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Miss Scarlett 05-10-2012 04:43 AM

May 18!!!!!!:hk16:

pajama 05-10-2012 06:03 AM

This weekend with my brother and his extended family and hillarious cajun in-laws. I haven't seen my bro in 4 years and the crazy in-laws in like 6. Can't wait to see everyone's faces when they see how The Boy now TOWERS over EVERYONE. *giggle*

scootebaby 05-10-2012 06:14 AM

2 whole weeks in June :hk16:

Cowboi 05-10-2012 06:50 AM

Air Conditioning!!!!

Hollylane 05-10-2012 07:09 AM

A few rainy days in bed...:)

Cid 05-10-2012 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by Hollylane (Post 582032)
A few rainy days in bed...:)

You should live around my area, you would have had that already!

I'm looking forward to painting my livingroom...again! I've painted in here so many times my kids get mad when I say I'm gonna do it again..lol. But I only have 3 1/2 weeks left before I have to go back to work, so I should get it done now. Otherwise I'll have to do it when I'm on vacation, and I really don't want to do that.

Wonder if I can get Jagg over to help

clay 05-10-2012 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Cid (Post 582039)
You should live around my area, you would have had that already!

I'm looking forward to painting my livingroom...again! I've painted in here so many times my kids get mad when I say I'm gonna do it again..lol. But I only have 3 1/2 weeks left before I have to go back to work, so I should get it done now. Otherwise I'll have to do it when I'm on vacation, and I really don't want to do that.

Wonder if I can get Jagg over to help

yeah, I agree. Hy should have to wear a tiny red skimpy speedo, right? Paybacks ate hell, right Cid-A-Licious....smiles...

starryeyes 05-10-2012 10:07 AM

Getting off work in 2.5 hours and then planting myself in bed! I even called out sick to a job this evening, which I never do. Go away sick buggie!!!

Oh... And I am looking forward to around 8:10pm when Justin gets home. Ya!

femmsational 05-10-2012 10:38 AM

Finding the perfect fish camp on the bayous of Louisiana. Cheap, ugly and a perfect get away place.

Being able to marry the person I love....legally.

Seeing my elderly parents soon. I miss them horribly!

Having my truck washed.

BBQing ribs on the charcoal grill.

Finally being able to pick a new flooring out to replace the old nasty carpet that came with my house. (It's been over 2 years, you'd think I'd make up my mind in that amount of time but.....no)

Lots and lots of things.

ruby_woo 05-10-2012 10:59 AM

Dark Shadows at 10pm tonight! :D

christie 05-10-2012 05:32 PM

Heading home from my work day... knowing she won't be far behind... ready to climb on that motorcycle, wrap my arms around her waist and feel the wind on my face... I am really looking forward to just getting lost with her for a while...

choochoo-enginerd 05-10-2012 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by christie (Post 582377)
Heading home from my work day... knowing she won't be far behind... ready to climb on that motorcycle, wrap my arms around her waist and feel the wind on my face... I am really looking forward to just getting lost with her for a while...

Knowing I will feel you against me, wind lingering amidst us as the throttle increases, your arms wrapped around, I would never spend another day elsewhere..

choochoo-enginerd 05-10-2012 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by christie (Post 582377)
Heading home from my work day... knowing she won't be far behind... ready to climb on that motorcycle, wrap my arms around her waist and feel the wind on my face... I am really looking forward to just getting lost with her for a while...

Inevitably I forgot....
doing my damndest to get the weekend off as she lovingly requests

girl_dee 05-10-2012 06:42 PM

June 10! :flying::tanning::girleating:

Rockinonahigh 05-10-2012 09:08 PM

May 17th,the second round of double trouble ladies pool league.

Hollylane 05-10-2012 10:43 PM

Printing my tickets, boarding a flight, and being in her strong arms...

MissItalianDiva 05-10-2012 11:58 PM

Tomorrow....there is now way possible it can be worse then today blah

puddin' 05-11-2012 12:03 AM

tomorrow's brekky o' home made pizza wit' marcos (7) & lucas (9), and watchin' winnie the pooh afta...

Guy 05-11-2012 12:17 AM

Going to the lady A concert with her tonight!

lillith 05-11-2012 12:41 AM

Finishing up this research, and getting these two papers written! One final next week, and my first year as a grad student is down! I am also looking forward to Monday because the local community college I work for is reestablishing its paper, and I have been asked to be on the advisory committee board, so the first meeting is this Monday! Totally happy!

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