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SnackTime 05-13-2011 06:02 AM

Memorial Day weekend!

Miss Belle will be here that weekend
Participating in my first aqua/bike event

MysticOceansFL 05-13-2011 06:08 AM

I'm looking forward to the 19th of this month its the last day of class of Phlebotomy and looking forward to the 8th of June is my pin ceremony and 9th is cap and gown! Yay!

jules5041 05-13-2011 07:08 AM

I am looking forward to my birthday weekend. My birthday is June 5th. I am going camping at the lake with lots of my friends. We love camping. I can't wait to get to the lake and feel the warm sun on my body and swim with my all friends off the boat.

Then on Sunday is the Pride Parade in Conway. I have never been to a pride gathering before. I hope there is a good turn out. I think several of my straight friends are going to go and support me so that is always a good thing.

Anyways, I am excited and wanted to share...

MsTinkerbelly 05-13-2011 02:22 PM

I am looking forward to Amy going to the Prom tomorrow night....I had such a good time at my own many moons ago. Graduation is just around the corner...whoot!:jester:

Apocalipstic 05-13-2011 02:39 PM

I am looking forward to MOnday becasue I am moving out this weekend and hope to have it all done by Sunday.

Memorial Day weekend, becasue I will be at the beach.

June 12 beacsue I move into new apartment.


Tommi 05-13-2011 02:47 PM

Searching for that perfect place to set up and paint and listen to music this weekend.


TickledPink 05-13-2011 03:13 PM

Looking forward to a...
VACATION....with beach, sand, water, salty air and exotic drinks.

7 days of NOTHINGness.

Oiler41 05-15-2011 09:23 AM

Completing the last nine days of work at my purgatory job,
Heading out of town for four days to see Pups family over Memorial Day,
Starting the new job after our trip.


Camo Eagle 05-21-2011 10:32 PM

Reading Chaz Bonos book Transitions Im #17 on the library wait list.

ruffryder 05-21-2011 10:38 PM

next weekend. hoping for 3 days off work and look forward to hanging with a friend!

Also, summertime!! considering some life changes.

dixie 05-21-2011 11:11 PM

I was informed of upcoming trip plans to places I've never seen. I'm already excited...lol

SnackTime 05-22-2011 06:09 AM

I am looking forward to...
next weekend

Go Team BumpahThumpah!

girl_dee 05-22-2011 06:39 AM

watching the veggies grow, and the beautiful flowers we planted. Universe say the same!

Cowboi 05-22-2011 06:48 AM

Vacation starts this coming Friday. Headed to Fort Launderdale first. My BFFs daughter is graduating medical school. Then we are going back to St Pete.

cane 05-22-2011 06:50 AM

Going to Greece with my wife at the end of the summer.

LeftWriteFemme 05-22-2011 07:25 AM


My garden is planted and I am looking forward to the harvest!

Miss Scarlett 05-23-2011 04:40 AM


girl_dee 05-23-2011 05:00 AM

Painting more rocks!!!

LipstickLola 05-23-2011 07:26 PM

Sooooo looking forward to walkin without a limp :praying:

PaPa 05-23-2011 07:29 PM

I am so looking forward to the beginning of August. The first day of classes and I am already begging it to end. *Chuckle. Work. Work. Work. Makes PaPa a very dull Daddy. July 31st come ASAP.

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