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Girl_On_Fire 12-30-2012 01:11 PM

Reiki and Energy Healers?
Hello. I checked around on this forum and didn't see anything posted about Reiki and energy healing so I thought I'd start a discussion. I've just been attuned to Reiki level II and plan to go all the way up to Master level.

Anybody else into Reiki, either giving or receiving? What have been your experiences?

Sun 12-30-2012 02:21 PM

What a wonderful idea, thank you.

I am attuned to Level 2 and awaiting the Reiki Master to rise to the next level with. My Reiki Master passed shortly after our time together so I feel truly blessed to have been given the gift of working with her.

Initially I wanted to practice so that I could put positive energy into the food that I was cooking for people who had been diagnosed with terminal illness, but the experience was so much greater and more powerful than I could ever have imagined. Especially during my last class when I had 7 people working on me. My life transformed after that in a fascinating way.

Being open to receiving healing energy is a wonderful thing and something that I both needed and felt called to practice.



TheDreadPirateRoberts 12-30-2012 02:47 PM

i also am working on completing my level 2 .....i need more practice within myself....i can send energy to others ...and im open to receive energy but for some reason when i'm off balance myself i can't seem to always pull it into myself when its needed. any suggestions?

Words 12-30-2012 03:35 PM

I discovered Reiki around ten years ago whilst studying Shiatsu and within a year or so of being attuned to Level 1 went on to become a Master myself (at which point the Shiatsu fell to the wayside). One of my main reasons for going all the way to Level 3 was the fact that it was very obvious to me at the time that some Masters were reluctant to attune to Level 3 because they were afraid - mainly for financial reasons - that it would impact on their 'business' (I mean, why give someone the tools to treat/attune others and lose potential business) and I wanted to be the exception. So, needless to say, I wasn't so popular with some of my peers.

I still feel the same way though. Reiki should never be about the money.


Girl_On_Fire 12-30-2012 03:48 PM

@Sun: That's a beautiful story but I'm sorry your Reiki Master/Teacher passed away. That's terrible.

@Dread: I have the same difficulty. It is so much easier for to send healing energy to others than it is to send healing energy to myself. Not sure why that is in my case either. Hmmmm...


Originally Posted by Words (Post 725845)
I still feel the same way though. Reiki should never be about the money.


Absolutely! I agree 100%. The main reason I didn't do this years ago is because I didn't have even a quarter of the amount of money I would need to pay for it. It's still a struggle but it's something I really want to turn into a side business (I plan to charge on a sliding scale) so eventually, it will pay for itself.

Sachita 12-30-2012 04:02 PM

I love energy work of all kinds. If the practitioner is in the right space, have their own balance and well-being (which I think is very important for projecting energy work) then it can be very healing on so many levels. I enjoy reiki sounds and often listen to this with high quality headphones because I feel that sound is healing. Aligning chakras, focused visualization and meditation are wonderful ways for self healing.

Where's Ms Meander? She's an energy worker. I'm sure she'll mosey in soon.

Sachita 12-30-2012 04:07 PM

and also Qi Gong is something to look into if you're into self healing. lots of videos on you tube and free stuff online.

Girl_On_Fire 12-30-2012 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Sachita (Post 725875)
and also Qi Gong is something to look into if you're into self healing. lots of videos on you tube and free stuff online.

I've wanted to get into Qi Gong myself but I'm so terribly uncoordinated. I tried learning Tai Chi and gave up out of sheer frustration. lol!

Sachita 12-30-2012 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Girl_On_Fire (Post 725877)
I've wanted to get into Qi Gong myself but I'm so terribly uncoordinated. I tried learning Tai Chi and gave up out of sheer frustration. lol!

The movements are very subtle and its not hard at all. Its more about your focus and how you breathe.

girl_dee 12-30-2012 04:27 PM

*raises hand*

Level 2 Reiki Practitioner here. i am content here and not interested in going on to Master level, Yet. :)

i am a bodyworker and use Reiki in conjunction with my work, and sometimes i get a request for a full Reiki only session, which i love. My hands are becoming more arthritic so Reiki helps me with them.

