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-   -   BLOGS: A Place for FREEDOM of Speech ..OR... (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3115)

Strappie 04-24-2011 03:15 PM

BLOGS: A Place for FREEDOM of Speech ..OR...

Is it a place to lay down your dirt? I just read a blog on another site and I was OUTRAGED by the verbiage they used. They have and continue to bash on a partner (not going into what I think about that, it's another issue) but what I was so OUTRAGED about and still am is the word they used. I can't even type it, all I can say is they used the N word in a description that they basically were the slave in the relationship.

I sure hope the hell this site does not allow blogs! While I find reading a lot of the blogs people write amazing and sometimes helpful to others such as stories of coming out, finding themselves and other really good self help writings or just writing about their day. There are some amazing writers and really fun to read. But the bashing of others and using race in my opinion is outrageous and should not be allowed. It's sad that a Blog would have to be monitored as well.

I reported this post after reading the third sentence and there was about 7 paragraphs. I did NOT have to read further to know 100% that this was one of the most offensive things I have ever read coming from a community memeber. I can't remember the last time I have reported something. But this was unbelievable.

So are blogs an open forum to trash and bash??

Daywalker 04-24-2011 04:05 PM

I see the Reported post, but cannot Moderate it cause someone still has yet
to remove the old assigned Moderator out of the Blog section...thingy.




Strappie 04-24-2011 04:22 PM

So Daywalker,

Does Blogs give us the right to have Freedom of Speech? Or is there guidelines that one needs to follow?

Nina 04-24-2011 04:25 PM

are you talking about blogs here, on BFP ?
or, are you having a public discussion about things on another site?
thanks for the clarification....my old mind gets confused easily :)

Daywalker 04-24-2011 04:28 PM

For Blogs that are attached to sites, I believe the TOS developed by any
Site Owner should be followed. For personal Bogs, everyone goes Willy Nilly.


Lol, so on that site there are indeed rules regarding Blogs.


I think it has been removed now,
although I see the entire copy in the Report



wolfbittenpoet 04-24-2011 04:33 PM

I think a blog should be looked at as a form of journalism and people should self limit or self censor. Some people don't, either they are foolish enough to think it doesn't matter what one writes particularly if they use a username that no one could possibly guess (insert sarcasm here) or they simply are people who never limit their mouths so why would they limit their fingers. I'm all for blogs but like most self expression one has to have limits that keep both you and the people around you safe.

Strappie 04-24-2011 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Nina (Post 326360)
are you talking about blogs here, on BFP ?
or, are you having a public discussion about things on another site?
thanks for the clarification....my old mind gets confused easily :)

I am speaking of any Blogs.. Here on this site we do not have blogs! Thank god, because in my opinion it's just an area to open up a Can of worms or bash people, places or things. Unless of course they are writing something worthy that can possibly help someone or enlighten them or for that matter make people laugh.

AtLast 04-24-2011 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Strappie (Post 326341)

Is it a place to lay down your dirt? I just read a blog on another site and I was OUTRAGED by the verbiage they used. They have and continue to bash on a partner (not going into what I think about that, it's another issue) but what I was so OUTRAGED about and still am is the word they used. I can't even type it, all I can say is they used the N word in a description that they basically were the slave in the relationship.

I sure hope the hell this site does not allow blogs! While I find reading a lot of the blogs people write amazing and sometimes helpful to others such as stories of coming out, finding themselves and other really good self help writings or just writing about their day. There are some amazing writers and really fun to read. But the bashing of others and using race in my opinion is outrageous and should not be allowed. It's sad that a Blog would have to be monitored as well.

I reported this post after reading the third sentence and there was about 7 paragraphs. I did NOT have to read further to know 100% that this was one of the most offensive things I have ever read coming from a community memeber. I can't remember the last time I have reported something. But this was unbelievable.

So are blogs an open forum to trash and bash??

I agree. And then there are the "passive-aggressive" kinds of blogs and even thread posts. Not really using any language that would trigger reporting or moderation, yet having information in which the person being dumped on or those that know them well, can figure out.

