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Scrappy L'il Southpaw 10-04-2011 02:01 PM

When you're down, what do you do to pick yourself up?
"When you're down and out, feeling small"

Enough song quoting... I can do that all day!

When you're feeling low or blue or in a funk or sad...whatever, not quite yourself, what do you do to pick yourself up?

It doesn't have to be huge. Sometimes it may redirect you for only a little while but it helps you to not continue to revolve in the doldrums.

For myself, today I popped in Disney's version of Rodger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella and I played "The Sweetest Sounds" repeatedly until I decided it was enough. I love that song and it had been on my mind. The entire movie makes me smile.

Gráinne 10-04-2011 02:05 PM

I force myself into the shower, and then throw myself out of the house to go to the grocery, for example. Cleaning also helps. Sometimes watching a funny DVD, or listening to pick-me-up music.

Guy 10-04-2011 02:08 PM

I usually go shopping for new clothes.

It makes me feel good when I look good. :princess:

Apocalipstic 10-04-2011 02:08 PM

I pray

Watch Rocky Horror

Call a friend

Go for a walk

Drive with my sun roof open and Paradise City playing really loud

Go to accupuncture

Get a mani/pedi

Read something uplifting

And yes, listen to Disney Music like Bed Knobs and Brooksticks, Mary Poppins or Aristocats :)

Great thread idea, can't wait to see what suggestions appear. :)

Liam 10-04-2011 02:09 PM

I go outdoors. I feel the sun on my back, or the wind on my cheek. I watch the clouds or the trees or the birds. Basically, I get out of my head.

LaneyDoll 10-04-2011 02:14 PM

I have a few feel good songs that make me happy just in listening to them.

I play with make-up.

I plan my next event at the club-details keep me entertained.

I text/call my best butch friend.

I take a short walk---or a long bath.


AtLast 10-04-2011 02:17 PM

Have to agree with Liam, just getting out in the air usually gives me a lift. A walk with my pooch usually helps a lot. I start getting silly and focused on him and his cuteness and stress begins to decline.

When my spa was working, that was a way for me to kick back, relax and allow my muscles to let go. That helped, too.

Tawse 10-04-2011 02:22 PM

I think complete and total distraction is the name of the game for me.

Having an involved conversation with someone (not just the uh huh and ok type conversation) this is even more effective if it involves leaving the house - even though I hate doing such.

Playing a MMORPG - (I can't help it, I can't think about more than the game with 12 billion things going on at once)

Reading a very interesting and high tempo book

Adjusting my meds ;)

Doing some projects around the house

treadmill! (with music blasting)

and last but not least - making sure I am not avoiding an issue. Face it, acknowledge it, grieve it if need be, then start the process of moving on.

Amber2010 10-04-2011 02:22 PM

I call a close friend or start texting her .. That almost always works she can get me laughing just by a few lines. "smiles"

princessbelle 10-04-2011 02:29 PM

For so many, MANY years when i was married to a bio man i was so lost, went through such depression and felt there was no escape.

This song honestly saved my life, more times than i can count. I used to sing it in the shower and cry and cry. I would come out of my shower feeling strong again.

Sometimes there is a song, a movie, a certain friend that can help pull you out of dark times.

Hold on for one more day and things will go your way...that is how i deal with the down times. (f)

1QuirkyKiwi 10-04-2011 02:51 PM

If a good cry is needed, I sit and have a good one. I do Yoga, go for a walk, dance to music - even when I'm on crutches, I'll do a Waltz or Foxtrot. For me, it's about releasing the energy making me feel down or irritated - if that makes sense?

Novelafemme 10-04-2011 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Guy (Post 431271)
I usually go shopping for new clothes.

It makes me feel good when I look good. :princess:

Gotta love retail therapy :D

Scrappy L'il Southpaw 10-04-2011 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by princessbelle (Post 431296)
For so many, MANY years when i was married to a bio man i was so lost, went through such depression and felt there was no escape.

This song honestly saved my life, more times than i can count. I used to sing it in the shower and cry and cry. I would come out of my shower feeling strong again.

Sometimes there is a song, a movie, a certain friend that can help pull you out of dark times.

Hold on for one more day and things will go your way...that is how i deal with the down times. (f)

That is a great song! I'm so glad you said "dark times." That encompasses so much and some people just don't get that it can be so much more than being sad and crying all the time.

During a similar time for me, my song was Destiny Child's Survivor. (grammar aside, you have to make it work with the music sometimes).

I'm a Survivor. I'm not gon' give up. I'm not gon' stop. I will work harder.
I'm a Survivor. I'm gonna make it. I will survive. Keep on survivin'.

Positive music or very expressive music is always very helpful.

When I'm emotional, I like the music LOUD!!!! If I'm pissed (at self or others) and trying to shake it and calm myself, LOUD music in the car is the best! Something with either a lot of guitar or a lot of bass or excellent harmonies so I can sing along. Whatever it is, it has to be passionate! Bryan Adams is good for harmonies and guitar.

I used to clear the furniture from the floor and dance. Usually something slow and expressive like Sarah McLachlan's Angel. I haven't done that in YEARS. I have the space for it now so I can take it back up.

Singing is also very therapeutic for me especially if I can get something new and challenging and conquer it. I can blow off steam AND add a new song to my repertoire.

Scrappy L'il Southpaw 10-04-2011 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Liam (Post 431275)
I go outdoors. I feel the sun on my back, or the wind on my cheek. I watch the clouds or the trees or the birds. Basically, I get out of my head.

Liam - the sun always feels great on my skin. If I had a place to sunbathe in the nude I would no matter what my mood!

Novelafemme 10-04-2011 03:09 PM

It sounds completely OCD, and I'm sure it could be classified as such...but when I'm down sometimes I will feel almost instantly better when I clean. I totally get into my head and get lost in a zone that helps me sort through what's at the root of my sadness. The same thing goes for working outside in the yard. I can have little conversations in my brain and simultaneously work stuff through that can get stuck on a cellular level. Generally though, a good talk with my partner, some snuggle time with her and my girls, sometimes a good cry...and I'm all set!

And if all else fails, I have a heart to heart with my mom. She wasn't always the best mom but now that she's gone she's a fantastic listener! :)

RiverBoi 10-04-2011 03:20 PM

I go fishing :) then hopefully have a cold beer while I clean said fish that I caught. By the time I clean up the mess, I am usually over whatever had me down.


dixie 10-04-2011 03:29 PM

I listen to speed metal...lol

Normally, I will stick my headphones on, grab my camera and tripod, and head out on a hike. The music plus the beauty of nature can really put things in perspective for me and cheer me up. :)

Glenn 10-04-2011 05:34 PM

:eatinghersheybar:I bought fifteen Hershey's Symphony bars yesterday at the drugstore and shot up right in the parking lot.

tapu 10-04-2011 05:48 PM

I like to hide things around the house that I know people will need to look for, and then when they start looking I say, "I'll help!", and then I find it almost immediately. It makes me feel good to have helped them out that way, you know? :)

Gemme 10-04-2011 09:12 PM

Music has a huge influence on me. I will listen to it and either play online or watch something that is super fluffy, so I don't have to think. Thinking is where most of my stress comes from. The last thing I need is to do something that will make me more stressful or sad.

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