When i was attuned to Level 1 it was awesome! My teacher, who is also my mentor in my Reflexology work, was amazing! As she scrolled over me, i saw colors come alive in my head.

i am colorblind so seeing them was the biggest blessing of all.

My Level 2 attunement was a big disappointment. No where near the intensity or enlightenment as the first time, but i had a different teacher and i don't think she had the same impact on me as the first time.

Now where is pajara? She has an amazing energy!

Girl_On_Fire 12-30-2012 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by girl_dee (Post 725894)
*raises hand*

Level 2 Reiki Practitioner here. i am content here and not interested in going on to Master level, Yet. :)

i am a bodyworker and use Reiki in conjunction with my work, and sometimes i get a request for a full Reiki only session, which i love. My hands are becoming more arthritic so Reiki helps me with them.

When i was attuned to Level 1 it was awesome! My teacher, who is also my mentor in my Reflexology work, was amazing! As she scrolled over me, i saw colors come alive in my head.

i am colorblind so seeing them was the biggest blessing of all.

My Level 2 attunement was a big disappointment. No where near the intensity or enlightenment as the first time, but i had a different teacher and i don't think she had the same impact on me as the first time.

Now where is pajara? She has an amazing energy!

I've been lucky enough to be attuned by the same Master/Healer I met many years ago. She was the first person to do Reiki on my when I was 20 and I managed to find her 8 years later to have my first attunement and then my second just about a month ago. She's unconventional and also incorporates a type of angelic healing and Shamanism into her training, which is awesome!

JustLovelyJenn 12-30-2012 05:35 PM

I find this thread really fascinating. I only very recently was introduced to the idea of Reiki and have had very little experience with it, but I have been healing with energy for many years. I learned as a teenager that if I concentrated on another person when they were in pain I could physically SEE where their pain was and instinctively knew how to move energy around and through them to relieve it.

As I became a bit older and other things influenced my life I shut down many of my own heightened mental abilities, and when I chose to take them back, the abilities were not as intense, but I can still feel pain and I can still help others to feel some relief from that pain.

Because my abilities are very untrained and non traditional, learning about how others use energy for healing is very interesting to me.

Thank you for this thread!!

clay 12-30-2012 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Girl_On_Fire (Post 725922)
I've been lucky enough to be attuned by the same Master/Healer I met many years ago. She was the first person to do Reiki on my when I was 20 and I managed to find her 8 years later to have my first attunement and then my second just about a month ago. She's unconventional and also incorporates a type of angelic healing and Shamanism into her training, which is awesome!

G.O.F...if you haven't already, there is an incredibly wonderful shaman, with an absolutely amazing energy, who is a member here....foxyshaman...she isn't online much, but I am sure you could leave her a message..she is just fantastic....:)....I hope you will be blessed enough to make her 'acquaintance".
I am an empath, have healing touch, and very energy laden myself...via my Cherokee heritage...and indigo starseed centerings

mustangjeano 12-30-2012 06:27 PM

This is a great thread. Thanks for starting it. I am happy to see so many Reiki folk here. I am second degree and never had a desire to get my master altho my Reiki Master wanted me to. I mostly use Reiki on my animals--horses are very open to energy . I have recently been doing Reiki on myself due to some nerve damage in my arm after an accident here on the ranch and have had very promising inprovement. I am also using a type of massage called "T-Touch" which was developed by a brilliant horsewoman named Linda Tellington-Jones.

clay 12-30-2012 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by mustangjeano (Post 725990)
This is a great thread. Thanks for starting it. I am happy to see so many Reiki folk here. I am second degree and never had a desire to get my master altho my Reiki Master wanted me to. I mostly use Reiki on my animals--horses are very open to energy . I have recently been doing Reiki on myself due to some nerve damage in my arm after an accident here on the ranch and have had very promising inprovement. I am also using a type of massage called "T-Touch" which was developed by a brilliant horsewoman named Linda Tellington-Jones.

hey jeano:
that is awesome you are able to use the healing touch modality for yourself, and for horses. I have a dear friend here who studied with Linda in Hawaii, and she does work on the horses for the Wounded Warriors project locally!!!
Isn't it amazing what therapeutic touch can do, with the right positive energies?( My deceased wife &) I have that gift.......I use mine regularly....

