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girl_dee 03-09-2018 04:06 PM

Going shopping for household stuffs! :cheer:

TL1 03-09-2018 05:26 PM

Lots of stuff but In the immediate future......

A ping pong tournament with some fun people. Yes that’s right...ping pong

girl_dee 03-10-2018 03:20 PM

five more sleeps <3

Blade 03-10-2018 03:43 PM

A diagnosis or not.
Whichever it doesn't matter.
There are many other ways I'd rather spend my money than searching for diagnosis.

girl_dee 03-12-2018 05:31 AM

My prize after 3 more sleeps

Bèsame* 03-12-2018 07:17 AM

Rodeo Day!

Hello Mister Zac Brown!!

Gemme 03-12-2018 09:38 PM

True spring.

Mopsie 03-13-2018 04:49 AM


Originally Posted by Gemme (Post 1201133)
True spring.

Can I get an "Amen!"

RockOn 03-13-2018 05:32 AM

Loggers are supposed to cut down the trees directly surrounding my home starting tomorrow morning. I am really looking forward to these in particular going away. :)

SnackTime 03-13-2018 08:44 AM

A new beginning...

Genesis 03-13-2018 11:57 AM

The upcoming weekend...

FireSignFemme 03-13-2018 12:10 PM

All five kittens learning to use the litter box - 2 down, 3 to go. :cheerleader::cheerleader: :shithappens::shithappens::shithappens:

Gemme 03-13-2018 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Mopsie (Post 1201163)
Can I get an "Amen!"


akiza 03-14-2018 03:04 AM

sweet sweet sleep ^^

girl_dee 03-14-2018 04:05 AM

tomorrow !!! :cheer:

nanners 03-14-2018 11:00 AM

Telling a family friend whose house burned to the ground last month that I am doing a Pampered Chef party for her, where guests purchase things for themselves and possibly her (and all my free stuff I earn will go to her) so she can replenish her kitchen when the new house is built this spring. She loves to cook and bake, so I know she'll appreciate this!

girl_dee 03-14-2018 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by nanners (Post 1201295)
Telling a family friend whose house burned to the ground last month that I am doing a Pampered Chef party for her, where guests purchase things for themselves and possibly her (and all my free stuff I earn will go to her) so she can replenish her kitchen when the new house is built this spring. She loves to cook and bake, so I know she'll appreciate this!

Awwww (((( nanners ))))) i can get something to help!

Kenna 03-14-2018 05:31 PM

For this house sitting adventure to be over... I just found the sink and garbage disposal leaking.

Chad 03-16-2018 07:01 PM

Looking forward
I look forward to seeing Brazil.

Degotoga 03-19-2018 09:26 PM

A 3 day saltwater fishing trip with the usual suspects. This is our first trip to the coast with the boats since Harvey hit and we are stoked!


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