These are the really tough ones for mods or an administrator to deal with. What you are talking about here sounds way over the top. Sad and infantile.

I hadn't thought about no blogs on the Planet in this vein. Thanks for giving me something to think about. I have never been a blog reader in general unless on any social networking website. LOL... I'm glad of this after reading your post!

It is too bad- as there are folks that I believe could contribute a lot via their insight, knowledge and background.

Strappie 04-24-2011 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by wolfbittenpoet (Post 326364)
I think a blog should be looked at as a form of journalism and people should self limit or self censor. Some people don't, either they are foolish enough to think it doesn't matter what one writes particularly if they use a username that no one could possibly guess (insert sarcasm here) or they simply are people who never limit their mouths so why would they limit their fingers. I'm all for blogs but like most self expression one has to have limits that keep both you and the people around you safe.

I agree with you 100%. Do people really think that these words they write are going to vanish say 5 yrs from now? What if lets say they were going to be hired for a job. The new way of finding out someones character is to hunt them down online. Now I know we all have screen names here but who knows what some employers are able to find if they have the right people searching?

AtLast 04-24-2011 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Strappie (Post 326368)
I agree with you 100%. Do people really think that these words they write are going to vanish say 5 yrs from now? What if lets say they were going to be hired for a job. The new way of finding out someones character is to hunt them down online. Now I know we all have screen names here but who knows what some employers are able to find if they have the right people searching?

A good point to make- I don't agree with employers being able to do this, but, look at how many cases there have been in which forensic computer searching has been used by employers- especially in public employment.

There is a parent that is a neighbor of mine that is way active in school district issues, etc. and she has told me that her kid's school district most certainly has discussed doing this! Although, I don't know that I can trust this- she sort of strikes me as angry with teachers/schools in general. I don't know her well at all.

I would think that this would be illegal- or at least could be fought by unions representing this district's employees. But, with budget cuts always hanging in the air and ways to cut personnel and programs- who knows!

Some of this stuff is done under "consulting" or "background checks." I do know that installing software that traces employee use is legal for employers in many cases. Why take the chance!!

Daywalker 04-24-2011 05:09 PM

I researched an employer once and found Blog info on him and his Father.

He was impressed with it, but surprised I researched...LOL

I did get the GM position at Two Star Dog in Berkeley.

Humz Ringo's 'All those years ago'...



Strappie 04-24-2011 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Daywalker (Post 326384)
I researched an employer once and found Blog info on him and his Father.

He was impressed with it, but surprised I researched...LOL

I did get the GM position at Two Star Dog in Berkeley.

Humz Ringo's 'All those years ago'...



Ahhh and yes Blogs can also be informational and not just bad Karma!!

Smart move Daywalker!!

Venus007 04-24-2011 08:43 PM

I work in education and health care and I find that blogging is a great tool for networking. I use my professional blog on health care to promote my services and knowledge as well as to chime in on current events. I cannot blog about education as my employer would fire me. Part of my employment agreement was that I would not provide or keep or what have you an education related blog, it is grounds for termination.

All that being said in general people are foolish, and people under the somewhat thin veil of anonymity are super foolish. They forget that their words do not go away, they forget what they wrote a looonnngg time ago, they forget so many things.

Every employer I have had in the last 10 years has done an internet search on me (I am pretty lucky in that I have an amazingly common name and so I am a bit of a needle in a hay stack). My employers have checked my facebook page, myspace, linkedin, etc. I am very aware of my public image online as it effects my professional life. I think more and more everyone has to be.

AtLast 04-24-2011 09:14 PM

There are many useful and smart ways to utilize blogs. I think the type of blogs that Strappie is talking about are not bona fide, professional blogs in which the author has professional "scrupples." Sounded to me like the blogs in question are really personal attacks on people.