UofMfan 12-30-2012 07:20 PM

I have been receiving Reiki for the last 3 months and I am very happy with the process and results thus far. I highly recommend it.

girl_dee 12-30-2012 07:34 PM

i love when the temperature in my treatment room rises after a session!

Ms. Meander 12-31-2012 06:38 AM

Twenty years ago when my son was still an infant, I took the level one Reiki training. I felt miraculously awakened but I was also given the vision to see a vast darkness which existed inside of and around me. So like a good sojourner I put aside everything else and set out to heal that darkness. Lucky for me I could not see the struggles that were in store or that it would be a 15-yr sidetrack. I might have flagged in my resolve.

I never lost touch with the knowing that I was meant to be a healer but it became a faint and distant glimmer of a memory while I was caught in a maelstrom. I don’t know why I wasn’t able to utilize Reiki while I allowed myself to suffer. But now I have had the experience of suffering in some of the most dismal, human ways; and the experience of clawing my way out by every messy, imperfect, human means possible. And I am so much better for it. Now.

So here I am, finally on the other side, all of these years later. I found Reiki again, or it found me. A friend sent me to see a shamanic healer, the first time I had ventured such an experience. The experience I had was profound. I was reawakened. It also happened that this Shaman is a Reiki Master/Teacher and so I became involved in her trainings. I live by limited means and she has always offered generous sliding scale and payment plans. She wants it to be accessible to everyone and that is something I feel passionate about, having often felt that access to natural therapeutics was denied me. I move forward in my own practice with the same intent. Healing for all.

I am now a Level II practioner. I retook Level I even though it wasn’t technically necessary. I eventually plan to do the master level training but am content to work with what I’ve got for some time. Level II opens up so many new horizons. So much to work with, practice, experience, and build upon. At the same time, I have been invited to join the training program of another amazing multi-disciplinary healer. My experience with Reiki is a perfect complement as this new modality incorporates energy work as well. It’s very exciting!

I am now practicing full Reiki sessions on a regular basis, as encouraged by my mentors. I am experiencing such a miraculous opening up and it is such a joy to share what I am learning with others, to help them activate their own healing. And it is wonderful to see so many people here, open to the flow. :rrose:

Ms. Meander 12-31-2012 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by TheDreadPirateRoberts (Post 725809)
i also am working on completing my level 2 .....i need more practice within myself....i can send energy to others ...and im open to receive energy but for some reason when i'm off balance myself i can't seem to always pull it into myself when its needed. any suggestions?

My suggestion is to not over-think it. Keep practicing on yourself no matter what and it will flow, even if you think it's not working your intent alone is enough to make things happen. I practice on myself each day, at least for a few minutes in bed at night before I fall asleep and in the morning before I get up.

It is also sometimes helpful to come up with a mantra you say to yourself, in your head or aloud, to clarify your intent. Mine is generally some variation of - I am an open conduit for light and love to deliver to this beautiful being for their greatest good.

Sometimes visualization is also helpful. I sometimes envision, and often feel, energy in the form of light entering the top of my head, flowing throughout my body, and through my hands.

Again. Don't over-think it. Practice and trust.

Sweet Bliss 12-31-2012 09:26 AM

Thank you Girl on Fire
Many thanks Girl on Fire.

2nd degree here.

Practicing for many years now. I accept gifts in kind or donations.

My pets come to me for Reiki, after the initial shock of getting some :tease:

Started as empath.

When off balance I work on myself until resolved.

If hands bother you, incorporate more alive foods in your diet, eliminate grains and other stimulate/inflamation causing foods. Google it.

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