching trips was with Oiler and a few others on a weekend camping trip.

That was a great camping weekend and a whole lotta fun caching! Pup and I have found a few here and need to get out and get going on some more! You two should come visit us in Texas and we will do some caching here! My favorite ones though are ones up the side of a mountain,,,,remember? LOL


Fancy 05-23-2010 04:40 PM

Anyone been caching lately?

We just had an awesome day with a big group of friends and most all of them were new to caching. All the kids (like 12 of them) darted ahead of the adults and were totally into it. We found 5 total, and not one of them took the kids more than 5 minutes once we got to ground zero. The adults got to hang back and let the kids do the work for a change. What fun!!

I think we may have a few new addicts on our hands.


Bad_boi 05-27-2010 05:47 AM

I had a half heart attack reading the title thinking I was seeing stuff.

I may or may not be obsessed with said hobby involving a GPS ;)

Logicaly 05-30-2010 02:19 AM

The weather is starting to get nice out here, and it means I can get out more doing more caching!

Also I now have a geocaching app on my phone, so if I don't have my gps for some reason, I can still go grab some on my lunch break or something!

Daryn 05-30-2010 04:57 PM

Letterboxing is fun... I need to get back into it...

Fancy 05-31-2010 12:19 PM

Found some fun and interesting caches this weekend, and hiked a few miles in and around a beautiful gorge in the process. The best part was finding a couple hidden waterfalls! :)

Bad_boi 06-01-2010 04:59 PM

Made my 50th find this week. I hit up a puzzle and a multi!

Still hungry for more :)


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