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luv2luvgirls 05-19-2012 04:42 AM

14 days!!!!! I cannot get this grin off my face I am so excited for what comes in 14 days!

Julien 05-19-2012 09:34 AM

To the reality that is the fantasy. :ohm: :rrose:

clay 05-19-2012 09:46 AM

that fabulous pedi, foot scrub...then the most incredible peppermint, tea tree oil and essential oils foot rub..and massage...OMG! Decadent...honey??? May I have another and another and another....OMG!! Orgasmic....to say the least...foot orgasms...that is...

Miss Scarlett 05-19-2012 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by claybaby (Post 587790)
that fabulous pedi, foot scrub...then the most incredible peppermint, tea tree oil and essential oils foot rub..and massage...OMG! Decadent...honey??? May I have another and another and another....OMG!! Orgasmic....to say the least...foot orgasms...that is...

Of course you can Baby...that is some pretty awesome foot cream...just wait til i mix up a batch of my special blend for you!

scootebaby 05-19-2012 10:01 AM

10 days..spending the day at SeaWorld!!

getting to see her!



starryeyes 05-19-2012 10:23 AM

Spending the day with Justin and her son at the Long Beach Pride festival this afternoon :-) Happy Pride!!!

dixie 05-19-2012 06:35 PM

...2 week vacay with the family then 2 week vacay with my honey...1 whole month of Florida sunshine!!
...a lil less than 10 days
...going for a ride in the new car!
...collecting shells and strolling on the beach with her


WingsOnFire 05-20-2012 11:27 AM

Story time... :waitinggirl:

Zimmeh 05-20-2012 12:03 PM

Looking forward to our picnic at Lake Eola Park this afternoon :) and cuddle time with hym tonight!


girl_dee 05-22-2012 08:24 PM

my NOLA trip coming up in a few weeks

wee ones birthday parties

swimming with the older ones

Flying from here rather than Toronto

Flying back here so Daddi can scoop me up easily

All the fresh veggies that we are planting tomorrow

Booked days on my two work days

Getting my Teacher Certification done!

Leigh 05-22-2012 09:19 PM

A bright & happy future, whatever that may entail :)

luv2luvgirls 05-22-2012 10:22 PM

what comes in 10 days

Mtn 05-22-2012 11:17 PM

77 days until she is in my arms again. So grateful that we manage this distance the way we do. Our future is worth it!

Leigh 05-23-2012 12:22 AM

More nights like tonight ~ yes please :D

Jaques 05-23-2012 01:53 AM

After weeks of rain we are having a lovely sunny spell here in England, so im having a barbeque tonight, got a new small, fold flat one so i can fit it in my car when we go camping, my car's so small i have to measure everything up before i start packing it up, including the missus, lol!

bkisbutchenuff 05-23-2012 02:24 AM


Today - finishing up at school
2 Days - leadership retreat
The mountains this weekend
The beach next weekend

All having - keeps a smile on this butches face!!

Miss Scarlett 05-23-2012 04:45 AM

June 1...

The day when we are no longer at the mercy of finances and oil prices...

~ocean 05-23-2012 05:46 AM

i'm looking forward to tonights basketball game btwn Boston Celtics vs, Philidelphia
76's :)) GO Celtics ~~

JustJo 05-23-2012 08:52 AM


ruffryder 05-23-2012 10:21 AM

our own place.. very soon. getting over the hurdles and finances to make it happen. step by step with her and did I mention our own place!!

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