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TimilDeeps 05-02-2012 08:14 AM

I have a super hot lunch date with claybaby tomorrow . . . c'mere ya big stud!


clay 05-02-2012 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by TimilDeeps (Post 576552)
I have a super hot lunch date with claybaby tomorrow . . . c'mere ya big stud!


ohhh baby....I can hardly wait!!! <cheesy grin>

JAGG 05-02-2012 09:13 AM

Hanging out in the French Quarter Saturday afternoon!!! Then a 7 day cruise to the Bahama's . :king::D

Lazy Daze 05-03-2012 05:54 PM

I am looking forward to the weekend! My sweetie surprised me with tickets to see the Big and Rich concert tomorrow night! Then garage sales Saturday morning, followed by the Blueberry Festival. Sunday I have a date with my pool floaty and our pool! I am one lucky girl!

ForeverBlue 05-03-2012 06:32 PM

Last night part of my back tooth broke off, not a good scene! sooo Im looking forward to getting it fixed tommorrow at 1030, will not come soon enough, this is no way to live lol

Novelafemme 05-04-2012 12:50 PM

Floating in the pool tomorrow with my girlfriends and kiddos :) With ZERO deadlines looming! YAY!!!:tanning:

Leigh 05-04-2012 01:14 PM

Funny enough I'm looking forward to next Tuesday, when I meet with someone from a local college to possibly get into school this September :)

Hollylane 05-04-2012 09:25 PM

In 13 Days, at 11 pm, I will be boarding the first flight toward Norfolk, VA. After flying overnight, I will be arriving in her arms after 9:20 am EST. :)

laruss 05-04-2012 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by TimilDeeps (Post 576552)
I have a super hot lunch date with claybaby tomorrow . . . c'mere ya big stud!


claybaby you do get around, I may be jealous that I am so far away in Canada

laruss 05-04-2012 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by JAGG (Post 576607)
Hanging out in the French Quarter Saturday afternoon!!! Then a 7 day cruise to the Bahama's . :king::D

Jealous, I was just on a cruise of the Caribbean at Christmas and now I wish I was going with you.

clay 05-04-2012 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by laruss (Post 578467)
claybaby you do get around, I may be jealous that I am so far away in Canada

awww shucks, TimilDeeps was NOT supposed to let that out of the bag....that we have a "bromance" going on......otherwise, my GF is selfish with me....smiles

Hollylane 05-04-2012 11:28 PM

Saturday date night at the movies... :)

puddin' 05-05-2012 10:23 PM

call me simple...
a pastrami and cheese sammich, on toasted nutty as bread, a side o' olives, grapes and a few stax...

BoDy*ShOt 05-05-2012 10:54 PM

June.. then midnight, 1/1/2013. ;-*

ruffryder 05-05-2012 10:58 PM

time with my girl Sunday.. :stillheart:

aishah 05-05-2012 11:16 PM

i have to do a pitch for fundraising tomorrow and i'm terrified. so i'm really looking forward to that being over.

luv2luvgirls 05-06-2012 05:51 AM

to what my bowling buddies are planning for me this month! What a great group of friends I have

girl_dee 05-06-2012 06:01 PM

:openprez: tomorrow!

Mr Nice Guy 05-06-2012 06:07 PM

Having time off from work. :)

Julien 05-06-2012 07:25 PM

I'm looking forward to closure and resolution to a problem. It is time to turn the corner to a new path. :wateringgarden:

oh and looking forward to fondling more books tomorrow. :glasses::reader:

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