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Reach *BANNED* 09-06-2018 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Orema (Post 1223018)
Playing hooky and going to the movies. Hoping I can make that happen today. Maybe, maybe not.

Miss Orema,

Now I need to know did you play hooky? and if so what cool movie did you catch?

girl_dee 09-07-2018 06:44 AM

seeing hym TODAY!!!! :cheer:

easygoingfemme 09-07-2018 06:55 AM

Getting out of work today so I can finish loading up for camping this weekend!

Camping this weekend!

Then... Florida for a week! It's for work but I'll be working in Florida so... good by me!

CherryWine 09-07-2018 07:59 AM

First and foremost, I’m looking forward to loving up on my handsome, sweet girlfriend this weekend. :love1:

Then, I’m looking forward to next Thursday when our annual evaluation at work is OVER. I am completely confident in the work we have done, but lawd....the stress has been bad this year.

Finally, a very much needed beach weekend getaway (to include a Melissa Etheridge concert!) with my love. If it will ever get here.... :blink:

RockOn 09-08-2018 10:08 AM

I am looking forward to my pocket pittie's sore foot to be well. She sprained it playing too hard with Jeffrey. Nothing serious but I know it is painful.

This spoiled little girl is getting all the "attention mileage" she can from this sore foot.

First off you need to know, at any given time, Jennifer loves to be told how pretty she is. I mean 1000 times is not even close to too much. I say, "she is s-o-o-o-o-o pretty" and she told me it helps her foot. ;)

If I am outdoors working, I have to periodically time-out, go over and tell her "she is s-o-o-o-o-o pretty" for at least 10 minutes. This past week when we all got into bed, she wiggled up close, rolled on her back and had me tickle her tummy for no less than 30 minutes as she fell asleep ... all the while I had to say "she is s-o-o-o-o-o pretty" ... if I stopped too soon, she nudged me back into action.

The scary part is I have not exaggerated any of this.


JDeere 09-08-2018 11:58 AM

Tonight! 7pm Oklahoma State game!

Mel C. 09-08-2018 05:07 PM

Fall...I can't take this summer heat anymore.

homoe 09-08-2018 08:00 PM

Seahawks game tomorrow afternoon and Packers game Sunday evening..:footballpass:

RockOn 09-09-2018 03:00 PM

Back to Mel C.
Hey Mel C, I feel the same exact way about this freaking heat!!!!

cinnamongrrl 09-11-2018 08:59 PM

Taking control of my life....it got a bit wonky for a while. I’m finally feeling more like me again...:)

Chad 09-15-2018 08:27 AM

Looking forward
The Opera! My ex from the 90s (not on this site) invited me to the opera.

I love opera!

:violin: :harp:

girl_dee 09-20-2018 07:04 PM

the weekend.... it’s been a busy work week

Gemme 09-21-2018 05:01 AM

Sleep. Maybe one of these days.

CherryWine 09-26-2018 02:12 PM

Getting a much needed haircut this evening! :spruceup:

Chad 09-29-2018 09:29 AM

Looking forward
The Opera! My ex (not on this site) got us tickets to Othello, yeah!

It is an afternoon event so I think that a suit instead of a tux would be appropriate. My ex will match my tie to her dress. She has always been good at designing our outfits.

I am so happy to have her back in my family.


MsTinkerbelly 09-29-2018 09:33 AM

I am looking forward to being back on the road, even if it is just for just a few days.:pirate-steer:

Bèsame* 09-30-2018 08:17 PM

Next Friday night, going to the fair/rodeo and I will find out if I got any ribbons for my entries!

JDeere 09-30-2018 10:47 PM

When things are done, ie cleaning out storage unit of my stuff, dad going into rehab hospital, figuring out if we are going to have to move, the garage sale on the 13th, I could go on but I just want some answers and to get a move on with life without anymore interruptions.

cinnamongrrl 10-01-2018 06:12 AM

A couple small weekend trips coming up in October. One to Salem for Halloween WITH my niece and nephew joining us. My oldest may join us just to show them around. She’s been going with me each year since she was little.

And, my favorite, a long weekend to Acadia in Maine. I haven’t been in years. It’s truly a beautiful place and I think everyone should see it once. My honey has never been so it’ll be an excellent experience.

Still debating if it’ll be too cold for the pop up by then. They don’t exactly hear well. Another thing I’m looking forward to is a better camper. It’s on our radar and we’ve been casually looking. We’ll find the right one soon :)

cinnamongrrl 10-02-2018 06:52 AM

I talked to my youngest yesterday and she wants to come up for Halloween!!!

She’d be flying up soooo I may be forced to drive her back to Asheville And visit for a week or so! Don’t have to twist my arm!

The weather there is nice all the way through December usually. I’m very excited!

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