Strappie 04-25-2011 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Venus007 (Post 326484)
I work in education and health care and I find that blogging is a great tool for networking. I use my professional blog on health care to promote my services and knowledge as well as to chime in on current events. I cannot blog about education as my employer would fire me. Part of my employment agreement was that I would not provide or keep or what have you an education related blog, it is grounds for termination.

All that being said in general people are foolish, and people under the somewhat thin veil of anonymity are super foolish. They forget that their words do not go away, they forget what they wrote a looonnngg time ago, they forget so many things.

Every employer I have had in the last 10 years has done an internet search on me (I am pretty lucky in that I have an amazingly common name and so I am a bit of a needle in a hay stack). My employers have checked my facebook page, myspace, linkedin, etc. I am very aware of my public image online as it effects my professional life. I think more and more everyone has to be.

I think Blogs can be an amazing tool for people if done correctly. But in so many cases it's just a forum for Trash talking and Bashing in heads.

I agree with you 100% that people need to put themselves in check. I don't really think the majority of people would speak exactly like they do on line. We do hide behind a screen so it's easier to speak more openly, but not at the cost of others. Hell I am one that sometimes gets ahead of myself.

Good post!!

Linus 04-25-2011 05:35 PM

As someone who has a personal blog, a "hobbyist" blog and is working (eventually) towards a professional blog (that's 3 separate blogs) I do believe in freedom of speech. But it's freedom of speech with responsibility. I generally view online communication no different than in person communication (the exceptions are that written is definitely different since tone is lost and people can choose to be there or not).

Blogs in forums like this wouldn't be a bad thing since they can allow individuals to talk to a specific community without creating a thread about it (although a thread could be used like a blog). Regardless, however, as with anything: when you post on someone's else's "lawn" you are subject to their rules (TOS). So I would expect that to be true.

My own blogs are in my own space but I still have to adhere to the web server provider's rules. I think too many people assume the "Net" belongs to the US and thus, the freedom of speech right applies. It does not. The "Net" is a global semi-private network (that is, various companies own the networks and disk space that is used on the internet and thus, we are subject to what they believe is acceptable).

Spork 04-25-2011 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Linus (Post 326917)
My own blogs are in my own space but I still have to adhere to the web server provider's rules. I think too many people assume the "Net" belongs to the US and thus, the freedom of speech right applies. It does not. The "Net" is a global semi-private network (that is, various companies own the networks and disk space that is used on the internet and thus, we are subject to what they believe is acceptable).

Thanks for clarifying that. I was reading the first few responses and thought "NO! That's not the point!" But you explained it way better than what I had planned to say.

Blogs are really useful. I've had my share of tech blogs and personal blogs.

dixie 04-25-2011 09:56 PM

I blog to get out all the bullshit feelings no matter what they are, who they involve or how they sound. Sometimes they can be all sweet and mushy or sometimes they can be hateful and downright bitchy. The same with my journaling. Both of which remain for my eyes only. Although in the past I did have public blogs but I got tired of asshats just being downright mean even about the nice things I posted or the poetry I wrote. (The mean shit stayed hidden for just me.) I'm not a fan of asshat people, and unfortunately a few follow me just to demean anything I say. So now I don't blog and usually don't even post anything that is "real" to me (aspects of personal life, certain things that are important to me, etc).

Sometimes it's not only the blogger who can create dark, vile things but also the readers. It really does depend on the person. I enjoy reading blogs from certain folks. The drama filled shit-stirring ones though, not so much.

DomnNC 04-25-2011 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by June (Post 327106)
I think blogs are fine, but you if you are going to talk smack about people, don't hide under the cloak of anonymity. It's cowardly and lacks credibility. I have seen a lot of those over the years where people get a bee up their ass about someone or some thing and they're too ashamed (cowardly) to use their name.

A few years ago, I responded to a particularly ugly one about someone I knew (And didn't like) and they (the blog owner) actually deleted my comments. Probably because I wasn't going with the flow and didn't say what they wanted to hear.

Which was basically, if you have something to say, put your name on it or shut the fuck up.

Exactly, I've seen a lot of those cowardly blogs.

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