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Blade 11-17-2018 04:04 AM

Being off of work for the next week

FireSignFemme 11-17-2018 12:28 PM

Neighbors either making up or moving out. He holds the lease and when he's here she and her friends behave a lot better, are much easier to live next door to. When he's gone well you can see why he leaves. If they can't forgive and move on then one or the other of them has to go or there will never be any peace around here.

girl_dee 11-18-2018 05:28 AM

the day in Asheville with my family!

Mel C. 11-20-2018 07:24 PM

Friday, when I get to hold her again.

Kenna 11-20-2018 07:39 PM

Shortly after Thanksgiving for the delivery of insulation and beadboard and to spend the day with my farmer friend to help him at his saw mill with my fresh cedar planks and posts. I will feel like Christmas morning.

girl_dee 11-21-2018 08:12 PM

Big thanksgiving day with my family tomorrow

2 more sleeps....

girl_dee 11-22-2018 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by Mel C. (Post 1232419)
Friday, when I get to hold her again.

Friday is tomorrow!!!!

Kätzchen 11-22-2018 08:56 AM

New Years Eve.... January, February and March.

Most certainly, April and May.

Mostly, right now, it's New Years Eve. :hk20:

girl_dee 11-22-2018 09:17 PM

Tomorrow!!! The weekend!!!

girl_dee 11-23-2018 08:23 AM

3:30 when my Daddi picks me up at the airport!

GeorgiaMa'am 11-23-2018 06:37 PM

Two weeks of vacation at Christmas!

TL1 11-25-2018 12:14 AM


JDeere 11-25-2018 09:56 AM

When the holidays are over!

TL1 11-26-2018 09:51 PM

I’m still looking forward to moving. Closing is December 4th or 5th. I’m outta here by January 1st most likely before. Bye loud neighbors!
Happy I have something to look forward to. :)

FireSignFemme 11-27-2018 05:00 AM

Online shopping. I have enough filler ornaments to keep the tree from looking all Charlie Brown sad, but now I need something some sort of kind of special to fill in the gaps. Make this whole Christmas tree game on thing just really pop.

girl_dee 12-04-2018 02:44 PM

Seeing hym on our wedding day. Hot damn!!

candy_coated_bitch 12-04-2018 05:25 PM

Getting our burritos! I'm freaking hangry!!!

JDeere 12-04-2018 10:31 PM

Cold weather!

40 is not cold enough for me LOL

GeorgiaMa'am 12-05-2018 11:36 AM

Lord, _please_ help me make it to the two-week winter break without losing my mind. Thank you.

RockOn 12-05-2018 11:54 AM

Hey GeorgiaMa'am
Find the sturdiest thing you can, tie a knot in it and hang on tight!

Seriously, hope things get better soon!
Sending hugs!

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