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-   -   Self Accountability...Where will you be in 5 years? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=980)

Blade 03-07-2010 06:44 PM

Self Accountability...Where will you be in 5 years?
We are all at different stages in our lives, some in their 20's just starting out, some in midlife just figuring it out, some retired and loving life. I'm not sure what the future holds for me at this point or where I'm going exactly. So tell us where do you plan to be in your life in 5 yrs. What are your goals or dreams or expectations of yourself and your life for the next 5 yrs. I'll be back with mine.

Soft*Silver 03-07-2010 06:55 PM

I will be helping raise a pastle of grandchildren

my home will be my hearth and my roots will have had time to dig in deeply by then

I will have been published a few more times by then

I dont know if I will be partnered or not. I am content being single and am not looking for someone to fill a void. I like calling my life my own...

and I shall still be sober...

Andrew, Jr. 03-07-2010 08:13 PM

My self accountabilility...5 year goals

I will be living in the south. :dance2:

I will be more fit, and healthier. I am sticking with my weight loss goals. :eating:

I want to take some cooking classes by Stephen Weber. :chef:

I want to travel more. I want to see the United States and parts of Canada. :mountie: :tanning:

Jet 03-07-2010 09:09 PM

I think I will write, not sure yet.

Gemme 03-07-2010 09:36 PM

5 Years
Year One: don't go stark raving mad biding my time here, attend Reunion, move to Austin, have loads of fun with my sissies there, get situated, settle down and settle in.

Year Two: don't get cedar fever, attend Reunion, try to go back to school

Year Three: still avoid cedar fever, take the dance classes I've been promising myself for forever that I would take, attend Reunion and show off my new mad dance skillz, balance work and school and life

Year Four: duck when cedar fever comes around, attend Reunion, move up in my professional career due to length of time at job and education or find a better job

Year Five: give into cedar fever (but only a LITTLE bit!), attend Reunion, finally realize (as 40 looms) that I'm okay....really okay (although, if history tells me anything, I may be getting the itch to move again...maybe it will only be across town though)

firie 03-07-2010 10:06 PM

having his babies!!

Jet 03-11-2010 01:58 AM

It would be nice if, in 5 years, I could say, "if I write you a check for the building, take it."

Kenna 03-11-2010 02:56 AM

I always stumbled when the teachers in High School asked this.
But at that time, I didn't see a future for myself... and never had hope of getting beyond Briery Branch or Rockingham County for that matter.

Now... things are MUCH different. I've gone places, earned my resume and done things I never dreamed of back in my bleak days at Briery Branch.

Considering what I've lived through in the last 30+ years.... the next 5 should all be down hill...

Before this summer, relocated to a WARMER place South...preferably living in the county, even if I have to commute to work.
within 5 years...
Working to make many positive life changes, AND...
settled and very comfortable in my new career (if not new, then more settled and "higher up" in my old career field, just for a different Governor!) Possibly working for the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, FDA, or a State Department of Health actively managing a division of the Vaccines for Children Program.
Financially secure enough to take an extended vacation to Ireland.
Possibly work for or volunteer at a Job Corps facility (where I feel I can make a difference in underprivileged youths' lives and make an impact on the future of their education and career) ...
Be more active in my local Victim Witness Programs...
Become a member of the Medical Assistance Advisory Committee and their sub-chapter Consumer Subcommittee.
..... Living in a place where I can have a HUGE garden and enjoying the simple things in life.

Celibrating my mother's 6th year survival of Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

Jet 03-11-2010 03:34 AM

I've been to Ireland. You'll like it.

AtLast 03-11-2010 04:57 AM

I better be fully retired and traveling!

cinderella 03-11-2010 05:25 AM

Hopefully, not dead. In 5 years I'll be 72, so who the hell knows? I just want to be healthy, and be able to take care of myself - that will be enough.

Blade 03-11-2010 06:42 AM

I've spent the biggest part of my life trying to please other people be they parents, partners, employers or friends. My resolution back in January of this year was to live for me, please me and not worry about pleasing other people.

So this year I'm working on myself. Not self esteem, I don't have a problem in that area. Rather my inner self, my mind, getting myself to a place where, I don't get upset when I'm not pleasing other people all the time.

I am hoping to have chest surgery before I'm 50, and in that time span I need to loose some weight so the surgeon can do a better job with it.

I have had Plantar fasciitis for 2 yrs, it healed last year about this time and then I partially tore my achilles tendon. I've been unable to do any lower body exercising during that time and I don't need anything muscle building above the waist. So I'm trying to make myself exercise every day. This is hard because it makes my ankle sore to use it alot, long or up hill walking, riding the bike etc so I'm going to try to get into better physical shape somehow. This is a prerequisite I set for myself before chest surgery.

Within five years I hope to have either changed jobs or changed careers. This one will be hard but I feel like it is what I need.

Last but not least, I'd hope in five years time I'd have found someone to share my life. Might happen you never know if it doesn't then it doesn't matter it will happen when God deems me ready for that journey

Rockinonahigh 03-11-2010 09:07 AM

In five years.......
Well I hope before this years is done that my back probs are fixed so I will be out of pain or at least nearly so.
When thats done and maybe before,I want to go back to work cause really like being a chef..besides who cant use a fue mor $$.
I would love to travel,meet some ppl.Who knows I may find Mrs.Right or not cause im ok as it is.
Learn to chill more and not take life so serious,love more,laugh more ect.

Apocalipstic 03-11-2010 09:15 AM

I hope to be traveling more.

Writing more.

Loving life.

Planning my retirement.

Linus 03-11-2010 09:18 AM

Hrmm... Let's see (see fine print)***

1. Finally have a driver's license
2. Finally had chest surgery
3. Be on my way to get US Citizenship
4. Bought a house with K (hopefully in either Oregon, Washington State or B.C.)
5. Gotten a Golden Retriever of my own
6. Debt free except for house and car
7. Still at same company but perhaps a manager by this point.
8. Biked from San Fran to L.A.
9. Biked from Vancouver to L.A.
10. Biked from L.A. to Mexico (where exactly is still up for grabs).

*** The goals and desires in this individual are subject to change without prior notice, if necessary, to keep the Linus sane in compliance with State and Federal laws and/or with rules and regulations of the Linus' soul and mental state.

The Linus reserves the right to change goals, dreams, desires, health outlook, and physical locale, affecting everyone. The provisions of the Linus do not constitute a contract, express or implied, between anyone and the Linus.

cinderella 03-11-2010 12:28 PM

You *do* write, and very well, I might add. Go for being published in 5 years...


Originally Posted by Ol' Jet (Post 62591)
I think I will write, not sure yet.

Apocalipstic 03-11-2010 12:30 PM

Condo, coast of Spain......

cinderella 03-11-2010 12:32 PM

Ah, nice. Can I come visit? I'll bring cookies. :)...and I speak Spanish...and I can cook - Spanish food! Pretty please... seņorita ;)


Originally Posted by apocalipstic (Post 64938)
Condo, coast of Spain......

Apocalipstic 03-11-2010 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by cinderella (Post 64939)
Ah, nice. Can I come visit? I'll bring cookies. :)


We can sit on the terrace and discuss film :)

ps. I speak Spanish too. I grew up ion Argentina.

cinderella 03-11-2010 12:37 PM

OMG!!! Can you tango? It's my favorite dance and music!!! And I love, love, love the Argentinian accent!!! Eh, che?? ;)


Originally Posted by apocalipstic (Post 64942)

We can sit on the terrace and discuss film :)

ps. I speak Spanish too. I grew up ion Argentina.

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