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PearlsNLace 01-04-2014 10:18 PM

Leaving 2013 wiser: What good things have you learned in the last year?
Not every ending is a bad thing. Goodbyes have their place.

A new year is, by general consensus, a good time to pause and reflect.

I wonder, what have you learned, in life, in love, in work, in school, in family and friends in this year?

2013 taught me that often the best help I can offer someone, is not to give them advice, a diagnosis, or directions. Instead, the powerful thing I can give them is structure, space, and presence for them to create their own answers, make their own conclusions, and time to create their own next actions. And that this applies in my job as a nurse, as well as my roles of partner, friend, daughter and cousin. I also learned that I need a lot of practice at this.

little man 01-04-2014 10:38 PM

i've learned that i am not out here alone. through serious misfortune, i've learned that i am loved and respected, and that it would matter if i weren't here.

Medusa 01-04-2014 11:21 PM

2013 was an amazing year!

Definitely learned to navigate some health and family stuff and let myself have room to be scared and angsty when going through the processes. I'm a tough motherfucker. That was reiterated over and over again this year.

There were a couple of themes that kept coming up for me over and over this year: truth, justice, karma, work, reward, love, resolve, patience, determination.

The world is full of ugly and there are certainly a lot of black-hearted, mentally ill people to do the bidding of uglyness but the wall that is love surrounds me and shields me from all of that acid. It is not my job to dish out karma, nor is it within me to wish ill on people and I have definitely learned this year to keep swimming in my lane and let people's actions rock their own waters.

Lots of opportunities over the last year to show up for my loved ones too. Lots of ways to accept help when offered and learn how to ask for help. It's all been a nice process. Difficult at times, but wonderful.

I'm looking forward to 2014!

starryeyes 01-04-2014 11:34 PM

I learned that running away from problems doesn't solve anything, and family and friends far outweigh money and work. This is something I wish I knew in 2013... But instead I'm sitting here in Denver freezing my butt off. :(

2014 is the year to get my shit together and...

Going back to Cali

(I think...)

Happy New Year!!

fatallyblonde 01-05-2014 12:11 AM

this year... I learned to be patient with myself and others... but to be careful of trust when ideology is valued over reality... that the people who love me will stand by me... and that I am stronger than I ever dreamed possible. I learned to be gentler and kinder to myself and I think, therefore, to others as well. I think I learned not to be so crazy! :D I learned how to manage money better which has also helped me a lot. I learned a lot about myself sexually and what I need going forward and became confident in that.
I learned a lot about nail art which has become a passion of mine!
It wasn't an easy year... or a very eventful one... as I was recovering from a nervous breakdown... but a lot of growth happened internally... so on the whole... a good year.

Gráinne 01-05-2014 06:20 AM

I learned that even small joys exist and deserve to be counted, even in the midst of a crisis or many crises.

I learned to hold my identity and my own opinions and beliefs without "editing" myself.

I learned that said identity comes from within myself, not from the outside. I can't find it by searching around or even in anyone else. Therefore, no one can take it from me.

I learned you can't fall in love if I don't love myself first.

It was a year of almost unending crises, but this made me see the positives in such a bad year (or two).

Leigh 01-05-2014 08:52 AM

i learned that:

~ no one will truly love me if I can't truly love myself

~ I have the most amazing friends and family a girl could ask for

~ I can do anything I put my mind to

~ I deserve to be happy and won't ever settle for less

~ some things are meant to be and some things aren't, but no matter what I will not put up with being hurt and taken advantage of by someone who claimed to love me

All in all I learned some important lessons that I think will allow me to have an amazing 2014 :)

PearlsNLace 01-05-2014 04:51 PM

2013 taught me that sometimes a trip to the beach with friends, and getting a B, is sometimes more important than an A.

In fact, 2013 gave me an opportunity to re-examine quite a few things I was sure was important, and then realized that maybe taking a deep breath and hugging someone mattered more.

2013 began teaching me that I dont have to ask anyone for space, respect, air, or even power. That those things are mine, and I need to stop giving them away. I began learning just how much I accept the misogyny I was raised in, and have begun learning things can be different.

LoyalWolfsBlade 01-05-2014 05:45 PM

2013 taught me many important things. First and foremost I had to learn to navigate the healthcare industry with patience.
I learned not to sweat the small stuff.
I learned to always be true to who I am and in doing so the right people will come into my life.
With help from friends here I learned that it is not my T that makes me the man I am it is my interactions and my vote belief system that does.
I also learned or relearned that laughter really is the best medicine for what ails you....

JustLovelyJenn 01-05-2014 06:01 PM

2013 was certainly a year of lessons... as each year seems to be...

I learned...

... Persistance pays off
... You are not whole if you are not doing the things you love
... You CAN say no, its ok, the world will not fall apart if you dont do everything.

C0LLETTE 01-05-2014 07:08 PM

I learned that "enabling" is not a good deed.

RockOn 01-05-2014 09:28 PM

Great idea for a topic!

I have learned a lot, too much to post for tonight but will come back when it is not so late.

Zimmeh 01-05-2014 10:13 PM

2013 Saw quite a few changes for me. Some for the good and some for the bad. I learned to be more patient with everyone; not she my family, partner and friends for granted. I lost one job and gained a better job.

I'm looking forward to 2014, and so far it's starting off very well. My current boss, is making me a coffee master and then a trainer. April will make it two years since Ruff and I started dating and hy has been a blessing!


Ginger 01-06-2014 06:56 AM

It isn't so much what I learned in 2013 that matters, it's how it changed me.

I'm starting to be okay with that.

Jesse 01-06-2014 10:44 PM

In 2013 I learned:
  • To be grateful for those who are no longer in my life, grateful for those who remain, and grateful for those who are yet to share in this journey with me.
  • That now is all we have. I knew it before, but learning how to be present in the now, and learning of the calmness and power of being present is a forever blessing.
  • That I am not alone, and others see my strengths and gifts even when, at times, I fail to see them.
  • About the ego...it's powers and weaknesses.
2013 blessed me with 365 days of learning, so I am certain there is more, but this is a good start on listing some of the things I learned.

~baby~doll~ 01-06-2014 10:52 PM

2013 was a tough year.
I learned to persevere.

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