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ONLY 04-13-2013 09:59 AM

180 hours from now.......... (f)

TheMerryFairy 04-13-2013 12:25 PM

Going back to my trees tomorrow to collect my syrup, catching up with someone awesome tonight, trying the new hookah bar out and spending tomorrow with a friend while I indulge in some self care rituals like meditation, shopping and getting my haircut.

Miss Scarlett 04-13-2013 01:12 PM

Finishing the project i'm working on (that I'm taking a much needed quick break from)...then getting out of the house for a little while...this mess is working my last nerve! Ack!!

Lazy Daze 04-13-2013 01:28 PM

We are going to a "menu tasting" tonight.. something I have never done, but there is food involved, so how can I not?? Lol :eatinghersheybar:

Teddybear 04-13-2013 02:12 PM

Some time with my love and NO work

TheMerryFairy 04-13-2013 03:19 PM

Relaxing in good company

Zimmeh 04-13-2013 03:59 PM

Moving in a month! We cannot wait!


Tommi 04-13-2013 04:14 PM

The Grape Adventure vineyard tour over Temecula, CA

Cailin 04-13-2013 05:22 PM

First kisses...

Massive 04-13-2013 05:31 PM

Yes, definitely Thanksgiving

girl_dee 04-13-2013 09:12 PM

a nice ride with my sister to go see my mom tomorrow

Massive 04-13-2013 09:20 PM

November seriously cannot come soon enough, having to rely on the internet and my ailing computer to talk to her is really frustrating. I just want to be able to sit there and talk and see her smile, is that so much to ask for?
7 years we've known one another ... 7 years, November ... *sighs*
Now I am impatient lol

Bèsame* 04-13-2013 09:25 PM


A Sunday drive thru the Texas hill country. Perfect for viewing all the wild flowers in bloom. Ahhhhhh, such sights await. Maybe some good BBQ will be found, yum.


bright_arrow 04-13-2013 11:07 PM

Seeing family and friends I have not seen in 10 years.. Can not begin to express the swelling love and excitement!

kannon 04-13-2013 11:49 PM

I'm looking forward to getting through level one.

RNguy 04-14-2013 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Lazy Daze (Post 782521)
We are going to a "menu tasting" tonight.. something I have never done, but there is food involved, so how can I not?? Lol :eatinghersheybar:

Well heck this is different, I'd like this idea :)
You both have fun my sister and brother

RNguy 04-14-2013 01:39 PM

really looking forward to this
I'm looking forward to seeing the movie 42 tonight with my wife
If you like baseball and history go see this movie.
My wife is being a trooper by going with me I hope she likes it :)

dixie 04-14-2013 02:12 PM

- getting a definitive answer this week about a job that has been dangling for the last month

- finally getting paid this week for the last 2 photo sessions, plus making some extra $$$ on prints and books that I will be ordering for the clients

- getting PREPAID this coming weekend for a July wedding

- hopefully more bingo Saturday

theoddz 04-15-2013 07:40 AM

I'm due for my spring vacation at the end of this month/first of next month, and I'm taking 3 weeks off to enjoy my wife's company and also visit with an old friend and her wife. They're coming out to Las Vegas for a long weekend and we're all going to take off to Utah (the big buffalo ranch cabin) and then take an excursion over to the Grand Canyon. When we return from that jaunt and our friends head back to Ohio, the wife and I are planning a honeymoon trip over to California for about a week. :awww:

I am sooooo looking forward to this vacation, and will afterward be looking forward to another 3 weeks off this coming Fall. We may take an Alaskan cruise at that time (Pop's wedding present to us :heartbeat:).

~Theo~ :bouquet:

StrongButch 04-17-2013 05:19 AM

Summer and feeling the sun everyday!

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