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princessbelle 08-10-2011 04:24 PM

The ocean.

The breeze.

The sand on my toes and salt on my lips.

The sunsets.

The grounding.


DapperButch 08-10-2011 04:37 PM

Chicago with my girl next week...:flying:

~Bo 08-10-2011 07:12 PM

The trucking company to get here with my dune buggy that I bought on ebay. It's only coming from Indiana. How long could it take? :blink:

MsTinkerbelly 08-10-2011 07:15 PM

A 3 night camping weekend!

Abigail Crabby 08-10-2011 07:19 PM

My new shift.....

I don't do mornings, and I'm tired of getting up before God. I believe God should get up and get things right with the world and I'll get up around 10 am and give my stamp of approval :sunglass:

Scorp 08-10-2011 07:23 PM

The soon-to-be weekend....

girl_dee 08-28-2011 03:28 PM

Tomorrow, the next day and the next day.....

Kenna 08-28-2011 04:21 PM

Next weekend!! all 3 days of it!
:happyjump: :cheer: :clap: :wateringgarden: :wateringgarden: :chef2: :bananasplit: :bananasplit: :coffee: :coffee: :theisland: :knitgirl: :bath: :bath: :sailing: :wine::bouquet::bouquet:

girl_dee 08-29-2011 05:46 PM

A trip back home, I love that I can go so often!

Random 08-30-2011 10:48 AM

I am looking forward to being OFF this training schedule...

This being a day dweller while my girl is a nightwalker SUCKS...

Come on boss man, teach me FASTER.... I'm up for it...

sweetfemme247 08-30-2011 10:51 AM

it being the 12th so we can leave and i never look back here again

Starbuck 08-30-2011 09:37 PM

Concert Junkie
I'm a concert junkie so I can hardly wait to see Melissa Etheridge on October 1st (my first live show!) and then on October 6th I get to see Duran Duran for the third time this year! what's even more fun are the road trips associated with these shows! I'm taking my gf to see Melissa :) but she can't go with me to Duran Duran so I had to ask another friend to go and I've been inundating him with DD music so he will be at least somewhat familiar with it. I'm just happy I still get to go bc like I said, I'm a concert junkie!!

girl_dee 09-03-2011 06:01 AM

Painting the walls in the Master's bedroom :hk13:

musicman 09-03-2011 08:11 AM

Our next visit

Julie 09-03-2011 08:34 AM

27 Days...

Dominique 09-03-2011 08:38 AM

Pitt's home opener,(new head coach) Fire on the river and Skyblast afterwards. A spectacular evening.

Julie 09-04-2011 09:25 AM

26 days...

Violette 09-04-2011 09:55 AM

Going to the farmers market.

hottprof 09-04-2011 05:50 PM

Looking forward to the crisp air of fall

And seeing the Indigo Girls 3 times in the next month!!!


JustJo 09-04-2011 06:40 PM



Sleep :rrose:

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