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apretty 05-07-2010 08:53 PM

rainbow swiss chard and buttermilk mashed potatoes.
let me tell you about the rainbow swiss chard!
people don't apparently know what to do with chard, so let me tell you: first you wash it well, remove the stems (take a knife and just slide it down the stem, the leaves peel right off and it makes you look all chef-like), set the leaves aside, dice, saute only the stems in a tbl of olive oil and a pinch of sea salt, when they start to turn, add the leaves that you've sliced/or ripped apart into 3 or so inch pieces. stir, add another pinch of salt, turn down the heat, cover and enjoy in 5 minutes. (i turn off the heat and let it wilt for 10 minutes but i like my vegetables on the brink of steamed and raw, personal preference.)

another variation is to skip the olive oil and use a couple of strips of diced bacon in the bottom of the pot, saute the diced stems in the bacon fat, and same as above--add the leaves after, since they cook so fast. --and what isn't good in bacon fat?

i just personally feel bad eating pork because pigs know their names, and are very dog-like.

*also, a dash of red/wine vinegar really brings out the flavor in the chard, once it's plated--my parents would make the bacon-variety chard but i didn't develop a taste for the vinegar until much later; i say use sparingly.

and low-fat buttermilk mashed potatoes. (never use black pepper on mashed potatoes, it's white, only. trust. and i was lazy or i would have added some fresh oven-roasted garlic.)

--> i cooked because 1. i can but pretend that i don't know how, and 2. we're going to the vegetable co-op tomorrow and the fridge needs to be organized <3

Lillie 05-07-2010 08:56 PM

a bowl of lucky charms...they are magically delicious and all my belly can handle after the bouts of migrains I have been suffering!!!


Kenna 05-07-2010 08:59 PM

FANTASTIC grilled dinner...

As always... my best girly girl friend and I put on a SPREAD when we grilled tonight. She's AWESOME and I really enjoy our dinners and all the fun we have....

Grilled corn on the cob
'bella mushrooms
Baby Egg plant
Halibut and Tuna with a ranch/dill sauce

and for dessert... (a neat trick someone special just taught me...)
Grilled bananas with melted chocolate!!!! YUMMY!!!
We got a big kick out of the bananas... called it "our own personal fondue"! Sure beats paying $100 for fondue at the Melting Pot... and it's more fun!

I'm so stuffed I feel like after Thanksgiving Dinner!!

torchiegirl 05-07-2010 09:03 PM

my momma's delicious homemade chicken and wild rice soup

Gemme 05-08-2010 01:42 PM

Last night, I had navy bean and onion soup with 2% Mexican 4 Cheese Blend cheese sprinkled on top and water. Tonight, I have no clue what I will eat.

Jet 05-08-2010 02:48 PM

German "crepes" a flat pancake a little heavier than crepes, they 're traditional in my family.

Cowboi 05-08-2010 03:24 PM

Meeting a old friend at Longhorns. Steak, and a cold beer.

Oneida 05-08-2010 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Jet (Post 101686)
German "crepes" a flat pancake a little heavier than crepes, they 're traditional in my family.

What do you (will you) use for a filling?

WingsOnFire 05-08-2010 04:34 PM

Grilled cheese and ham sandwiches... yummy... and maybe a brownie sunday for dessert...

Rufusboi 05-08-2010 04:59 PM

Tonight I made Creamy Chicken and Vegetables with Hot Buttered Biscuits.

Jerseyboi 05-08-2010 05:11 PM

Stuffed peppers.. Yum!

Andrew, Jr. 05-08-2010 05:45 PM

Tonight I had a shrimp salad sandwich, chips, and a pickle. I am still drinking my ice tea. All shared with mon petit chow, Dino Martini. :dogwalking:

Boots13 05-08-2010 05:49 PM

starving !
I just got home from work and raided the fridge...

Chicken breast and chedder with apple slices sandwich
white corn chips
bucket of water
and ????

(I know I'm going back for more, but I'm not sure what yet !)

Corkey 05-08-2010 05:51 PM

potato, baked all the trimmings
peach iced tea

BornBronson 05-08-2010 07:28 PM

Mac & Cheese...it was delicious.

apretty 05-08-2010 07:44 PM

i am starrrrrrving and ez's cooking a bird over coals (and other things that i'm unaware of cuz i was having my beauty sleep all afternoon!).

WolfyOne 05-08-2010 08:17 PM

1 inch thick rib eye steaks with baked potatoes grilled over charcoal

Oiler41 05-08-2010 08:21 PM

Had great friends over for some pizza (One pepperoni, one supreme), hot tub time and good conversation! Summer fun is officially here!


Abigail Crabby 05-08-2010 09:07 PM

Left over Chicken Parm...

Queerasfck 05-08-2010 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by apretty (Post 101856)
i am starrrrrrving and ez's cooking a bird over coals (and other things that i'm unaware of cuz i was having my beauty sleep all afternoon!).

I'm feeling really good about the way dinner turned out. We went to the food co-op this morning and we never really know what veggies we are going to be given when we buy the pack online.
  • Asian style bbq chicken-I started with a rub on the bird and then made a nice tangy yet sweet sauce to put on the bird after it came off the coals.
  • home style sweet potatoes with house spices-we got the sweet potatoes at the co-op. I sliced them up and put a little oil in my big cast iron pan threw some seasonings on them and then in the oven for about 30mins.
  • brushetta-the best! I made it with fresh tomatoes, lots of basil, garlic, salt, pepper, olive oil. Toasted some thick sliced bread, then rubbed the bread with a raw clove of garlic, sliced a piece of fresh mozza on it and then toasted it lightly again. The brushetta came out soooo good.
  • fresh corn on the cob-pulled away the silk, left the husk on, let them soak in a sink of water for an hour or so, then used 'I can't believe it's not butter', some smoked paprika and threw those babies back on the grill.
It was really nice to sit down at the table together since I'm at work during dinner M-F.

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